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Berwick Rangers 2018/2019 Thread

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3 hours ago, DutchBorderer said:

Perhaps so, but if there ever was a time for Brennan to show he's got what it takes, it's on Saturday.


Thoughts on this line-up?

Healy - Adamson - Aloulou

Ogilvie - Barr - Blues

McIlduff - Orru - Brydon - Someone who can be bothered to turn up for once


Brennan is OK ( but doesn't collect crosses as well as Allison). 

Orru is injured. 

Harvey has (I think), never dropped any of his 3 Penicuik recruits, so Forbes will surely be right back and Hume will be in Central defence if he recovers from the knock he got on Tuesday. 

I think the lineup is more likely to be 


Forbes, Hume, Brydon, Cook

Brown, Blues, Barr, Ogilvie

Adamson Aloulou. 

(Healey needs a rest). 

If Hume is out, Mcilduff can go left back and Cook Centre-half. Wilson would be a big risk unless he us told that we are playing one touch football and he has to lump it immediately. O'Kane may also be an option over Ogilvie. 

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To suggest orru at centre half is absolutely bonkers, he’s potentially the worst defender/player in the league. He does a mazy run down the left hand side every so often and people are crying him the next Andy Robertson. For me it has to be Wilson in there with Brydon. Comment regarding Wilson lumping it immediately, that would do me fine on Saturday, cliftonhill and it’s surface is a shit hole so I’d love to see bob in there some1 who’s going to put his body on the line! 



forbes. Wilson. Brydon. cook

barr brown blues Mcilduff 

healy aloulou. 


Lewis Barr could be the difference between the 2 sides on sat. 


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17 minutes ago, Redcar said:

Harvey has (I think), never dropped any of his 3 Penicuik recruits, so Forbes will surely be right back and Hume will be in Central defence if he recovers from the knock he got on Tuesday.

That begs the question whether he should start dropping them at some point, I really want to see McIlduff get more game time.

6 minutes ago, Fergie1 said:

To suggest orru at centre half is absolutely bonkers, he’s potentially the worst defender/player in the league. He does a mazy run down the left hand side every so often and people are crying him the next Andy Robertson.

I'm not saying Orru isn't bang average at best, but I think I'd prefer him over Wilson if the latter is not strictly committed to hoofball.

8 minutes ago, Fergie1 said:

Lewis Barr could be the difference between the 2 sides on sat.

Agreed, hoping Blues will show some progress too now that he's had more time with the squad.

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Forbes, Wilson, Brydon, Mciduff

O'Kane Blues

Brown Barr Oglivie



Smaller pitch will suit Wilson and Brydon who were promising together against Stirling and worth another go here.

We need someone to mix it and O'Kane provides good energy in the middle with Blues. 

Get the three ahead of them on the ball and they will create chances.

Personally I don't give a toss if we play 8-1-1 as long as we return with at least a point. 

Come on you Gers


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15 minutes ago, berwick-the-unbeatable said:
26 minutes ago, dougster said:
Another keeper on loan, just what we need, trouble is we can't play all 3 at once.
Seriously though,  Am I missing something here?  We need GOALS not another GOAL-IE, as a wise man once said, you couldn't make it up

Our good one has a dislocated knee

really? ffs When did this happen

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When McGurn got suspended earlier in the season Cowden went and got Stretch on loan from Livi as Goodfellow was deemed not good enough. They then went and signed another goalkeeper on loan from Partick and Goodfellow was demoted to third choice.  

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Just had a look at the line-ups at the start of the season. For instance, away to Cowden, from the starting line-up we have lost Willis, Lavery, Todd and Phillips. Gone from the bench are Fleming, Murrell and Neil.

Now that team was crap - we lost 4-0 - but that represents a huge amount of SPFL experience being shown the door, and replacing it with the Penicuik 3 and a raft of youngsters from lower leagues and teenage loanees. 

The youngsters are arguably more gifted footballers, and some of those that left had lost the plot, but haemhorraging that much experience has left us even more fragile than we started off. 

