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1 hour ago, deej said:

Not trying to be sarcastic or anything, but if you're not still playing then why do the SBC?

Like forameus said, I'm pretty unlikely to play again but I keep an eye on SBC's just in case. I played the game from release but took a complete break from January to March, but if you don't watch SBC's you can miss players you'd like later. The SBC side is better than playing games imo anyway.

I've still got PIM Dalglish in my club, and have used anyone I wanted to try - TOTY Messi, TOTY Van Dijk, PIM Best etc. I sold most of them when I stopped as prices will only go down and I can now do anything that crops up.

Probably the only thing that would make me return now would be if they doubled back and released the Kent SBC, as I'd have liked to run the team below for a weekend league, even though it's massively unbalanced. Shame the SPFL didn't get a League SBC as there was a potentially good side in the making.


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First FIFA I have played and actually still enjoying it. They could have introduced these new SBCs a couple of months ago and it might have kept interest among more people for longer.

Very happy with my team having not spent a penny on it all year. Will probably keep playing weekend league until the new one comes out as always have decent games.Screenshot_2020-07-06-19-09-31-219_com.ea.gp.fifaultimate.jpeg

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In other Old Firm related Icon shenanigans, I got...Larson.  I imagine if I was of the green half of Glasgow, I'd be delighted.

At this rate I'm going to have a fucking brilliant Shite Icon team going on.  I think I've gotten to the point where I'm well and truly saying f**k it.  Might just punt every gold I have into the upgrades and see what it gets me, then punt anything remotely worthwhile into SBCs.  Lost any interest in playing the game beyond the menus with other stuff to do.  Might go back and give it a go once LOU2 is out of the way.

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It seems to em that there are only 2 types of games: ones where your keeper will save nothing until you are 2 nil down 9 and those where the keeper is only poor.

Tried a variety of keepers and all are rubbish.  If i was a conspiracy theorist i would say not buying any packs is working against me - but maybe im just rubbish at FIFA and lookin for excuses.

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11 minutes ago, The Grass Is Greener. said:

I got Henderson who I already have as well, turned it right back off after opening the pack. Haven’t played a game in 3+ weeks :lol:

Same tbh. I’ve got pretty much nothing left in the way of tradeable gold fodder. Past caring.

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I’m currently stuck in the weirdest game for a long time. Boy I’m playing started with bizarre tactics and kept rushing out his goalie and standing still with the ball. Like he was trying to lose on purpose. His players were all over the place. I then score. Then nearly again but the ball goes out and is now stuck on top of the net and his goalie is behind the goal just doing shuttle runs.




Been like this for ages and the seconds are going very slowly. I’ve sent him messages asking what is going on but he keeps responding with things like - “wait and see” and “you should just quit”. Either this guy is a muppet or he is some kind of psycho and is at the moment stealing all data from my PS4.


It’s the weekend league and I hope it resets at half-time so I’m going to wait this out...


Edit - got excited to see just the five minutes of injury time. Unfortunately we cruised right past that and we are now at 15 minutes of injury time. I’ve got something else I’m looking at for work so just going to do that and leave FIFA on to see what is going to happen. I’ve got to the “well I’ve come this far” stage and I really don’t want to let him win. The guy still seems to think that sending winking faces is a decent response to my questions about what is happening and why he won’t quit.


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