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June 16th games


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Here are my food based predictions for tomorrow's games

France vs Australia

Although I do love prawns on the barbie, France is still the home of some of the best cuisine in the world so it has to be the French here

Peru vs. Denmark

Peruvian cuisine features a lot of potatoes and Quinoa, while Denmark has a lot of seafood.  Plus the Danish gave the world the pastry called the Danish so I have to go for Denmark

Argentina vs Iceland

Argentina has some of the best steaks in the world, Iceland gave the world Hakkarl, which is a type of fermented shark which sounds disgusting and has one redeeming quality, it made Gordon Ramsay sick!  Argentina it is

Croatia vs. Nigeria

This is a tricky one, Croatia has some fantastic Mediterranean cuisine with some Eastern European influences, plus they are reported to have fantastic cheese and wine.   Nigeria on the other had has some excellent kinds of grilled meat such as Suya, unfortunately it's still not enough for me to pick them over Croatia.


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