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Uni obviously did cheat or they wouldn’t be thrown out the league. 

I still think Tollcross have the best squad talent wise in LEAFA and I really do rate salvy but as Sandys said for some reason they just don’t have the bottle to withstand the title chase and I believe Sandys will win the league after it not looking the best a month or two ago.


i think ESV will strengthen next year and Danderhall 

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3 minutes ago, Cocoleafa said:

Uni obviously did cheat or they wouldn’t be thrown out the league. 

I still think Tollcross have the best squad talent wise in LEAFA and I really do rate salvy but as Sandys said for some reason they just don’t have the bottle to withstand the title chase and I believe Sandys will win the league after it not looking the best a month or two ago.


i think ESV will strengthen next year and Danderhall 

Exactly what I've been saying. Obviously phildo doesnt agree even though he walked out on us after we exited the east of Scotland cup. Skid Mark's all round

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11 minutes ago, Sandysafc said:

I'll show you gob shite when I see you ya Judas p***k

Can’t wait see you tomorrow but we both know that nothing will get said or done as your too scared to reveal yourself on this so clearly won’t have the balls to say boo tomorrow .

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5 minutes ago, Sandysafc said:

Exactly what I've been saying. Obviously phildo doesnt agree even though he walked out on us after we exited the east of Scotland cup. Skid Mark's all round

The only thing you have said that’s correct so far. I walked after the pennies game but nothing to do with the loss at all. If you play for Sandys like you say you do then you will know why I left. 

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5 minutes ago, Cocoleafa said:

Why did u leave them? 

Wait till we see what Sandysafc says first cause we will find out if they actually do play for Sandys like they say or it’s just a very strange man pretending to be someone and making Sandys look bad 

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4 hours ago, HendersonDelivers said:

He isn’t leavin. You could take it

That makes no sense. Are you even at Salvie or just another one on here that’s at the madam?

Never understood grown men hiding behind usernames as someone has already said, to try and get bites and talk nonsense on forums. 

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10 hours ago, Phildo said:

Another one who has skid marks on there teeth with the amount of shite you talk. Hiding behind user names cause your too scared to have an opinion and have everyone know who you are. 

New sheriff in town aye :whistle

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11 hours ago, Phildo said:

Wait till we see what Sandysafc says first cause we will find out if they actually do play for Sandys like they say or it’s just a very strange man pretending to be someone and making Sandys look bad 

You left because you weren't getting as much of a say as others in charge. What have I said that's made Sandy's look bad? Why would you even be bothered about Sandy's anyway you walked

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55 minutes ago, Sandysafc said:

You left because you weren't getting as much of a say as others in charge. What have I said that's made Sandy's look bad? Why would you even be bothered about Sandy's anyway you walked

Well after playing for them for many years as well as running them for 2 and a half years off course I’m gonna be bothered about them. And I left cause I fell out with Handren when we played danderhall things got said and after that it wasn’t the same for me. So nothing at all to do with having a say as we all got a equal say so I was defo right when I called you a gob shite. Hopefully you have the balls to say something to me the day but we both know that’s never gonna happen as your a sad pathetic imbecile and hide behind a user name. And you have been acting arrogant and full of your self and made comments making the club look just like you when there not. 

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On 24/04/2019 at 13:36, Sandysafc said:

He left because he wasnt enjoying it

Another horse shit post hahaha wasn’t enjoying it or no getting a say make your mind up which lie your gonna tell and stick to it. I don’t think you are even anything to do with Sandys at all and just on here to spout shite and cause trouble by making comments whilst hiding scared behind your username 

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So if you left because of an argument with daz and things weren't the same after surely that's the same as not enjoying it?

I think you're bitter cos the rumours are out that some of the Sandy's players are joining your team.

As for arrogance you only have to look at the Twitter page that YOU controlled

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1 minute ago, Sandysafc said:

So if you left because of an argument with daz and things weren't the same after surely that's the same as not enjoying it?

I think you're bitter cos the rumours are out that some of the Sandy's players are joining your team.

As for arrogance you only have to look at the Twitter page that YOU controlled

You can call it what you want I’ve left now it’s done and I’m certainly not a Judas that’s for sure and as far as me being bitter hahaha I’ve never been bitter in my life so no gonna start now there was always gonna be ‘rumours’ that players that play for Sandys this season are ment to be coming to my team next season but you could say that about any team and any player as when the season is finished every player is up for grabs. 

The twitter account was more banter than arrogance in my opinion but if you think it’s arrogance fair enough. 

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19 minutes ago, NickyRFC said:

How’s your squad looking Phil? Wish you well and hopeful you and Ryan dinse will be in the premier as soon as. 

Sandys to remain dominant for next few years IMO

I don’t have a squad yet mate as this season is still going and cheers 

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1 hour ago, Safc2017 said:

I think it's dinsey with a fake Sandy's account :whistle

:lol: care to run that by me just as to why on Earth i would have a fake Sandys account? 

Im more than happy to give my honest opinions on any matters that are discussed here under my own name as i always have done  so unlike some, not scared to hide behind a username 

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