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On 19/04/2020 at 18:27, big al said:

Regarding reconstruction.

I honestly think the leagues work well as they are. Almost every game in the season is meaningful, and the addition of all the play offs bring more money in. 
The main downside is playing each other 4 times but realistically you would have to go up to 18 at least to get down to twice.

I would change it so the winner of the Lowland league and Highland league play offs automatically replaces the bottom L2 team,  it I guess that’s not a popular suggestion in this forum!

Also as a bonus, it relegates Hearts. Ann Budge is just embarrassing.

Fixed it for you mate

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1 hour ago, onecowden said:

League 2 programme of the year for season 19/20. Well done to all involved and well deserved.

Brilliant programme and pleased for the people who invest a lot of their own time in making such a good programme. Nice to see their efforts once again being highly recognised and appreciated. 

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On 28/04/2020 at 18:06, onecowden said:

League 2 programme of the year for season 19/20. Well done to all involved and well deserved.

Superb news once again! Only managed to get a few programmes from this last year but it's always one of the (many) highlights of a trip to Central Park. Well done to all involved, a true credit to the club.

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League 2 programme of the year for season 19/20. Well done to all involved and well deserved.

Must say yours is one of the few Away programmes that I actually buy these days. Well done to all involved in winning the award [emoji1319]
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Just caught up with Donald Findlay’s interview on the BBC Scotland channel yesterday and feel he was talking a lot f sense.

Have to agree that league reconstruction is not something that lower league clubs were ever interested in and is not something that should be rushed into  just to suit a few bigger clubs interests. Three bigger leagues would mean far more meaningless games and have a lot of teams having very little to play for towards the end of a season. It would stagnate the leagues whereas the current format encourages competition and gives many  clubs the hope of the championship /  promotion play offs or the fear of the drop in all of the lower divisions. 

I also agree with him saying that Any idea of playing SPL fixtures behind closed doors is stupid due to the health implications, potential drain on nhs personnel and the testing that would be required amongst the players. The government should follow France’s example and pull the plug on this nonsense now.  We will all be lucky if we still have clubs to support at the end of this. 


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7 hours ago, Only coo in the village said:

Just caught up with Donald Findlay’s interview on the BBC Scotland channel yesterday and feel he was talking a lot f sense.

Have to agree that league reconstruction is not something that lower league clubs were ever interested in and is not something that should be rushed into  just to suit a few bigger clubs interests. Three bigger leagues would mean far more meaningless games and have a lot of teams having very little to play for towards the end of a season. It would stagnate the leagues whereas the current format encourages competition and gives many  clubs the hope of the championship /  promotion play offs or the fear of the drop in all of the lower divisions. 

I also agree with him saying that Any idea of playing SPL fixtures behind closed doors is stupid due to the health implications, potential drain on nhs personnel and the testing that would be required amongst the players. The government should follow France’s example and pull the plug on this nonsense now.  We will all be lucky if we still have clubs to support at the end of this. 


Totally agree bud

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First time I've really written or said anything about this but I find it quite astounding that people are actually talking about resuming this season in some countries. The whataboutery going on in the game by some is truly mind-boggling. We all know football's an industry that attracts many not-rights but to think about playing games of football at this time is bleedin ridiculous.

I follow FC United and our season was one of the first to be null and voided. We were second in the league and though out of the race for automatic promotion we had a great chance of success in the play-offs with a player who'd scored about 40 goals this season. He, and we, accepted the decision... seeing the bigger and more important picture. Though at the time I thought it was a bit premature and we might be able to resume in June or July to finish.

But it's evident that this virus isn't going to disappear any time soon and talking about football in the future is just futile for now. The only option should be to end all seasons now and start again when the world in general has returned to some form of normality. I love football. I love going to the match. I love travelling and meeting new people. Christ, I make 12-hour round trips to watch Cowdenbeath because I have a crackin day out.

Yet all football for the 2019-20 season should be null and void. Start again for 2020-21... if and when we can... and forget about this one. Start again where we were. No relegation, no promotion and teams who started in whatever league remain there when football is back, including European competitions. If a game is called off with about 65 minutes played, and the most pivotal part still to follow, it would be played again. The result wouldn't stand. The same should apply with the season.

The footballing world needs to give its head a collective wobble. There's far more important things to be thinking about at the moment, like stopping the spread of this friggin virus, finding a cure and stopping people dying. Also helping people who are losing their jobs, of which I am one. What a selfish fookin society we live in if we're even arsed about football games being played again any time soon.

