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Gender Self-ID


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Here is a schoolkid being chucked out of class for correctly saying that there are only two genders. Fascism creeping in through the backdoor where scientific fact becomes wrongthink.


Edited by ForzaDundee
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"Kids" allowed to film their teacher trying to stop them taking internet trolling into the classroom? PC gone mad. This "I,Hypocrite" American youtuber also sees the only important thing about the women attacked on a London bus was what race the attackers were, and from his font of knowledge from his basement claims that nearly all Asians in Britain live in London, and because Poor Tommeh doesn't like them it was probably them. Couldn't watch the whole thing but that was the gist, most of it was about him owning people from the internet and quoting Wikipedia. Selecting a one minute section of a class to make the teacher look bad makes me think this was bullshit too. Why people in Britain take these c***s seriously is beyond me.

Edited by welshbairn
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2 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

There tends to be some kind of referral, some kind of evidence that people are in need of refuge. Its not all self disclosed ‘oh i need refuge im a girl you have to house me’. These organisations operate at huge expense and dont just take people in on a whim. Usually its a referral from a social worker/police/support worker or health.
I work in criminal justice and genuinely have never encountered a trans person asking to enter a womens refuge just because they identify as female and see it as expressing a right etc, these people are also fleeing violence, abuse etc and deserve to be looked after.
If someone tells me they’re a girl or a guy and me treating them as such makes them feel better then whats the harm?

They might be lying. Dear god.

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There are two ends to the rainbow. My fortune seems to have been my mum explaining that my my cousin that drove me mad* when I was about 6/7 was not quite boy or girl. Nature operates on a spectrum . We’ve all met with this. 

*Sylvia was a c**t but apparently a dick too

Nature gives us a majority within binary classification but also every other considered alternative. 


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42 minutes ago, Assasinach said:

There are two ends to the rainbow. My fortune seems to have been my mum explaining that my my cousin that drove me mad* when I was about 6/7 was not quite boy or girl. Nature operates on a spectrum . We’ve all met with this. 

*Sylvia was a c**t but apparently a dick too

Nature gives us a majority within binary classification but also every other considered alternative. 


What if Sylvia was some Jim that decided to be a Sylvia in order to gain access to women?

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What if Sylvia was some Jim that decided to be a Sylvia in order to gain access to women?

How much effort are we crediting pervs and rapists with?

Unless they are in prison they have access to women all the fucking time, why go through the process when they already have so much opportunity?
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3 hours ago, parsforlife said:


How much effort are we crediting pervs and rapists with?

Unless they are in prison they have access to women all the fucking time, why go through the process when they already have so much opportunity?


No one seems to answer this

They just keep asking the question to make it seem legitimate but when you actually think about the practical argument of "more access to women" (lolwat) it doesn't really add up to anything

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6 hours ago, Baxter Parp said:

Please explain.

Your comparison of trans people to "hairy builders" seems pretty demeaning. I get that you are trying to make a point about people who aren't trans pretending to be for nefarious reasons (ludicrous imo) but the insinuation is that you can't be a woman if you are hairy or a builder. 

I'd had a few drinks last night so maybe transphobe is a bit strong. I do think the (conscious or otherwise) underlying thought process of most of what's said on your side of the debate is transphobic though

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*sees alt-right dude call lady Ghostbusters “cultural
marxism* You Bitch Mother Fucker *sees same guy say “you can’t just change your gender what if I identify as an attack helicopter? * Wlel, that's his beliefs and I respect that

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Bath boy going into meltdown RTing his fanboys cutting up their SNP membership cards and trawling twitter for the most bizarre and fucked up trans people he can find to portray them like a freak show. He's got his £150,000 in the bank now so I suppose he can concentrate on the important stuff rather than that independence malarky.

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15 hours ago, welshbairn said:

It affects a tiny proportion of people who have been treated unfairly in the past. A few people on twitter who have stirred hysteria from both sides shouldn't be allowed to skew the issue into something it isn't. Scouring the internet to find rare examples of trans people behaving badly isn't grown up debate. How often have people on here have even encountered trans people far less seen them trying to invade woman only places? 

It actually affectsmore.than half of the population, who are female.  I hope Its not your daughter who.has to.get.changed next to some beardy guy with a nine incher or play rugby against him.

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15 hours ago, Savage Henry said:

And this is exactly it.  

The people most affected by this seem to be in favour of it.  

It's largely irrelevant as a voting issue, but if it makes Scotland a more tolerant society, I'm all for it, and it's the exact thing that needs to be addressed if independence is ever going to be anything other than an end in itself. 

That Glinner bloke and that Wings bloke seem to be incandescent with rage about it, so that's another plus.

What about the rights of marginalised women? 

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13 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Does this happen a lot then? Enough to deny rights to people who do nothing wrong?

How much is enough?  A swimming pool in Dumfries recently went gender neutral in the changing rooms, now it is averaging one serious sexual assault every three months.  Is that enough?

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13 hours ago, Savage Henry said:


It is.

I’m inclined to believe that there’s an ulterior motive at play from the protestations, but I’m really hard pressed to name what it is.

Preventing duplicitous men isn’t a good enough motive.


What about protecting vulnerable women?

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2 minutes ago, Kuro said:

How much is enough?  A swimming pool in Dumfries recently went gender neutral in the changing rooms, now it is averaging one serious sexual assault every three months.  Is that enough?

So one sexual assault. How many were there before?

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13 hours ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Out of interest

The issue people raise on this subject is "if people can self-identify, what's to stop a man from saying he's a woman and going into a women-only place and doing bad things?"

To which my response is: The same thing that stops them now. Someone going into a female toilet and having a w**k isn't suddenly going to get away with it because they say they're female. 

Yes they are that's the point, all they have to do is self id as female and they can access any female only space.  They can then walk ago I d changing rooms named and you'd be a bigot for being opposed to.that.

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7 minutes ago, Kuro said:

It actually affectsmore.than half of the population, who are female.  I hope Its not your daughter who.has to.get.changed next to some beardy guy with a nine incher or play rugby against him.

Has this happened to anyone you know? Be honest.

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