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Bully Wee v Bairns

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Thought the first half we played some good stuff. Good play from Goody for the first goal and we could’ve scored more in the second half on the counter. Falkirk didn’t really offer much. Plenty of crosses into the box but Mitchell was excellent at bringing them in or punching them away. Sammon up top for Falkirk and I don’t think he ever won a header in our box. Howie done a great job keeping him quiet. The full team put in a great shift and now we’ve got our first win. Time to kick on now. We’ve got a great manager who is tactically better than any other in the league I believe so no surprise he got the tactics spot on today.

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Fantastic result for Clyde FC today, didn't forsee that at all. Falkirk were pretty toothless throughout the whole ninety. 

Clyde left it all out there on the newly laid surface. Grant was immense and thought Lyon had a very good game. 

Going to be a long hard and unpredictable campaign. But what a result today, well done Clyde FC.


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Long time lurker here but thought I should put something in this thread after that game.

GIRFUY Cammy Bell [emoji16]

Though I thought some of Clyde posts over the last few weeks have been hilarious. Shiteing ourselves after a few poor games and a few extremely poor defensive performances.

Today we were brilliant. Organised, hard to beat and worked our socks off, while also playing some nice football. Petkov looked a bit lost at times in midfield but thought out back four and Mitchell were outstanding. MacKinnon obviously thought that if they put crosses and corners on top of our smaller keeper they would put him under pressure, but thought Mitchell dealt with them brilliantly.

Raymond Grant was outstanding, and special mention to Ross Lyon, who last season I think everyone thought was just an extra pair of legs but thought he was impeccable out of position at right back, with and without the ball, going forward and defending I thought he was cracking.

At a wedding next week but hope we can get something from the Forfar game to get a bit of form going [emoji106]

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That's my first time seeing us this season and it was even worse than I could've imagined. McKinnon lost us that match more than once. The set up in midfield was bizarre in both halves (not that it mattered as we were just launching it at Sammon for 90 minutes). How anyone could watch that first half and think Tidser was the player to take off is beyond me.

Dixon is relatively solid but he sold the goal and I don't get how his delivery can be so bad. Gomis aside it was a complete vacuum in midfield. It looks like the rest of our midfield midgets are fairly interchangeable. McManus had no service but didn't offer much. Johnstone looks like he should be playing for Dunipace.  MacLean offered us an outlet when he came on but I'm concerned if he looks our best option for 45 minutes.

Goodwillie is scum but he threw everyone of our back four around like a [redacted]. His use of his body is very clever and he's streets ahead of the rabble we had up front today.

Really grim. Wouldn't be surprised at all if we go into the playoffs and get cuffed by someone like Queens or Thistle.

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we got what we deserved today. nothing.

we are brutal to watch. what I would give for an Ian McCall type manager who knows how to attack and entertain. two away games zero goals. we could have played another hour and Clyde would have us in their pocket.

we have lots of very ineffective players. taking the ball sideways and backwards. passmarks today for gomis Buchanan and the goalie. that's it.

great support let down by poor tactics and players not earning their wage.

final note on the ref and time wasting it really does put me off going to scottish football when it's so blatant and the refs don't deal with it. subbing a guy from the far side who walks slowly off when he should have gone off the other side. in 40 years of going I've never seen a ball boy throw a ball away from a goalie. good deserved win Clyde but that's embarrassing

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18 minutes ago, Back Post Misses said:

Clyde rode their luck but their application and organisation deserved to be rewarded.

As for us. McKinnon can f**k off anytime for me.

Agreed. McKinnon is clueless.

Against dumbarton we had players getting to the byline. Against peterhead, Montrose and clyde we revert back to this narrow pish which leads to us getting bogged down.

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PS that shithouse of a ballboy dived 
The exSevco dud who couldn't keep hens out a midden was spoken to by Plod after the match for striking a child. Doubtless some fans rate him but he's one of many Arabs receiving a wedge from Falkirk courtesy of McKinnon.
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Excellent performance from everyone in our team, can’t pick any failures although I’m not sure petkov was any better in midfield. The best I’ve seen Howie play. 

Gomis should’ve been sent off after 20 minutes, never mind the other bookable foul at the end. Also, Sammon is pure pish. 

Mitchells save at the end was brilliant and pretty much the only meaningful save all game I can remember. 

Thought we deserved it overall. Mckinnons plan seems to be throw on more strikers and hope it pays off. 

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