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Berwick Rangers 2018/2019 Thread

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Here I go, I've got to get this off my chest.

I'm no Johnny Harvey  but I do actually feel sorry for him a wee bit, just a wee bit!

Clearly, he is out of his depth, but he was offered the job and took it, who wouldn't, when a chance appears to springboard you into league football, after managing in the lower leagues.

Lets face it he's got no tactics, no contacts, and no idea, but that's not all his fault.

JH obviously sold himself well, when he was interviewed for the job - BRFC or rather the incoming chairman fell for it hook, line and sinker (sinker, that's a word to haunt us!) 

In reality, yes, JH has got everything woefully wrong, his players are not performing, his tactics are non existent, but week in week out he's put in front of the cameras to defend himself and his team, he gets slaughtered, most of the time and rightly so, but he's just a young lad trying to make his way in the game, this time it hasn't worked out, but he might go on to better things, after all he's only human.

Regardless of the results and the fact that the man is out of his depth, he's been hung out to dry and left on his own by the hierarchy of the football club, like him or loath him, nobody deserves that, the hierarchy should have been helping him through this period, giving him any support he required.  When  the team starting losing constantly, they should have acted quickly to rectify the problem, even if that meant sacking JH, instead they left the situation  to fester until we are where we are today.

Basically, we have little hope of surviving this debacle, I can't see us overturning Albion tomorrow, therefore it will be the play-offs, EK or Cove have the best opportunity they have had for a long time to get into the league system, sadly, I don't think we can raise our game to beat anyone at the moment, hopefully I will be proved wrong though.

Look through the glass windows of the directors box tomorrow, there you will see the real faces of those who may have cost the town their football league club; President Hush, Chairman Eyre, Vice Chairman and future Chairman Bell, Directors McLaren , Parkin, Beresford and Exley, but don't forget the ones who won't be there, the members of the attempted coup; Hamilton, Graham Bell, Tait, Hood and that nutter who was on the Council Watkin. I've deliberately not mentioned Matthewson as he could potentially be good for the club in the longer term if we have any hope of resurrecting ourselves. 

Where will we end up, ahaha, I hear you say ' the new stadium' the pipe dream of the incoming chairman, this will be good, no team and a £5 million white elephant, get real!

What about the hierarchy; Saturday night they will be out on the town telling anyone who will listen that the situation is not their fault, it's the towns fault for not supporting the team or local businesses fault for not sponsoring the team, or JH 's fault because he is shite, maybe if they hadn't had to deal with the coup they could have turned things around, regardless the buck stops with them, if only one good thig comes out of this situation, it will be the end of the road for the prawn sandwich brigade, no more free football on Saturdays, drinks in the boardroom, no more jobs for the directors own businesses, paid out of club coffers, its over, well and truly over! - 138 years of history down the pan, will the current hierarchy stand up and take a bow, then put the light off on the way out.

