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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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6 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

My biggest problem is lack of info for the ill the carers and general front line staff. I'm humming and hawing whether to stop my dads chemo. I left a message with haematology but still no word back. Usually stop when he gets chest infections but don't know whether to be pro active and build up his immunity incase he picks up the bug.


This was published in Heamatology journal. Interesting but worrying reading.

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5 minutes ago, GiGi said:

That's just fuckin weird behaviour tbh. I've been on some video calls this week and only the lead has been wearing a shirt. I've been on the couch with a dressing gown half the time. 😂

I once did an online video interview from home whereby I had a shirt and suit jacket on, but only boxers on the bits out of sight from the camera. 

Successfully got the job (until they pulled the role), so perhaps boxers are the new women's slacks (see the IT Crowd). 

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In Scotland, no new jury trials will begin util further notice as a result of the coronavirus outbreak.

The Scottish courts and tribunals announced today that no new criminal jury trials will be commenced or new juries empanelled until further notice. The measure follows yesterday’s extraordinary advice that the general public stay at home as much as possible and avoid unnecessary social contact.

In a statement, the Scottish authorities said jury trials that have already commenced will run to conclusion of the trial, if practical to do so.

“It is likely that further measures will be announced in the coming days,” the statement notes.


Posted to assist the criminal element of P&B - HTH

Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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In Scotland, no new jury trials will begin util further notice as a result of the coronavirus outbreak.

The Scottish courts and tribunals announced today that no new criminal jury trials will be commenced or new juries empanelled until further notice. The measure follows yesterday’s extraordinary advice that the general public stay at home as much as possible and avoid unnecessary social contact.

In a statement, the Scottish authorities said jury trials that have already commenced will run to conclusion of the trial, if practical to do so.

“It is likely that further measures will be announced in the coming days,” the statement notes.

Sweet. Anyone up for a P&B looting?
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Guest bernardblack
Would people not dress pretty casual in IT anyway? 
I definitely wouldn't be sitting at home in my suit if working from home was possible. :lol:

In my team it’s shirts and trousers. My football top and pyjama bottoms may have looked out of place
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For anyone who still has any doubts about what c***s the Tories are and what we should expect going forward with this crisis.


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8 minutes ago, Honest Saints Fan said:


This was published in Heamatology journal. Interesting but worrying reading.

"Individualised decisions on the benefits and risks of continuation of maintenance chemotherapy will have to be taken if the infection rates in the community rise. The benefit of tight disease control should be balanced against the immunosuppressive effects of the treatment, and the theoretical increased risk of harm from COVID‐19 that this may carry."

Good practical advice on paper but If they are not testing enough there will never be a good picture of community infection rates.

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"Referring to the UK – although it’s as relevant to other places as well – she adds:

People whose jobs have vanished from beneath their feet need money to live on but soon they’ll also need a purpose, something to do for months on end.

We will have a vast reservoir of bored, frustrated, depressed citizens whose jobs weren’t essential to survival on one hand, and on the other, a shortage of people to do essential work from social care to food production as others go down sick.

Ministers should be thinking now about how to match them up, in ways that don’t spread infection – if those who have had it do turn out to be immune, should they be trained or organised to fill the sinkholes that will open up in society?"

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16 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

My biggest problem is lack of info for the ill the carers and general front line staff. I'm humming and hawing whether to stop my dads chemo. I left a message with haematology but still no word back. Usually stop when he gets chest infections but don't know whether to be pro active and build up his immunity incase he picks up the bug.

My next appointment isn't till the end of next week so I'm not going to bother them till Monday or so, they must be manic trying to prioritise and cancel appointments where necessary. I read somewhere that especially high risk people (because of chemo/leukaemia etc) should get a letter in the post next week.

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Stanley Johnson, father of the UK prime minister, has indicated he would ignore official advice to tackle the spread of coronavirus and still go to the pub.

His comments came a day after Boris Johnson urged everyone to “avoid pubs, clubs, theatres and other such social venues”.

The Prime Minister said the advice was particularly important for people over 70. But Stanley Johnson, 79, said: “Of course I’ll go to a pub if I need to go to a pub.”

Speaking on ITV’s This Morning, he said landlords “don’t want people to be not in the pub at all”.

His comments come as the industry voices concern that the measures could result in mass job losses and permanent pub closures. He suggested his son’s Government would produce a major financial package to support businesses.


Aye, the apple never falls far from the f*cking tree.....................

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Just been along Falkirk High Street as I had to get something in Wilko and the old dears of Falkirk must have the "it'll never happen to me" attitude as the the street was thronged with them

Before anyone asks, I work in Falkirk, I'm not here by choice

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