In the meantime, stay safe, try and stay sane, and we will be back. Whenever that is, who knows. But we will be back doing what we love one day and this whataboutery in certain quarters needs to stop so we can all just concentrate on more important matters until we get back to enjoying football once again.

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20 hours ago, Drifter said:

First time I've really written or said anything about this but I find it quite astounding that people are actually talking about resuming this season in some countries. The whataboutery going on in the game by some is truly mind-boggling. We all know football's an industry that attracts many not-rights but to think about playing games of football at this time is bleedin ridiculous.

I follow FC United and our season was one of the first to be null and voided. We were second in the league and though out of the race for automatic promotion we had a great chance of success in the play-offs with a player who'd scored about 40 goals this season. He, and we, accepted the decision... seeing the bigger and more important picture. Though at the time I thought it was a bit premature and we might be able to resume in June or July to finish.

But it's evident that this virus isn't going to disappear any time soon and talking about football in the future is just futile for now. The only option should be to end all seasons now and start again when the world in general has returned to some form of normality. I love football. I love going to the match. I love travelling and meeting new people. Christ, I make 12-hour round trips to watch Cowdenbeath because I have a crackin day out.

Yet all football for the 2019-20 season should be null and void. Start again for 2020-21... if and when we can... and forget about this one. Start again where we were. No relegation, no promotion and teams who started in whatever league remain there when football is back, including European competitions. If a game is called off with about 65 minutes played, and the most pivotal part still to follow, it would be played again. The result wouldn't stand. The same should apply with the season.

The footballing world needs to give its head a collective wobble. There's far more important things to be thinking about at the moment, like stopping the spread of this friggin virus, finding a cure and stopping people dying. Also helping people who are losing their jobs, of which I am one. What a selfish fookin society we live in if we're even arsed about football games being played again any time soon.

In the meantime, stay safe, try and stay sane, and we will be back. Whenever that is, who knows. But we will be back doing what we love one day and this whataboutery in certain quarters needs to stop so we can all just concentrate on more important matters until we get back to enjoying football once again.

Great post chum. Sorry to hear you are struggling workwise. You are right, the overriding thing is to eradicate this virus. Life cannot and must not get back to normal until we do - too many people will get sick and die otherwise. This may just be the mythical Captain Tripps. I am seeing a lot more folk out on the roads and do not understand why. We are going through the peak still. Nearly 5000 new infections today. This figure has remained roughly the same for quite a while. It is dribbling downwards at a snails' pace, as is deaths. 

To not call this wretched season as fully done is unblievably mindless. We need to start when we can and hope that there is somethimg left when we emerge at the other end. Stay healthy and stay at home.  

Edited by ronaldincoo
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What I especially like about the Cowden programme is the non-football related local history page (the Cowdengelly Felly). It's something different and very interesting.

Must rip it off for the City programme. Edinburgh's bigger and has more history .. :P

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Great post Drifter. I hope you get some work again very soon. Tough times indeed. 
Well said ronaldincoo also. Thousands of people have died and so many families have lost loved and cherished family members to this virus. 
Absolutely everything ( especially high level football ) pales into insignificance compared to that.  

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Just finished watching Motherwell v Hubs and Colin Nish's hat trick. Brought back memories of his hat trick against Raith when the impossible dream became suddenly very possible, only for us to blow it against Livvy and Allow. It still hurts. Sigh

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On 5 May 2020 at 20:20, Aberdeen Cowden said:

The guy was a bombscare every game he played.

Kane was a very erratic player and prone to make very costly mistakes whenever he was in a Cowden shirt. 

Strangely the East Fife support really seemed to rate him after his transfer to them. It's weird how some players do better with some clubs than with  others. 

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1 hour ago, Only coo in the village said:

Kane was a very erratic player and prone to make very costly mistakes whenever he was in a Cowden shirt. 

Strangely the East Fife support really seemed to rate him after his transfer to them. It's weird how some players do better with some clubs than with  others. 

They played him at centre half where he was useful in the part time leagues. He didn’t have the football in him for centre midfield.

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17 hours ago, big al said:

They played him at centre half where he was useful in the part time leagues. He didn’t have the football in him for centre midfield.

Sounds like a very fair point. With a few exceptions, most players do the best they can within the scope of their abilities. I suppose managers play a big part in getting the best out of individual players and utilising the talents they have. Obviously some managers have fewer resources and options to choose from and may have to make do with what they have. There’s always a debate about individual players and their abilities and best positions. He clearly did a good job at East Fife. We obviously didn’t see him play to his potential at Cowden. I wasn’t his biggest fan but I know others had a higher opinion of him which is fair enough. 

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