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Anyone stopped drinking for 6 months/a year


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12 hours ago, Dons_1988 said:


Cut out booze, gym 5 times a week, cut out eating any shit whatsoever. Was all perfectly healthy. Went from 102.5kg to 83kg in 75 days (so I suppose you could round up to 11 weeks).


ETA - also walking the dog twice a day in addition to the gym


You should edit again to add you walked the dog from Aberdeen to Gretna!

Good work on the weight loss though.    It's about finding a diet that works.    That's why I love the Quavers diet.  

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my father who i no longer have any association with was a functioning alcoholic. he was a police chief inspector until retirement and would scoop 2/3 bottles of wine a night. i grew up in an environment where it was perfectly acceptable to come in from work and pour a drink. i got into the habit of doing the exact same from about 16 and it cost me many relationships and friendships.

im 31 now and ill easily admit i had a huge problem with alcohol and cocaine after my marriage broke down. it was every night to excess.

long story short i had a stroke at 30 years old and i put it down to my hazardous lifestyle. im on over 30 tablets a day now and i blame the drink.

not everyone needs to live like a monk but beware of the damage pushing it can do.

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I’ve decided I’m going to (almost) stop drinking. If I didn’t like whisky and wine so much I would consider quitting altogether.

I’m sick of being hungover and wasting days off. I’ve had a few nights out recently where I can’t remember half the night, which is pointless really. I’ve got zero self control and when I’m wrecked I’ll keep drinking. It’s a waste of money and time and I’m not enjoying it any more. I’m also pretty sure I can link recent anxiety attacks - that I’ve recently discovered I can be prone to - to hangovers.

I get more of a kick from going to the gym or going outdoors to hill walk or do photography than feeling like a sack of shit. The only time I feel like the only time I want to drink right now is having a wine when I’m out for dinner/having a nice meal or trying different whiskies. Other than that I’m not particularly bothered for booze anymore just now.

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I’ve decided I’m going to (almost) stop drinking. If I didn’t like whisky and wine so much I would consider quitting altogether.

I’m sick of being hungover and wasting days off. I’ve had a few nights out recently where I can’t remember half the night, which is pointless really. I’ve got zero self control and when I’m wrecked I’ll keep drinking. It’s a waste of money and time and I’m not enjoying it any more. I’m also pretty sure I can link recent anxiety attacks - that I’ve recently discovered I can be prone to - to hangovers.

I get more of a kick from going to the gym or going outdoors to hill walk or do photography than feeling like a sack of shit. The only time I feel like the only time I want to drink right now is having a wine when I’m out for dinner/having a nice meal or trying different whiskies. Other than that I’m not particularly bothered for booze anymore just now.

Same thought I had.

I recently had a night where I couldn’t even remember anything after 5, and the fear destroyed me.

I’m happy enough sampling different beers in the house and the occasional night out.
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2 hours ago, jamamafegan said:

I’ve decided I’m going to (almost) stop drinking. If I didn’t like whisky and wine so much I would consider quitting altogether.

I’m sick of being hungover and wasting days off. I’ve had a few nights out recently where I can’t remember half the night, which is pointless really. I’ve got zero self control and when I’m wrecked I’ll keep drinking. It’s a waste of money and time and I’m not enjoying it any more. I’m also pretty sure I can link recent anxiety attacks - that I’ve recently discovered I can be prone to - to hangovers.

I get more of a kick from going to the gym or going outdoors to hill walk or do photography than feeling like a sack of shit. The only time I feel like the only time I want to drink right now is having a wine when I’m out for dinner/having a nice meal or trying different whiskies. Other than that I’m not particularly bothered for booze anymore just now.

i'm on the same boat as you , the older i've got the more drunk and stupid i get on the drink , i end up not remembering nights out and this is only a new thing for me forggeting things from the night before.


you'd think you would get better with drink as you get older but i've done the opposite

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3 hours ago, throbber said:


No I managed to abstain from it for the night following a good few scoops on Sunday. Won’t have a drink until Friday night and then have a wedding on Saturday which I will probably have a couple at but hopefully nothing too heavy.


Only drinking for three days out of seven is a tremendous effort. 

If anyone wants to nominate throbber for this you can do so here:



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13 minutes ago, throbber said:

Well excuse me for not being perfect like you so obviously are.


You are not excused.

To be honest, this is all an act I do on here.  I am actually a shamblin urine soaked alcoholic disgrace.  I make Shandon Par look like Ian Paisley.

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On 26/09/2018 at 14:57, Sir Kevin Of Kilsyth said:

Ive not had a drink since March 10th. My situations a bit different though as Im an alcoholic and this is my first proper attempt to get off it. Went from being a heavy drinker in my late teens through to a problem drinker in my early-mid 20s to a full on jakeball the last couple of years. 

The hardest bit for me is not being able to go certain places. I know my limitations and I cant sit in pubs all day or get the supporters bus to away games. I dont think I would drink straight away if I did those things but complacency would gradually set in and I just wouldnt enjoy being in those places without a booze.  So Ive had to change my whole life basically.  

Its all about finding other things you can do. Ive rekindled my interest in a lot of things that I stopped doing when the booze took over and Im currently getting tore into a Masters Degree (excuse no to have to work for a year). 

And before any c**t says it the apostrophe button is indeed broke on there shitey UWS computers. 

Proud of you mate. It’s some shift you’ve put in.

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