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Nipper Salmond


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I read an article a few years ago by Nassim Taleb and a co-author about fragility in political systems. The article argued that countries that may seem politically chaotic, like Lebanon (post Civil war) or Italy, are actually better placed to withstand disorder whereas stable countries, like Syria who had the same system of government and rulers for decades, are more vulnerable as they don’t have any ‘give’ they are stable but rigid and brittle, a little pressure and they shatter.

Could the same be said for political parties? I don’t think there’s been a more disciplined political party than the SNP since 2007 in modern British politics. I’m pretty certain that the only MSPs who ever opposed party policy in that time were the 2 or 3 who opposed the changes on membership of NATO and they were deselected. Did any of the 56 MPs between 2015-2017 ever dissent in any way?

Maybe this rigidity has caused the SNP to become brittle and a vicious personal fight could be the worst case scenario.

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I read an article a few years ago by Nassim Taleb and a co-author about fragility in political systems. The article argued that countries that may seem politically chaotic, like Lebanon (post Civil war) or Italy, are actually better placed to withstand disorder whereas stable countries, like Syria who had the same system of government and rulers for decades, are more vulnerable as they don’t have any ‘give’ they are stable but rigid and brittle, a little pressure and they shatter.

Could the same be said for political parties? I don’t think there’s been a more disciplined political party than the SNP since 2007 in modern British politics. I’m pretty certain that the only MSPs who ever opposed party policy in that time were the 2 or 3 who opposed the changes on membership of NATO and they were deselected. Did any of the 56 MPs between 2015-2017 ever dissent in any way?

Maybe this rigidity has caused the SNP to become brittle and a vicious personal fight could be the worst case scenario.

Nassim Taleb said the Lebanese weren’t real Arabs. He’s so class. Galaxy brain level intellect.
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23 minutes ago, NotThePars said:


Nassim Taleb said the Lebanese weren’t real Arabs. He’s so class. Galaxy brain level intellect.


Was he not arguing that the language spoken in Lebanon wasn't really Arabic? Bit pedantic though, like claiming Scots speakers don't speak English.

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Nassim Taleb said the Lebanese weren’t real Arabs. He’s so class. Galaxy brain level intellect.

I think there’s a school of thought that some Lebanese are descended from Phonecians and genetic studies have shown differences. I don’t know much about anything like that though.

I believe NNT was in favour of Scottish independence, if anyone is counting.
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11 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:


She should go.

She's an out and out shit stirrer who cares not a jot for the SNP,  its aims and its aspirations.

As a civil servant she's meant to help the Government of the day as much as she can but she's not expected to care a jot, she's meant to be neutral. In what way has she been shit stirring? Do you think she should have told the complainants against Salmond to bugger off?

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2 minutes ago, welshbairn said:


As a civil servant she's meant to help the Government of the day as much as she can but she's not expected to care a jot, she's meant to be neutral. In what way has she been shit stirring? Do you think she should have told the complainants against Salmond to bugger off?



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17 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I really hope you’re kidding.



Up to a point. Somehow I detect the whiff of conspiracy in this case.

I met Salmond a few years ago. He held a door open open for me and generally behaved like a perfect gentleman.


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Up to a point. Somehow I detect the whiff of conspiracy in this case.
I met Salmond a few years ago. He held a door open open for me and generally behaved like a perfect gentleman.
Probably just used the opportunity to get a fly look at your arse or something.
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1 hour ago, NotThePars said:

I asked already but what’s the deal with Joanna Cherry? The red tops seem to be highlighting tweets she’s liking that are a bit suspect wrt Salmond.

Can't find much about Salmond after a quick scan of her twitter feed, but it's full of puff RTs saying how brilliant she is. Sounds more like she wants Sturgeon's job for herself than getting Salmond back in.

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31 minutes ago, Loondave1 said:
47 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:
Up to a point. Somehow I detect the whiff of conspiracy in this case.
I met Salmond a few years ago. He held a door open open for me and generally behaved like a perfect gentleman.

Probably just used the opportunity to get a fly look at your arse or something.


Actually he could have got an eyeful of more than that. I was having a pee at Embra Airport and didn't realise who the guy who had been stood next to me was, until he held the door open for me. I tend not to look at fellow peers in these circumstances, preferring to concentrate on the matter in hand.

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