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Is there any country that doesn’t have a national debt?  I’d imagine not and I’d imagine all thinking people would consider it something we should have an interest in.
I would have thought that so long as we can service it without too much damage to the economy.
Of course none of that really negates my point about PFI.

So if we can service nearly 2 trillion debt what does the small beer of a few PFI contracts matter?
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2 minutes ago, Scary Bear said:


So if we can service nearly 2 trillion debt what does the small beer of a few PFI contracts matter?

It matters in that it transfers wealth to the richest. So you have the double whammy of the government having less to spend on services and the richest having extra money to buy assets they can use as a source of rent.

Until MMT is recognised we are stuck with the current nonsense monetary policy.

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8 minutes ago, Scary Bear said:


So if we can service nearly 2 trillion debt what does the small beer of a few PFI contracts matter?


We can debate about the national debt and the merits or otherwise of the expenditure that has contributed and is contributing to it.  I would support some of that expenditure and oppose other elements.  

In the same way I can be critical of how certain capital projects were financed.

In the same way it doesn’t matter how personally well off I am I would be unhappy about anyone trying to rip me off.



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9 minutes ago, Detournement said:

It matters in that it transfers wealth to the richest. So you have the double whammy of the government having less to spend on services and the richest having extra money to buy assets they can use as a source of rent.

Until MMT is recognised we are stuck with the current nonsense monetary policy.


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It matters in that it transfers wealth to the richest. So you have the double whammy of the government having less to spend on services and the richest having extra money to buy assets they can use as a source of rent.
Until MMT is recognised we are stuck with the current nonsense monetary policy.

To be clear, what matters? The government paying for PFI contracts or paying interest on the national debt?
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19 minutes ago, Scary Bear said:


So if we can service nearly 2 trillion debt what does the small beer of a few PFI contracts matter?



Guess it depends who it's being owed to. I think Ann Pettifor wrote a good book The Production of Money which discusses it.

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At the time I thought the PFI contracts were terrible - and they probably are - but events since then in terms of bank bailouts, ongoing budget deficits and accumulated debt, means they hold less interest now. At least I saw a physical thing for that money - new schools.


The point about national debt being a normal state of affairs is often mentioned on here. Tripling the national debt since 2008 for no appreciable benefit, and while services deteriorate, is a bit of a concern.


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5 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Apparently we can print as much money as we like and the world won't make the pound worth any less.

You do realise you are describing what already happens? Money supply in the UK has increased by 1000% in 35 years with minimal impact on inflation or exchange. 



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7 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Apparently we can print as much money as we like and the world won't make the pound worth any less. We have a great future before us! 


2 hours ago, Detournement said:

You do realise you are describing what already happens? Money supply in the UK has increased by 1000% in 35 years with minimal impact on inflation or exchange. 





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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

The Government should pay everyone in the UK a Universal Basic Income of £100,000.

It would be nice if that was what MMT is about but sadly it's not. It's just what idiots think. 

It is about the government taking control of money creation from the banks and using it to invest in productive industries and essential services and create full employment. Taxation is used to reduce demand preventing inflation and devaluation. 

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31 minutes ago, Detournement said:

It would be nice if that was what MMT is about but sadly it's not. It's just what idiots think. 

It is about the government taking control of money creation from the banks and using it to invest in productive industries and essential services and create full employment. Taxation is used to reduce demand preventing inflation and devaluation. 

What happens if there is full employment in the South East and not in the rest of the country, or in some sectors but not in others? Not sure how you can control inflation and devaluation without doing harm to large chunks of the economy.

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22 minutes ago, Jeff Venom said:

Andrew Neil to "interview" both Tory leadership hopefuls.

What is even the point? It's not a public choice.


Andrew has a vote though and he hasn't made his mind up yet.

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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

What happens if there is full employment in the South East and not in the rest of the country, or in some sectors but not in others? Not sure how you can control inflation and devaluation without doing harm to large chunks of the economy.

The government obviously needs to invest right across the country to ensure growth is spread around. That's what the Green New Deal is all about. 

 Full employment has nothing to do with sectors. 

Inflation is already controlled by taxation. Using MMT taxation would be more progressive. The value is defined by the economic strength of the state that issues it. 


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