Having said that, the current squad can only improve with time, whilst some of those mentioned will never play SPFL again, but for this season I think we are paying the price for ditching all that knowledge. 


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Todd the only one of that line-up I'd take back tbh but I agree with the point that it represents alot of change and loss of league experience mid-season.

I was surprised how poor Phillips was yesterday, always liked Gary at Berwick. Forbes was giving him a 5 yard head start and he was still leaving him for dead  down the near side in the second half. 

Incomings :-

Starting the season with that clown Adams between the sticks was a huge error, Allison although now injured did well, he'll will certainly be missed. Hopefully Sean takes his chance.

Forbes is a good right back for this league, I think he has now proved that in his performances.

Brydon will only get better and although he made a few mistakes yesterday he is still our best central defender. Great to have him back at this level.

Hume, For me just isn't up to this standard and not as good as Todd.

Barr, Different class, I'd be signing him on a longer term deal. One player we have that could mix it at a much higher level. Best business the club has done for a while.

Blues, Good player that will hopefully get better with regular football but needs to do better with his energy levels than he did yesterday. 

Ahmed, For me not good enough. His second touch wasnt even a tackle yesterday as his first touch had rebounded that far away.

Adamson, Playing out of position on the right hand side but looks worth a go through the middle with Healy struggling, early days just now for him.

Overall the incomings have to be a positive but it still leaves our squad well short to compete for even the middle of the table. Need to get over the line with some positive performances and add some quality and league experience over the summer. That is easier said than done but will hopefully prove less of a challenge than the January window with more players available for free. If it means spending an extra 10k, it needs to be done to try and stabilise the club before moving forward.

Players fought hard in the second half yesterday, particularly in the latter stages of the game, leaving the impression the dressing room is right behind the manager. 



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Experience is a must going forward, especially if next season ends up to be as nervy as this year. Couple of old blokes like Brydon who've seen it all would be incredibly valuable to an otherwise young dressing room, never mind whether they play all that often or not. If you can show Shielfield to be a conducive learning environment, clubs further up the pyramid will be more likely to let youngsters come on loan, which will avoid situations where we (are forced to) take a punt on someone like Aloulou.

I'd also like some guideline in place in terms of quality over quality; the turnover rate of players has been shocking and second-worst only to Rovers (thinking about it we might be worse actually). I'd rather we budget for one half decent player than three question marks that may or may not pan out.

Speaking of money, keep Pound For Pound running and keep brainstorming about new sources of income. The social media channels are doing great, hopefully  those can increase fan engagement and can encourage a few more bums to fill seats.

Worst comes to worst, explore the possibility of changing home and away shirts every season - we get new sponsors each year any way. Scrap the relevant passage from the fan charter and you're good to go, although, again, a couple of surveys should be held to see if this would yield a worthwile increase in sales numbers.

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Valid points regarding the turnover in players this season alone. Although the players that have came in may have better quality than the ones that went out. Might have been the managers biggest mistake so far trying to change too much to quickly, as I would imagine that would cause a lot of unrest amongst the dressing room especially when mentioned guys like Hume are playing every week when simply not good enough and the skipper is sitting on the bench. I think that has shown in recent displays on the pitch. I don’t understand how Murphy isn’t getting a game either looked a cracking prospect every time I’ve seen him, has been unlucky with injuries but has been back fit for a while now. 

On a plus note I’m not entirely sure but I think with the exception of the Penicuik lads most contracts will be up in the summer so hopefully most will move on and get signings in early doors allow them to gel and have a strong pre season. 

The question has to be though is Harvey the man we trust to do this? I don’t belive so personally but time will tell and hopefully I end up eating humble pie. 

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9 hours ago, LogieLivi said:

Hey folks.
Wanting to see what you guys think if Matthew Knox? He came on loan to you from us but he's not been in the side for a number of weeks now.
Is he injured?

He's been away on trial in the USA for a couple of weeks. Philadelphia Union, I think. If it doesn't work out, he comes back to us. 

Shown some flashes of skill but difficult for him to impress in a side that concedes goals for fun. 

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