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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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22 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

So for a bit of practical advice, my anniversary is soon and we had planned to have a night away somewhere and go out for dinner etc.

I assume it would be foolish to book a hotel anywhere at this moment?

Stay at home and with a bit of creative effort, Mrs Bairnardo will have a great time......for example....

1. Know any plasterers ? Good, ask to borrow their stilts, Mrs. B. will think you've arranged a tall, handsome gigolo to come over and give her a night of wild, unbridled pleasure.

2. Turn your garage / basement / spare room into a sex dungeon. Philpy can provide the hardware, Throbber will provide the creative ideas. Shandon is presently trying to get in touch with Damien Hurley to see if he will take the photies.

3. Make a lovely meal. The menu could be a melange from the 'Nom Nom Nom' thread and in this way, the P&B massive also have a 'hand' in Mrs. B's delight. Howzabout a mini mushroom supper starter ............


I'm sure other posters could chip in with more ideas for your delectation.


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3 minutes ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

Unfortunately, that is not the job of media these days.

In return for 'access' they're nothing more than PR fluffers.

A journalist/media class who all went to school with those involved in politics.

MP's given an uncritical platform to announce government policy in their pal's newspapers, sometimes behind paywalls.

Journalists more interested in scolding and sneering at the general public on twitter, than holding those in power to account.


There needs to be a balance. Push them on welfare issues etc but if they're continually slagged off for their public health advice and people ignore it, we're all fucked.

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11 minutes ago, alr said:

From my understanding (reading the Imperial College report in bed at 2am) that graph is highlighing ICU beds required if we use the 'mitigate' method which relies on herd immunity which makes the curve dip quickly again.

They're recommending the 'supress' method which the UK government is now starting to enact - this probably means we have ot keep measures such as social distancing in place until a vaccine is available (estimated 18 months), or at least for 2/3rds of that time. 

It's looking like holidays, football leagues and group activities of any sorts could take a back seat until summer 2021.

Later in the report it models the effect of total supression, inevitably there is a second peak as the measures are lifted without any effort to build up immunity in the populace.

I also really dont think they'd be able to keep up the kind of supression levels we are seeing in Europe for more than a few months without totally trashing the economy to the point where that becomes the chief social strain rather than the virus.

It may make sense just now to prioritise supression to flatten the curve off, but they will need to switch back towards mitigation at some point...

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10 minutes ago, DigOutYourSoul said:


Requests for us to setup VPNs/increase licences will be going through the roof.


We only have 40 VPNs, we have about 95 workers who would need access to one should we all be sent home. If you could do anything to ensure my work can't purchase the additional 55 VPNs it would be greatly appreciated.

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14 minutes ago, RossDee01 said:

Yes, but it’s the country where the virus started, where there have been the most cases and a country which is recovering.

Also far more willing and able to shut everything down and make sure everyone sticks to the rules they put in place.

Will be interesting to see if it takes off again there as things return to normal.

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3 minutes ago, Florentine_Pogen said:

Stay at home and with a bit of creative effort, Mrs Bairnardo will have a great time......for example....

1. Know any plasterers ? Good, ask to borrow their stilts, Mrs. B. will think you've arranged a tall, handsome gigolo to come over and give her a night of wild, unbridled pleasure.

2. Turn your garage / basement / spare room into a sex dungeon. Philpy can provide the hardware, Throbber will provide the creative ideas. Shandon is presently trying to get in touch with Damien Hurley to see if he will take the photies.

3. Make a lovely meal. The menu could be a melange from the 'Nom Nom Nom' thread and in this way, the P&B massive also have a 'hand' in Mrs. B's delight. Howzabout a mini mushroom supper starter ............


I'm sure other posters could chip in with more ideas for your delectation.


Know any painters? You can get ideas from their radio...

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A friend of mine is involved in the planning for rolling out working from home for a major company.  IN one of the meetings a director piped up and asked if they could just let staff take their Desktop PCs home from the office and then send Desktop technicians out to people's houses to set them up.  This would be for approximately 5,000 members of staff.  Gid wan m9.

