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Clyde FC; Season 2022-23

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Airdrie have been awfu (not a surprise given their team) l but our midfield has played some lovely football. I'd be giving Kennedy a contract at halftime.

Jones isn't a target at all, I'm not really sure what he is supposed to be but his humiliation of Fordyce with a brilliant step over was worth the trip.

Can we get Tom Lang back yet?

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The sides are imbalanced for sure. We're more or less full strength minus Goodie and Mitchell. Lots of good possession and little pressing from Airdrie has let us strut our stuff. Splaine in particular in the first half hour.

We would get found out badly down the left in a competitive game with the current eleven and shape, which has Livingstone and Cuddihy high up at times on either side.

Jones drew players in to make room for the busy Love to score the first. And we worked a nice move across the pitch to see Jones showboating with a back heel to finish the second. It's almost as if he read your posts, Brian. And mine to be fair; so much depends on how he's used but in this system it's a very favourable arrangement for him. I think Cunningham and Love could've gotten closer to him at times but it's the first time we've set up like this so you'd expect a bit of fine tuning.

I do rue a bit that Chris Johnstone and Mark Lamont aren't with us any longer. As well as Love as has done in his role today and yesterday, a nippier and more polished player like Johnstone could really thrive in a system like this behind Jones. Think Brian Gilmour behind Gary Arbuckle. The latter almost seemed to overcome his limitations with a player like Gilmour plugging away in between the lines and turning on a sixpence to feed him.

Let's see what we're up to in the second.

Edited by Clydeside
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Owen Andrew looks like a bit of a find, I have to say. It'll be interesting to see how he settles in moving forward.

We looked nowhere near as good without Gomis, and of all the new signings Mortimer and Docherty are the ones I still have serious concerns over - the former just doesn't look comfortable at all. Splaine did well today but faded, perhaps the result of a combination of tired legs and Gomis' substitution. Balatoni looks good and Page seems rather steady alongside him. I wasn't overly impressed by, and don't think we will see a great deal of, Jones but he's a decent option to have and will occupy defenders and free up Goodwillie in games where we find ourselves having to play more direct and off of second balls. All in all though, hard to read too much into that game given the opposition and the fact it's pre-season.

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I thought we looked good today but the quality of the opposition probably played a part.

Really like the midfield duo of Gomis and Splaine.

We played football on the deck and moved the ball quickly.

Central defence looked relatively composed.

Negatives? Jones will have a job to convince me that he'll contribute much this season. I thought he looks laboured and his touch was poor. Although at least he scored.

And the trialist in goal didn't cover himself in glory. Particularly cross balls and his distribution. Hopefully that's just nerves.

All in all I'm looking forward to the season. I certainly feel much more optimistic after the friendlies than I did before.

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To read this thread big Jones might wonder what he'll have to do to win us over.

Sure, his limitations are there for all to see. But he held up play well and frequently enough today to earn praise for that. Leave aside the fact that his presence created the first goal for us and he scored a classy goal himself.

Just because he'll take it into feet instinctively rather than on his napper every time doesn't mean he isn't a target. I'd like his target man game to be more old school. I think I've said that before. But given how able we are to knock it about we should be happy that, as someone remarked, there's trace elements of a decent five a side player in him too. He can work on his Andy Smith, Graeme Jones etc. impression as we go through the season.

Like everyone else, but for Cuddihy should he play on the right, I worry about us in the full back areas. I include a concern about Livingstone as a defender in that estimate. And I think we need a bigger, good quality centre half in the side too. Who knows. Maybe Cassidy can push on.

Just give Kennedy the papers before he's pinched.

Would be a wee bit worried if I was an Airdrie man but there's time yet of course.

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Funny old experience Broadwood today.  We really do overplay the misery.  We say NO PARKING.  MASKS MUST BE WORN.  SEPARATE FROM OTHER BY 1 ROW AND X SEATS.  

Many people parked to the LHS as walk towards the stand. People (rightly imo) didn't have ware masks during the game and it was nice to see old pals sitting with one another. The sound on the PA was really poor, as if half time came as a surprise I didn't hear who the kids on the pitch were or why they were there...

I thought we played, or were allowed to play, nice 2- touch football.  Looked comfortable in middle at the back.  Decent distribution.  Gomis and Spilane looked accomplished in the middle and the big boy held the ball up well Love worked really hard. Thought our LB game his opponent too much space. The wee goalie despite some dodgy kicks made a few confident saves.  


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