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Mid-Life Crisis

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On 29/10/2019 at 13:29, throbber said:

The sooner in life you accept that you aren’t special, no one really cares about you and you are eventually going to die following 5 + decades of utter drudgery the least likely you are to suffer a midlife crisis IMO.

Ever considered a career in Sports Psychology?

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1 hour ago, throbber said:

My father in law is going through some sort of mid life crisis I reckon, he has always been a selfish guy who puts himself first, then his new wife and her kids second and then his own children from his first marriage about 5 th on his list of priorities. This year he has been even worse though, never makes an effort to see his grand daughter despite living in Edinburgh and when ever he does see her it’s usually somewhere convenient for him. He has on several occasions cancelled on us when he said he’d look after her for a while and even missed her first birthday because his 10 year old son had a staved finger.

Anyway he was banging on about a work mate of his for some time and he came with us to the football on Saturday , I was expecting him to be in his 50’s because of the way the FIL has banged on about him but he was a 30 year old Lad Bible EPL fanboy type who made the rest of us in the group feel rather uneasy. He thought nothing about swearing in front of young children and made several inappropriate sexual remarks throughout the day which the father in law seemed to find hilarious. The pair of them were constant with their inside jokes and stories about various pubs/ restaurants they have frequented together and they have been round at each other’s houses with their other halves for double date nights. Maybe I’m being too judgemental but I found their relationship to be totally bizarre, was quite like the David Brent equality street sketch. He never even mentioned to this guy that he had a granddaughter as well which was outrageous considering how much time they have obviously spent together.

Jealous of the cool kid imo.


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2 hours ago, throbber said:

My father in law is going through some sort of mid life crisis I reckon, he has always been a selfish guy who puts himself first, then his new wife and her kids second and then his own children from his first marriage about 5 th on his list of priorities. This year he has been even worse though, never makes an effort to see his grand daughter despite living in Edinburgh and when ever he does see her it’s usually somewhere convenient for him. He has on several occasions cancelled on us when he said he’d look after her for a while and even missed her first birthday because his 10 year old son had a staved finger.

Anyway he was banging on about a work mate of his for some time and he came with us to the football on Saturday , I was expecting him to be in his 50’s because of the way the FIL has banged on about him but he was a 30 year old Lad Bible EPL fanboy type who made the rest of us in the group feel rather uneasy. He thought nothing about swearing in front of young children and made several inappropriate sexual remarks throughout the day which the father in law seemed to find hilarious. The pair of them were constant with their inside jokes and stories about various pubs/ restaurants they have frequented together and they have been round at each other’s houses with their other halves for double date nights. Maybe I’m being too judgemental but I found their relationship to be totally bizarre, was quite like the David Brent equality street sketch. He never even mentioned to this guy that he had a granddaughter as well which was outrageous considering how much time they have obviously spent together.

I think that can be the way after a divorce.  My father-in-law left his wife for another woman about 20 years ago and while everyone gets on it's certainly afected the relationship he has with his kids and now their kids.  He rarely sees my son now even though he's retired and could come down whenever he wanted.  

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51 minutes ago, throbber said:

It does appear that way but it’s his wife that pulls the strings there and her kids/grand kids get priority sadly.


If he doesn't particularly care, then why bother yourselves?  Also, having been in the situation myself with my own dad and his latest (he's had a few) wife, if he really cared that much he'd make an effort.

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12 minutes ago, throbber said:

I have suggested this numerous times, both my parents and her mother would be delighted to have us round for Christmas as well and her Dad probably wouldn’t even care if we cancelled.


All joking aside, grow a pair of balls and tell your wife that Pie and Bovril has spoken.  Ditch the ones that don't give a f**k and spend Christmas with people that will appreciate it.  

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1 hour ago, throbber said:


I have suggested this numerous times, both my parents and her mother would be delighted to have us round for Christmas as well and her Dad probably wouldn’t even care if we cancelled.


This says it all, f**k this joker off and go where you’ll be welcomed

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2 hours ago, throbber said:


You’re right enough but it still bothers my gf and her siblings a lot, she was very upset when he cancelled on our daughters first birthday as she was well aware his excuse was a load of shite and it was just because his wife didn’t want to meet my mother in law. They also said they would look after our daughter one day a week and then cancelled on that with about 2 weeks notice landing us right in the shit a few weeks before that. We are going to theirs for Christmas this year and I don’t think they deserve our company if I’m honest.


Anyone else confused by the talk of girlfriend and in laws, are these her parents you're talking about or your wife. Tell your wife/ daughter of your father in law(girlfriend?) That life would be a whole lot less confusing if you forgot about him, he's clearly not interested so why get your hopes up that he will come into your life again, he's a roaster well rid IMO.

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