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Here I go, I've got to get this off my chest.
I'm no Johnny Harvey  but I do actually feel sorry for him a wee bit, just a wee bit!
Clearly, he is out of his depth, but he was offered the job and took it, who wouldn't, when a chance appears to springboard you into league football, after managing in the lower leagues.
Lets face it he's got no tactics, no contacts, and no idea, but that's not all his fault.
JH obviously sold himself well, when he was interviewed for the job - BRFC or rather the incoming chairman fell for it hook, line and sinker (sinker, that's a word to haunt us!) 
In reality, yes, JH has got everything woefully wrong, his players are not performing, his tactics are non existent, but week in week out he's put in front of the cameras to defend himself and his team, he gets slaughtered, most of the time and rightly so, but he's just a young lad trying to make his way in the game, this time it hasn't worked out, but he might go on to better things, after all he's only human.
Regardless of the results and the fact that the man is out of his depth, he's been hung out to dry and left on his own by the hierarchy of the football club, like him or loath him, nobody deserves that, the hierarchy should have been helping him through this period, giving him any support he required.  When  the team starting losing constantly, they should have acted quickly to rectify the problem, even if that meant sacking JH, instead they left the situation  to fester until we are where we are today.
Basically, we have little hope of surviving this debacle, I can't see us overturning Albion tomorrow, therefore it will be the play-offs, EK or Cove have the best opportunity they have had for a long time to get into the league system, sadly, I don't think we can raise our game to beat anyone at the moment, hopefully I will be proved wrong though.
Look through the glass windows of the directors box tomorrow, there you will see the real faces of those who may have cost the town their football league club; President Hush, Chairman Eyre, Vice Chairman and future Chairman Bell, Directors McLaren , Parkin, Beresford and Exley, but don't forget the ones who won't be there, the members of the attempted coup; Hamilton, Graham Bell, Tait, Hood and that nutter who was on the Council Watkin. I've deliberately not mentioned Matthewson as he could potentially be good for the club in the longer term if we have any hope of resurrecting ourselves. 
Where will we end up, ahaha, I hear you say ' the new stadium' the pipe dream of the incoming chairman, this will be good, no team and a £5 million white elephant, get real!
What about the hierarchy; Saturday night they will be out on the town telling anyone who will listen that the situation is not their fault, it's the towns fault for not supporting the team or local businesses fault for not sponsoring the team, or JH 's fault because he is shite, maybe if they hadn't had to deal with the coup they could have turned things around, regardless the buck stops with them, if only one good thig comes out of this situation, it will be the end of the road for the prawn sandwich brigade, no more free football on Saturdays, drinks in the boardroom, no more jobs for the directors own businesses, paid out of club coffers, its over, well and truly over! - 138 years of history down the pan, will the current hierarchy stand up and take a bow, then put the light off on the way out.
I've no sympathy for him whatsoever. He knows hes out of his depth and should have done the right thing and stepped down months ago.
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Commendable stuff from a few local businesses. Hope the players respond. 
And if the players do really read these posts, (and If they are as miffed with the boss as some people report), I hope they can give 110% for the fans and for themselves. 
Big crowd Saturday. Give us your all lads, and we'll be right behind you. 

Why is it the local businesses doing this? Have the Board put anything in place to incentivise the team? Frankly I think it’s hugely embarrassing. They’ll not need to pay out unfortunately but certainly well done to them for caring enough.
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Could use a pound and point money  19 points = £19 per pledge - what a joke!

The reality is that Berwick Rangers Football Club have no credibility  whatsoever in the town - why would local businesses want to  incentivise a team of duds, but you have to  commend the businesses that have came forward and the mayor for coming up with this idea, even though it is likely to be to late, at least the mayor is trying.

The directors are as usual conspicuous by their silence, no statements, no facebook postings, nothing.

At least the club's president will know how to carry out the funeral!!

Do you think they will play the last post at 4.45pm tomorrow :whistle


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Berwick should just open the gates the morn and let the Berwick public in for free to get behind the team.I fear for you lot their seems a toxic atmosphere around the club at the moment.
Albion are on a decent run as well and know their within touching distance of being safe.......May the best team win

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4 hours ago, Back Beach said:

B’Jesus, hadn’t noticed Berwick had fallen back so badly. Good luck tomorrow 3 points a must.

This is the real JH.

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On 24/04/2019 at 12:56, Johnny Harvey said:

We are all wanting the same thing let's do it with beating albion.   

If you don't succeed, no need to come on and post a long winded list of reasons why.

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21 minutes ago, Ducket Lodger said:

Cough's to busy fixing the roof, it fucked like the club

Maybe for the better. The last three teams he has managed are East Stirlingshire, Selkirk and Berwick. Lucky charm springs to mind.

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58 minutes ago, Hectorhero said:

If Berwick go down does everyone think 

1) JH will resign

2) JH will be sacked

3) Who the fans would like to be new manager 

1) I wouldn't have thought so, he's stuck like a leech so far

2) F***king hope so !! If the board grow some nuts

3) Anyone would be an improvement, realistically ?? Jesus Christ because we need a miracle >>>>>>> or 5

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