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Weezer albums

Ranaldo Bairn

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With the revelation that there's not one but two Weezer albums coming out in the next couple of months, I thought I'd have a wee ponder and try and rank their existing 11 full lengths according to some utterly changeable and random criteria in my head. A one word descriptor is attached, and I'd be glad to see other versions.

1 Green (Choruses)

2 Maladroit (Riffs)

3 Blue (90's)

4 Red (Variation)

5 EWBAITE (Comforting)

6 Make Believe (Straightforward)

7 Pinkerton (Rough)

8 Pacific Daydream (Feyness)

9 Raditude (Erm…)

10 White (Boring)

11 Hurley (Catastrophic)


I really like the Death to False Metal compilation too but do not count it.

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Kenosha, Wisconsin’s own!


Anyone tried the fish?


Anyway, used to be a massive Weezer fan. Blue Album is still one of my all time favourites, easily top 3. Fell away from them round about Hurley and haven’t heard any of their stuff since that album since it was pretty gash and Raditude, although better, wasn’t really what I wanted from Weezer.


Is it worth giving any of their subsequent stuff a listen?


Anyway, here’s my ranking;


1.       Blue Album - So awesome! The Windows 95 CD had the Buddy Holly video, referenced above, on it, and although it wouldn’t be until 2001ish until I really got in to them, I loved it, and still do. It’s definitely the third most played album of my life in terms of how many times I’ve listened to it. I know every word to every song).

2.       Maladroit - Because there are some absolutely terrific melodies on this. The intro to Burnt Jamb just appears in my head all the time, like at least once or twice a week, and has done so since I first heard it back in 2002. Dope Nose, Hash Pipe, Slob, Keep Fishin’, Take Control; all brilliant!.

3.       Green Album - For such a short album, (it’s only half an hour long!) it sure packs in so many hooks. Photograph is such a tune. Island in the Sun, Crab, Don’t Let Go; all excellent stuff.

4.       Pinkerton – I listened to this last week for the first time in ages. Some great stuff, but I found a lot of the lyrics pretty cringey, which is why I have 3 albums before it. Still, the tunes are catchy as f**k. Interesting trivia; if you took out the plastic bit that holds the CD and expose the paper under it to sunlight you’ll get a lovely picture.

5.       Make Believe – Close to being number 4, but just misses out. It’s still cracking though.

6.       Red Album – Starting to struggle a bit here. Some great tunes, but some misfires as well.

7.       Raditude – Meh. A few decent tunes but a lot of generic pap.

8.       Hurley – I only purchased this because of Memories. I can’t really recall anything else on this album, ironically making it totally unmemorable.

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So Blue, Maladroit and Green are pretty much universally among people's top 3 or so.

Pinkerton always grates with me as RC is so clearly raging at everyone and everything that it feels slapped together. I know it wasn't, of course.

DA - I'd recommend EWBAITE post Red, and that's about it.

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12 hours ago, Ranaldo Bairn said:

So Blue, Maladroit and Green are pretty much universally among people's top 3 or so.

Pinkerton always grates with me as RC is so clearly raging at everyone and everything that it feels slapped together. I know it wasn't, of course.

DA - I'd recommend EWBAITE post Red, and that's about it.

Thanks. I'll give it a try.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think it's going to be slated.It's so cheesy. Only Weezer fans will appreciate the joke.  The video for Take Me On with young Finn from Stranger Things is just brilliant. 

I actually like a couple of tracks on it, but, I remember most of them first time round. It put a smile on my face. That doesn't happen too often.

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15 hours ago, Musketeer Gripweed said:

I think it's going to be slated.It's so cheesy. Only Weezer fans will appreciate the joke.  The video for Take Me On with young Finn from Stranger Things is just brilliant. 

I actually like a couple of tracks on it, but, I remember most of them first time round. It put a smile on my face. That doesn't happen too often.

I'm not sure it's cheesy as much as hackneyed.  It's not atrocious, like Hurley, or Pacific Daydream. I'd put it in the category of Weezer albums that I'd happily never hear ever again, but that doesn't fill me with hate and rage... like Black is going to.

Without looking it up, I reckon it's a 4.7 Pitchfork album.

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9 minutes ago, L. Brilliant said:

I found it a curious listen because of how faithful they are not just to the original arrangements but to exact timbres. The Weezer i like i know really well, but other stuff has passed me by completely so i might not be in on a joke. What are they doing this for?

I think it's  another one of River's slightly uncomfortable promises to one of his teenage fans in Japan.

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The correct answer to this is Blue or Pinkerton first and second with Maladroit third and Green fourth. Then stop.

I'm not going to listen to this new album but it has possibly inspired to me try and remember the punk covers section of my teens. I might go crazy and stick that stupid Less Than Jake covering covering the Grease soundtrack on at the gym tomorrow.

I'm sure I used to have multiple albums in a series which were nothing but American punk pop bands doing duff covers. Any ideas?

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