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Proven Conspiracy Theories


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1 hour ago, hearthammer said:

Wasn't it a major stroke of luck that Larry Silverstein, who bought the ageing (by 2001 standards), problematic towers with mainly "investors" money in the March (??) of 2001, managed to insured them individually specifically against "terrorist" attacks.  He only found out, apparently, that he had a "dermatology" appointment on the very morning of 11 September from his wife, as he was preparing to go to his office in the towers.  What good fortune, sir.

This cretin, who made in excess of 4bn in insurance payments, along with the intellectually-challenged Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney and the lesser known insiders who scored big-time financially from the "puts" on the companies in the towers and airlines deserve to be prosecuted and punished for 3000+ crimes against their own people.

God bless America and the "patriots".


Anyway, i'm back to the boxing and a few mair shandies.

Rant over.


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19 minutes ago, dorlomin said:


He insured a building that had been attacked by terrorists from being attacked by terrorists, and al Queda co-ordinated with him and his engagements calendar. 

Fits well with the "official" version of events.  I happen to believe otherwise.  How uber-efficient of the Bush government to have everything in place regarding the post-destruction strategy,  publicity machine and the efficency of the immediate clean up and removal of the debris.   Acht well, seems false flags don't exist.

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3 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Disagree. Iraq was invaded because some idealistic neocons thought they had a once in a lifetime chance after 9/11 to turn the Middle East into a free market paradise of democratic Israeli friendly capitalism, making everyone rich, including them personally and the Arab people....

That's the Adam Curtis sort of take. The implications of what peak conventional crude oil could mean prior to the shale fracking boom and grabbing control of Iraqi oil is the more cynical view on it.

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Pearl Harbor was a great success - America only lost 3 battleships ultimately (since the rest were repaired) and used it as an excuse to enter a war that turned it into the superpower that it is today.

Japan declared war on the USA.
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1 hour ago, hearthammer said:

Perhaps less toking and more attention to discrepancies may assist with judgements and evaluations of the situation.  Only sayin', like.

OK I'll bite.

The biggest problem with any conspiracy is people.

It's been nearly 20 years yet none of the dozens/hundreds involved have blabbed.

People like you are desperate to find something that isn't there.

Or you're a troll.

Edited by Crawford Bridge
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6 minutes ago, Crawford Bridge said:

OK I'll bite.

The biggest problem with any conspiracy is people.

It's been nearly 20 years yet none of the dozens/hundreds involved have blabbed.

People like you are desperate to find something that isn't there.

Or you're a troll.

Or you're deluded and a simpleton who accepts all that the daily mail tells you.  Have a good life (ps, look after yourself).

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2 minutes ago, Crawford Bridge said:

You believe in 9/11 conspiracies.

I'll leave it for others to decide who the simpleton is.

The de facto, scientific evidence is chez moi, mon ami.     Daily Mail is chez vous.      There the defence rests, m'lud.           

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6 minutes ago, Crawford Bridge said:

Deary me.

Bringing the Daily Mail into your argument is basically Godwin's Law.

If you're going to troll at least learn to be good at it.

Godwin's off the hook on this one.   It's Bush et al that should be made to do a polygraph.

We will agree to differ.  I might not be alive when the truth is unveiled, but i'll rise from hell to say "i told you so"

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Disagree. Iraq was invaded because some idealistic neocons thought they had a once in a lifetime chance after 9/11 to turn the Middle East into a free market paradise of democratic Israeli friendly capitalism, making everyone rich, including them personally and the Arab people. They got the help of Iran to persuade public opinion that it was necessary by using Iranian agents like Ahmed Chalabi to pretend to America that Saddam had WMD. It was a brilliant play by Iran, got their global biggest foe to wipe out their neighbouring biggest foe, and give them effective control over Iraq, while America learnt the costs of military adventures in the Middle East for a generation.
Spot on post. Their ignorance of Iraq and the region was unbelievable.
Saddam was right about the gates of hell.
They went in with small army and no plan for peacekeeping. All for what? A few greedy millionaires.
I'm not saying what was happening in iraq was acceptable but Rumsfeld was more than happy to deal with him while he was playing ball.
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5 hours ago, Enigma said:

Japan declared war on the USA.


Actually they attacked Pearl Harbor before they formally declared war.  The Americans always regarded it as a sneak attack.

My point is that Roosevelt and others wanted to get into the war but the American public were against it.  The Japanese solved that problem and in such a clumsy way that Roosevelt had no problem declaring war on Germany too.  America benefitted enormously from the war as a major combatant who experienced very little damage on home soil (Pearl Harbor, a couple of unimportant islands in Alaska and some ship sunk in harbor in the first few months - and far fewer wounded and dead then most of the other major combatants).

