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Only 750 tickets sold as at 11am this morning so the atmosphere in the away stand should match the quality on the pitch unless there's loads of PATG fans turn up. But on the bright side you might get to sit in your allocated  seat for a change

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6 minutes ago, santheman said:

Only 750 tickets sold as at 11am this morning so the atmosphere in the away stand should match the quality on the pitch unless there's loads of PATG fans turn up. But on the bright side you might get to sit in your allocated  seat for a change

Folk kicking off about their allocated seats is about as much entertainment as I was hoping for tbh. 

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1 hour ago, G51 Red said:

This has all the potential to be the lowest attendied Accies v Well game ...  

Accies support lower than usual 

Few Well fans buying tickets 

Ridiculous PATG prices 

Under 2000 ?

Disgraceful pricing-especially for kids.It negates any statements Maitland made about growing the support.

Accies had the opportunity here to go the other way with decent prices for Adults/kids and marketing it that way, but they have went down the well worn path of fleecing the punters like many of our clubs sadly.

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1 hour ago, AndyRoss said:

Interesting to see the Accies SLO tweeting about the fact that a reduction in punters won't hurt Accies whatsoever. Not sure I understand how it wouldn't, especially if there's 1000 less 'Well fans attending. 

I assume the money ends up in the hands of Nigerian warlords either way.

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Interesting to see the Accies SLO tweeting about the fact that a reduction in punters won't hurt Accies whatsoever. Not sure I understand how it wouldn't, especially if there's 1000 less 'Well fans attending. 
Economics 101 isn't a class Sean McHugh ever enrolled on. I'll leave this link in case he lurks here...


If the club did something like offering a £10 discount for buying a derby ticket with a stub from a previous game, I reckon they could get a pretty decent crowd for the Well game as well as encouraging more people to one of the previous games.

I long for a full, noisy, stand. I'm sure that experience would get some others hooked.

As for the price of kids tickets... I've heard the arguement that U16 season tickets are so cheap but for away fans or when I recently took family visiting from far away, it is blinking expensive especially compared to what they charge at Fir Park.

I could rant for a while more but I'll save it for another thread.
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I took up a free kids ST with mine and I stuck a mates childs name on it. think they only cost £20 for the season anyway but other than the kids prices, Fitba costs an arm and a leg.

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