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The official Boris pm cluster-fuck thread


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26 minutes ago, Theyellowbox said:

Yes, cannot be published, which is a pain, but probably correct. Does pose the question though as to why they did not investigate previously? Is a civil servant really a better investigator than the police?

If I was being cynical and conspiracy theorist, I'd say it is incredibly convenient the met announce this just days before the report comes out, causing a delay and by the time the report does cone out, they will hope the news cycle has moved on..... Boris will be on the phone to Putin as we speak. 

Another thought on that - maybe during the investigation information came to Gray's attention that she felt HAD TO be passed on to the Met. If a civil servant comes into possession of information that on the face of it suggests criminal activity, and that civil servant does not refer it to the police, they'd probably be accused of participating in a cover up. 

Hasn't she just had written evidence from Mr Cummings? 🤔 Could these recent events be related? (Dunno when the Met decided to investigate but it would be interesting to find out. 

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7 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Another thought on that - maybe during the investigation information came to Gray's attention that she felt HAD TO be passed on to the Met. If a civil servant comes into possession of information that on the face of it suggests criminal activity, and that civil servant does not refer it to the police, they'd probably be accused of participating in a cover up. 

Hasn't she just had written evidence from Mr Cummings? 🤔 Could these recent events be related? (Dunno when the Met decided to investigate but it would be interesting to find out. 

Yes, you are absolutely right, but surely the met should have investigated in the first place and then they would have uncovered the evidence that is clearly there. Its one thing withholding evidence or lying to a civil servant it's a completely different level doing so to the police.

It will absolutely be that SG has uncovered clear evidence of law breaking. Much easier to pass on written evidence from cummings that what he says verbally. She probably has access to CCTV too. 

If you take a second and step back and realise that we currently have a government being investigated by the police, ministers resigning over corruption and racism allegations and that is just this week alone. It is utterly mental. We would almost expect it from some rouge states, but the UK? Credibility has never been lower globally. 

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Call my cynical but Lady Cressida going for an investigation that delays Sue Grays report and Ukraine being in the news just now even though the Russians have had the troops massing on the border since late November is in now way related 😉

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10 minutes ago, Theyellowbox said:

Yes, you are absolutely right, but surely the met should have investigated in the first place and then they would have uncovered the evidence that is clearly there. Its one thing withholding evidence or lying to a civil servant it's a completely different level doing so to the police.

It will absolutely be that SG has uncovered clear evidence of law breaking. Much easier to pass on written evidence from cummings that what he says verbally. She probably has access to CCTV too. 

If you take a second and step back and realise that we currently have a government being investigated by the police, ministers resigning over corruption and racism allegations and that is just this week alone. It is utterly mental. We would almost expect it from some rouge states, but the UK? Credibility has never been lower globally. 

I agree. I suspect that the Met were able to body-swerve investigation by saying all they had (maybe) until recently was gossip and tittle tattle.  You're right, it would be interesting to know what flipped the switch from "no" to "yes". 

The utter shambles at Westminster makes Trump's Presidency look like a masterclasses in government propriety. 

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1 hour ago, Gaz said:

Who'd have thought that a man with a history of lying, cheating and incompetence would be a lying, cheating, incompetent prime minister? Staggering stuff.

Anyway, this will drag out for another few weeks, Russia will invade Ukraine and Boris will have a Falklands Moment and save his job.

Can't see that TBH.  If Boris thinks that Biden will participate in armed conflict on Ukrainian soil to chuck Putin out of Ukraine, with or without multi-national support, he's even more delusional than I thought.  If he suggested that the UK should try to do it alone, his own generals would be justified in shooting him.  (Well, maybe not, but they'd tell him to eff off.) 

There'll be no Falklands moment for Boris unless France invades the Isle of Wight. 

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45 minutes ago, doulikefish said:

And just like that no questions can be asked or answered about partygate as it's now a police matter 



Met 'did not object to publication of Gray report'
The decision to pause the publication of the parts of the Sue Gray report relating to events being investigated by the police seems to have been taken by government, not by the Met, my colleague Vikram Dodd reports. He has been told, by sources with knowledge of its discussions and actions, that the Met did not raise any objection to the publication of the Gray report.


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41 minutes ago, Michael W said:

The game is up, they're desperately trying to buy time. 

Someone who is actually capable of assuming responsibility and doesn't try to lie their way out of everything would realise what's happening and go. 

Yeah, but the conservatives, who are the only ones who can remove him, do jot want him gone just yet. Better to blame everything on him while he is a dead man walking that any new PM take any of the blame.

Just watch the narrative move to there being an energy crisis and a war to deal with. Johnson supporters will start throwing allegations at Sunek etc now 

Edited by Theyellowbox
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1 hour ago, doulikefish said:

And just like that no questions can be asked or answered about partygate as it's now a police matter 

According to The Grauniad the Met would be happy for Grey to publish her finding it's the government who have decided to put it on hold! 8)


Met 'did not object to publication of Gray report'

The decision to pause the publication of the parts of the Sue Gray report relating to events being investigated by the police seems to have been taken by government, not by the Met, my colleague Vikram Dodd reports. He has been told, by sources with knowledge of its discussions and actions, that the Met did not raise any objection to the publication of the Gray report.


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So convenient for the Met to ontervene on the eve of the report. The most corrupt police force in the land investigating the most corrupt government in my lifetime. Bed pals indeed. It will be buried and never brought to light.

Can’t go about questioning the “independent” Met though, you’d may as well be exiled to Madagascar.
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A Gray whitewash followed by a Met whitewash with Johnson continuing to insist he has not broken the law is the best outcome.  No one will believe it and Cressida Dick’s reputation damaged even further (if that’s possible).

Even if that were to happen I think the magical 54 letters would be received by Graham Brady with Johnson out on his arse and, hopefully, a very public and very messy leadership contest.


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1 hour ago, Highlandmagyar Tier 3 said:

So convenient for the Met to ontervene on the eve of the report. The most corrupt police force in the land investigating the most corrupt government in my lifetime. Bed pals indeed. It will be buried and never brought to light.

Interesting to hear on Sky News that Johnson didn't inform his cabinet during this morning's meeting, even though he'd been told about the Met's involvement prior to the event.

Coupled with the "no phones" rule in force at these meetings, this apparently led to a string of bemused ministers being asked, as they left Hacienda South Downing St., what their opinions were on this development - which they, supposedly Johnson's top team, were entirely unaware of. He sure knows how to piss off the people who can do him most damage.

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10 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

A Gray whitewash followed by a Met whitewash with Johnson continuing to insist he has not broken the law is the best outcome.  No one will believe it and Cressida Dick’s reputation damaged even further (if that’s possible).

Even if that were to happen I think the magical 54 letters would be received by Graham Brady with Johnson out on his arse and, hopefully, a very public and very messy leadership contest.


Can Ministers submit letters, or does the 1922 deal exclusively with backbenchers' issues? I ojnly ask becuse of this morning's "if I ignore it it might go away" ploy (see above).

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2 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

Interesting to hear on Sky News that Johnson didn't inform his cabinet during this morning's meeting, even though he'd been told about the Met's involvement prior to the event.

Coupled with the "no phones" rule in force at these meetings, this apparently led to a string of bemused ministers being asked, as they left Hacienda South Downing St., what their opinions were on this development - which they, supposedly Johnson's top team, were entirely unaware of. He sure knows how to piss off the people who can do him most damage.

It just shows how much of a coward of a man he is. Cannot even bring himself to tell these people (although a bunch of cvnts themselves) in person. 

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