If any American had predicted Pearl Harbor but kept quiet about it then I doubt history would judge them poorly for it.

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4 hours ago, Fullerene said:

Actually they attacked Pearl Harbor before they formally declared war.  The Americans always regarded it as a sneak attack.

My point is that Roosevelt and others wanted to get into the war but the American public were against it.  The Japanese solved that problem and in such a clumsy way that Roosevelt had no problem declaring war on Germany too.  America benefitted enormously from the war as a major combatant who experienced very little damage on home soil (Pearl Harbor, a couple of unimportant islands in Alaska and some ship sunk in harbor in the first few months - and far fewer wounded and dead then most of the other major combatants).

If any American had predicted Pearl Harbor but kept quiet about it then I doubt history would judge them poorly for it.

You are rehashing the false history of the conspiracy theorists. 

US public opinion had swung definitively behind being involved in the war through 1941.

In 1940 the US reintroduced the draft, a move widely supported, something like 71% approved of it. They had a hugely expensive rearmament that had to be supported by congress as did the diverting of vital supplies from that rearmament to us. The US was defacto entering the war by actively hunting Nazi submarines that entered their self declared "neutrality zone" and had a ship torpedoed and another sunk (the USS Reuben James). 





The idea of the US being strongly anti war except for Rooseveldt until Pearl Harbour is a fiction. The US was already on a war footing. The fleet was at Pearl Harbour not its home anchorage in San Diego as a forward deployment to intervene in an expected Japanese invasion of the Philippians. 

As for the US benefiting from the war, that is an anachronism, a view from our time that does not fit into the decisions in 1941. Many expected a renewed post war depression. There was a general expectation the USSR would fall in 1942 and Germany would have vast new resources to add to its war machine. It was a very grim, high risk decision but one people had all but made before Pearl Harbour.

Rewriting the details of US public support and governmental action in 1941 helps create a myth that allowing Pearl Harbour was needed, had they actually known it was coming they could have smashed the carrier fleet there in the same way they did at Midway but with the Japanese invasion of the Philippians as the causus belli they needed, hell the carrier fleet of off Hawaii was all they needed. 

That rewriting plays into the myths of 911, which is why we see the "new Pearl Harbour" bollox being spouted. Its a complete failure to understand where American was by November 1941. 

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1 minute ago, dorlomin said:

You are rehashing the false history of the conspiracy theorists. 

US public opinion had swung definitively behind being involved in the war through 1941.

In 1940 the US reintroduced the draft, a move widely supported, something like 71% approved of it. They had a hugely expensive rearmament that had to be supported by congress as did the diverting of vital supplies from that rearmament to us. The US was defacto entering the war by actively hunting Nazi submarines that entered their self declared "neutrality zone" and had a ship torpedoed and another sunk (the USS Reuben James). 





The idea of the US being strongly anti war except for Rooseveldt until Pearl Harbour is a fiction. The US was already on a war footing. The fleet was at Pearl Harbour not its home anchorage in San Diego as a forward deployment to intervene in an expected Japanese invasion of the Philippians

As for the US benefiting from the war, that is an anachronism, a view from our time that does not fit into the decisions in 1941. Many expected a renewed post war depression. There was a general expectation the USSR would fall in 1942 and Germany would have vast new resources to add to its war machine. It was a very grim, high risk decision but one people had all but made before Pearl Harbour.

Rewriting the details of US public support and governmental action in 1941 helps create a myth that allowing Pearl Harbour was needed, had they actually known it was coming they could have smashed the carrier fleet there in the same way they did at Midway but with the Japanese invasion of the Philippians as the causus belli they needed, hell the carrier fleet of off Hawaii was all they needed. 

That rewriting plays into the myths of 911, which is why we see the "new Pearl Harbour" bollox being spouted. Its a complete failure to understand where American was by November 1941. 

St Paul predicted that in a letter, didn't he?

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5 hours ago, Fullerene said:

Actually they attacked Pearl Harbor before they formally declared war.  The Americans always regarded it as a sneak attack.

My point is that Roosevelt and others wanted to get into the war but the American public were against it.  The Japanese solved that problem and in such a clumsy way that Roosevelt had no problem declaring war on Germany too.  America benefitted enormously from the war as a major combatant who experienced very little damage on home soil (Pearl Harbor, a couple of unimportant islands in Alaska and some ship sunk in harbor in the first few months - and far fewer wounded and dead then most of the other major combatants).

If any American had predicted Pearl Harbor but kept quiet about it then I doubt history would judge them poorly for it.

Germany declared war on the USA

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