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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Anyone else noticed the decrease in PPI and scam phone calls.
A bit of a pleasant surprise.
The time to claim PPI passed in August. I now get phone calls about the car accident I wasn't in. I usually hand the phone to my 3 year old.
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From Grauniad.......

Mass gatherings in Scotland could be postponed until the summer due to the coronavirus outbreak, as the first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, defended the country’s response to the pandemic.

As of today, the Scottish government is issuing advice that mass events should not take place to reduce the impact of the outbreak on frontline services.

Sturgeon confirmed at a press briefing on Monday morning that this advice could be in place for several months and she can’t rule out it remaining even longer.

The first minister said “significant steps” have been taken to slow the spread of the coronavirus and reduce its impact, amidst growing criticism of the UK response to the outbreak.

Health Secretary Jeane Freeman said 700 additional ICU ventilators have been commissioned. In Scotland, authorities will continue to test key workers, including critical frontline NHS staff, to ensure the people who are so essential to managing the disease but also keeping a critical infrastructure going are not self-isolating unnecessarily.

Scotland is taking the same approach to the rest of the UK in considering asking elderly people to reduce social contact amid the coronavirus outbreak, the first minister said.

Sturgeon would not comment in detail about the stringent approach other countries have taken, but said: “I’m not privy to the advice and decision making in those countries. My responsibility is to follow the scientific advice we’ve been given, to interrogate and scrutinise that advice and to apply judgement to it.”

The first minister said that Scotland has already taken “quite significant steps” to tackle the outbreak and possibly prevent a second severe spike. “Asking everyone who has a fever or a cough to stay in their house for seven days is a significant step and behaviour change that we’re asking people to apply.”

She added: “That advice of course is about how we slow the spread and reduce the impact, but we do that in a way that perhaps avoids a later perhaps just as severe spike later on.”

The Scottish government’s ban on mass gathering does not currently apply to schools, travel, shopping and work. Dr Catherine Calderwood, Scotland’s chief medical officer, described blanket school closures that lasted a few weeks as ineffective.

[You need] a minimum of three months in order to really suppress the spread of the virus in these type of institutions. The thought that children won’t mix together for three months is impossible.

We therefore risk having children congregate to other areas together, the virus is spread amongst them, so you actually have measures put in which are ineffective in keeping virus from those groups of children.

To compare talking about closing the schools for two weeks, it’s very very clear from the science that is not a scientific way to either prevent the spread of the virus nor indeed to protect vulnerable people.

Updated at 12.46pm GMT

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Some of the resident experts in this thread, man Tpm51f2.png



Now I don't know anything about zoology, biology, geology, geography, marine biology, cryptozoology, evolutionary theory, evolutionary biology, meteorology, limnology, history, herpetology, palaeontology, or archaeology, but I think...





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I was particularly outraged at Virgin's use of the word "bean-counting" in their press statement about a bailout.

As if anyone who will benefit from said bailout, being the owners and directors who hoard money, would ever use it in the context of funds assigned for caring for those in need. 

Truly deplorable.

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Some of the resident experts in this thread, man Tpm51f2.png&key=d512bfad78e63ecc65cb37e938f8e7747b15618c949250d0d81d99295548ec20
Now I don't know anything about zoology, biology, geology, geography, marine biology, cryptozoology, evolutionary theory, evolutionary biology, meteorology, limnology, history, herpetology, palaeontology, or archaeology, but I think...



Sam Cooke was the original P&Ber.

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1 hour ago, L'immortale Par said:

Any self-respecting P&B poster will simply have this in their death certificate:



Getting your ashes scattered by a pepper mill would be quite appropriate for a chef TBH

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Guest JTS98
1 hour ago, Florentine_Pogen said:

Hmmm.......I think Jean Paul Sartre might have beaten you to that when he wrote "L'enfer, c'est les autres" in his book 'Huis clos, suivi de Les mouches'

in 1946. 🙄

Hell is other people doesn't mean other people are c***s. It means we can never escape the feeling of being judged by them and this perceived judgement following us through life causes us pain.

Like a manky b*****d who doesn't want to wash his hands after a pish in a public toilet, but feels he has to because others are watching.

Happy to help :)

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That's the Dow opened 2,000 points down and the FTSE currently 410 points down.

Countrywide, Investec & Restaurant group all being slaughtered along with Capita & DFS who are already on life support.

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FYI Tesco Greenock was actually well stocked earlier apart from bog roll & handwash. Managed to even get anti-bac spray.

If you want to venture down. (Probably most would rather die of Covid19)

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Guest Moomintroll
That's the Dow opened 2,000 points down and the FTSE currently 410 points down.
Countrywide, Investec & Restaurant group all being slaughtered along with Capita & DFS who are already on life support.
Restaurant Group have been on the brink for a while. Mental to see M&S with a Market Cap of only £1.6b when they have reported annual profits of £1b at their peak.
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