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Israel lobby v Corbyn


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12 hours ago, NorthernLights said:

I read it was, 'Free all ghettos' she wrote on it. She's chucked momentum anyway.

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Tory MEP Daniel Hannah who constantly attacks Corbyn with anti-Semitism smears today voted to protect...

Replying to
Orban: “We are fighting an enemy that is different from us. Not open, but hiding; not str'tforward but crafty; not honest but base; not n'al but intern'al; does not believe in working but speculates with money; does not have its own homeland but feels it owns the whole world.
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12 hours ago, NorthernLights said:


Disgraceful! How could she! No idea what it means.

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20 hours ago, Detournement said:

Today's smear is on Michael Foot in the Times. A paid Soviet spy apparently :whistle

I'm looking forward to hearing that Keir Hardie felt up Suffragettes and that mill workers were seen stealing from the pockets of the dead at Peterloo.


What a coincidence!

When Ian Fleming wrote James Bond, the character was loosely based on Michael Foot - but I am sure you all know that.

.. or am I thinking about Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang.

Seriously, what nonsense.  How could Michael Foot be of any use to the Soviets?  It makes far more sense to have spies within the civil service or the armed foces or wherever, who has access to state secrets that can be passed on without arising suspicion.

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1 hour ago, Fullerene said:

What a coincidence!

When Ian Fleming wrote James Bond, the character was loosely based on Michael Foot - but I am sure you all know that.

.. or am I thinking about Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang.

Seriously, what nonsense.  How could Michael Foot be of any use to the Soviets?  It makes far more sense to have spies within the civil service or the armed foces or wherever, who has access to state secrets that can be passed on without arising suspicion.

The only positive thing about all this is that it points to the establishment being shit scared of a  Labour government.

The level of hysteria will be ramped up the closer we come to a Hard-Brexit induced GE.

Blair, Brown and Major leading the call for a government of national unity will be next.


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2 hours ago, Fullerene said:

What a coincidence!

When Ian Fleming wrote James Bond, the character was loosely based on Michael Foot - but I am sure you all know that.

.. or am I thinking about Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang.

Seriously, what nonsense.  How could Michael Foot be of any use to the Soviets?  It makes far more sense to have spies within the civil service or the armed foces or wherever, who has access to state secrets that can be passed on without arising suspicion.

It relies on exactly the same "evidence" that the Sunday Times used years ago to accuse him. Foot sued them for libel and won. Now that he's dead and can't sue they're rehashing it.

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2 hours ago, NotThePars said:

So it turns out Stephen Pollard’s new attack line is accusing Corbyn’s attack on the banking elite of being coded anti-semitism. What a stunning development.

It's incredible that this Zionist zealot is given air time to spout his vile narrative.

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On 16/09/2018 at 11:50, NotThePars said:

So it turns out Stephen Pollard’s new attack line is accusing Corbyn’s attack on the banking elite of being coded anti-semitism. What a stunning development.

I read he was also praising some women who left the UK to join the IDF , like hundreds of others, it's bizarre the British citizens are allowed to go off and fight for a foreign State, in illegally occupied areas, then come back home!

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I was going to post this in the What is the point of Labour thread until I started reading it.



Voters now think Labour is almost as much of a "nasty party" as the Conservatives, a new poll has found.

Almost a third (31 per cent) see Labour as "the nasty party", while 34 per cent say the title still belongs to the Conservatives, according to a ComRes poll for Jewish News.





(Anti semitic smilie)

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There was a bomb threat and resulting in an evacuation at a cinema in Liverpool this week , a cinema that was showing a movie about Jewish support for a Political party...the caller said..

"He said: ‘It is a big Jewish event and I want to tell you that there are two bombs that will kill many people in the building.’” Wimborne-Idrissi said the man then abruptly put down the phone."

Eta You may have missed this clearly anti-Semitic attack in the MSM for some reason:rolleyes:

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So the same people who said that the IHRA definitions of anti Semitism are now trying to use those definitions against a vice president of jewish deputies for making a mild criticism of Israel.

I am shocked.

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3 hours ago, Detournement said:


So the same people who said that the IHRA definitions of anti Semitism are now trying to use those definitions against a vice president of jewish deputies for making a mild criticism of Israel.

I am shocked.

I mentioned before, it shows what an open farce this whole this "it's not about Israel" crap was .

Corbyn said at the Conference that a two state solution was the only way for peace and that Labour would recognise Palestine if they came to power... Margaret Hodge immediately said Jewish people in the UK were in danger.

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  • 2 weeks later...
25 minutes ago, Lofarl said:

It won’t be enforced by the NZ courts, but it will be interesting to see if a similar thing happens in the US.

Imagine if apartheid South Africa had tried to pull a stunt like this.


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