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What is the point of labour ?


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1 hour ago, strichener said:

The EU quite clearly were bothered hence why the EU set conditions under which it would allow the state aid.  They didn't just waive these investments through with a shrug of the shoulders as is clear from the following extracts from the links

Over to you for your evidence that nobody blinked an eye..

Again, what's your point?  I already pointed out that there were rules and regulations to be followed in my original post. Your frothing rage appears to have been caused because you don't agree with the meaning of the phrase "nobody blinked an eye".  Ok, if it helps, I'll change it to "they nationalised a bank by following the rules and regulations set down by the EU for state aid with very little problem".  Happy now?

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1 hour ago, Im_Rodger said:

It is becoming very clear that Labour will be lucky to get into double figures (seat wise) at the next Holyrood election. 


What year do you think there will be a Conservative First Minister in Scotland?

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21 minutes ago, UsedToGoToCentralPark said:
39 minutes ago, Cerberus said:
47% of Labour voters don't know what the party's stance on Brexit is.

Does anyone? Seems to change every week and depending who is being interviewed.

It’s quite easy for anyone with the slightest interest to understand.  

However most folk don’t have the slightest interest, something that the Labour Party seem too stupid to factor in.


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2 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:
22 minutes ago, UsedToGoToCentralPark said:
Can you tell me what their policy is?

Sure. Ensure there's an extension, hold a vote of no confidence, have a general election, negotiate a deal, have a referendum on it. It's been explained many, many times.

This.  Except if the Benn Act is respected there will be no need for a confidence vote, Labour and others will agree to a GE.

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5 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

It's been agreed for a while.

Fair enough criticise them for sitting on the fence, but if you're up to date with British politics it's not that hard.

They certainly deserve criticism for fence sitting.

Corbyn deserves criticism for his outright hypocrisy.  Rightly condemning past Labour leaders for using their position to dictate policy then doing so himself.  Utter hypocrite.


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I love the astonishingly common conception that Labour’s pretty clear Brexit stance is somehow smoke and mirrors, but the government have been in some way consistent.

Boris Johnson has said No Deal is ‘a million to one’ and ‘50/50’, they’ve been refusing to negotiate before the backstop is dropped but also negotiating, he’d rather be dead in a ditch than extend A50 but he’ll also comply with the Benn Act... and so on.

Still, let’s focus on the opposition. The real baddies in all of this.

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2 hours ago, Baxter Parp said:
2 hours ago, UsedToGoToCentralPark said:
Can you tell me what their policy is?

Sure. Ensure there's an extension, hold a vote of no confidence, have a general election, negotiate a deal, have a referendum on it. It's been explained many, many times.

In all fairness what sort of deal would Labour negotiate with EU when so many do not want to leave at all. As a Remain voter I would suggest "broken glass for breakfast". Then the referendum would be "Broken glass for breakfast or Remain". Actually on second thought this might a dangerous option. 

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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:


Corbyn deserves criticism for his outright hypocrisy.  Rightly condemning past Labour leaders for using their position to dictate policy then doing so himself.  Utter hypocrite.


There was a vote and all the party processes were followed.

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It's probably better for Labour that people don't understand what the brexit plan is. I can't imagine the idea of Jezza doddering around the EU for another three months or whatever trying to negotiate his "jobs first" Brexit is a massive vote winner.

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It’s quite easy for anyone with the slightest interest to understand.  

However most folk don’t have the slightest interest, something that the Labour Party seem too stupid to factor in.


It's an idiotic policy - it's fence-sitting bullshit of the worst kind. Trying to hedge their bets as they don't want to offend either Remain voters or Leave voters - yet managing to offend both groups.


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1 hour ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

It's an idiotic policy - it's fence-sitting bullshit of the worst kind. Trying to hedge their bets as they don't want to offend either Remain voters or Leave voters - yet managing to offend both groups.


I agree.  But it’s not difficult to understand if you take just a minute or two to do so.

As I’ve said before most folk won’t take that minute or two, like it or not they want complex policies reduced to single slogans.  

The other parties realise that, Labour is too stubborn or stupid to do so.  In the forthcoming GE the perceived complexity will hurt them as much as the policy itself.



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It's an idiotic policy - it's fence-sitting bullshit of the worst kind. Trying to hedge their bets as they don't want to offend either Remain voters or Leave voters - yet managing to offend both groups. 
What would you have suggested?

All out remain straight after the vote?

I genuinely can't see how the Labour party could've played this much different. B
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