Edited by ICTChris
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10 minutes ago, cyderspaceman said:

OK I see, booking in advance, Fair enough but only if the company is still in business come October. Roll the dice right enough.

It's a no lose though as you don't pay until arrival and can cancel at any point (usually up to 24hrs) before arrival.

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1 minute ago, ICTChris said:

A friend of mine is involved in the planning for rolling out working from home for a major company.  IN one of the meetings a director piped up and asked if they could just let staff take their Desktop PCs home from the office and then send Desktop technicians out to people's houses to set them up.  Gid wan m9.

Willing to bet that question has been asked in more than one boardroom.

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10 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

I'm a mechanic, how am I meant to "work at home"?

I'll be forced to go into work, and then I'll inevitably get abuse for "endangering others", as if I can afford to go months on "sick pay" when I've got a mortgage and family without any more financial help.

Totally agree, I was meaning more the office based jobs in City Centres which are predominately Banking and Insurance.

As you say though guys like yourself and those working in the construction industry or retail, hospitality etc certainly can't work from home.

There's also the NHS, Teachers, Emergency Services but they'd be deemed to be "key workers" I'd imagine.

(Don't know if any of our Teachers can confirm or deny this, but I'm hearing that the Schools will be closing on Friday ?)

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9 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

You're a lot safer working with cars than people. Spray the interior and wash your hands a lot.

I'm not sure how many people will actually be dropping cars off though? Just a small business.

Just cancelled the honeymoon, meant to be having a 3 day break but last night got hefty cold symptoms (headache, sore throat, runny nose), and its carried on this morning to a worse degree. Feels like a bog standard cold but this all feels too serious to muck about with. Off work for a week anyway so will just stay in the house and keep myself to myself. 

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4 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

A friend of mine is involved in the planning for rolling out working from home for a major company.  IN one of the meetings a director piped up and asked if they could just let staff take their Desktop PCs home from the office and then send Desktop technicians out to people's houses to set them up.  This would be for approximately 5,000 members of staff.  Gid wan m9.

Sounds like that idea just jumped out of BoJo's bonce...............

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5 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

(Don't know if any of our Teachers can confirm or deny this, but I'm hearing that the Schools will be closing on Friday ?)

Nothing confirmed, all speculation at present.

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5 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Update, mum phoned back:

Mum: We're fine for stuff you don't need to worry.

Me: But what if you need to self isolate?

Mum: We both feel fine, we're not going to need to isolate!

Me: But the government might force you.

Mum: Why would they do that?

Me: It doesn't matter why, they might do it. Tell me what food you'll run out of in 2 weeks.

Mum: Oh I don't know, and anyway we have a lovely butcher we can go to when we run out

Me: What if you can't go to the butcher

Mum: Who's going to stop me going to the butcher?


f**k me I'm engraving 'don't say I didn't warn you' on their grave stones.

You’re mum is not going to be the only one thinking/acting like this.

This is exactly why the government SHOULD be making certain restrictions compulsory and, fearing the political backlash, are not doing so.


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Later in the report it models the effect of total supression, inevitably there is a second peak as the measures are lifted without any effort to build up immunity in the populace.
I also really dont think they'd be able to keep up the kind of supression levels we are seeing in Europe for more than a few months without totally trashing the economy to the point where that becomes the chief social strain rather than the virus.
It may make sense just now to prioritise supression to flatten the curve off, but they will need to switch back towards mitigation at some point...
There is a second peak but that's because they ended the suppression after 5 months. Presumably they'd have to kick it in again. The 2/3rds thing comes from where they turn suppression on and off like a tap based on their required ICU beds forecast.

I don't think we can keep it up either - I don't think we will handle it for much more than a month tbh. Everything 'worst case' is entirely possible due to the society this country has built for itself over the past few decades.
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8 minutes ago, Gaz said:

Nothing confirmed, all speculation at present.

Mrs. P. is a college lecturer and is still waiting for info from high heidyins on plans beyond April 20th. Staff still going in at present.

Students will be anxious as feck re. exams and this will also impact on staff.


Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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