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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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7 minutes ago, Florentine_Pogen said:

That's the EURO 2020 down the swanee.......................

Lucky it happened before the play offs. If we'd actually qualified at this point and this happened, it would absolutely have been a sign that the apocalypse is upon us.

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What I don't get is why has this virus suddenly jumped from bats to humans now? I'm sure bats have been getting eaten in those parts for years. 
That reminds me, I'll need to get some Bacofoil next time I'm at the shops. 
I was in Ghana at the height of the ebola crisis a few years ago. There were still folk barbecuing bats on the street next to posters telling folk not to fucking eat any bats.
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5 minutes ago, BawWatchin said:

That's fine bud. I've got the time. Will 3 months be long enough?

Until June last year I was working over in Rotterdam for a large multi-national engineering company unfortunately due to family events and circumstances (dad died, mum hd dementia and has had to go into care) I had to come back to Scotland> i was out of work for a few weeks and the job with an engineering company in Falkirk was the 1st one that came along. Planning to go back to the NL later this year (if I survive the Covid-19 pandemic)

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Have the Orange Order banned marches yet or is it a case of "We marched through the Plague years and no RC virus is going to stop us from going down our traditional routes"? At least they wear nice white gloves to prevent hand contact.

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Just now, tamthebam said:

Have the Orange Order banned marches yet or is it a case of "We marched through the Plague years and no RC virus is going to stop us from going down our traditional routes"? At least they wear nice white gloves to prevent hand contact.

There should be compulsary marches for them at the moment.  Every day, every week.  Justkeep them well away from other folk.

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Have the Orange Order banned marches yet or is it a case of "We marched through the Plague years and no RC virus is going to stop us from going down our traditional routes"? At least they wear nice white gloves to prevent hand contact.

I absolutely think their marches should go ahead. Spread that virus among their members. Everyone else can stay at home.
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7 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

If it's come from pangolins as some sources say then Chinese demand has made Asian species virtually extinct and they switched to African ones relatively recently.


If it is pangolins and it does end up wiping us out as a species that's personally bad news but overall a welcome development tbh.

Are you saying we should all be eating African pangolins to rid us of this menace?

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2 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

Update, mum phoned back:

Mum: We're fine for stuff you don't need to worry.

Me: But what if you need to self isolate?

Mum: We both feel fine, we're not going to need to isolate!

Me: But the government might force you.

Mum: Why would they do that?

Me: It doesn't matter why, they might do it. Tell me what food you'll run out of in 2 weeks.

Mum: Oh I don't know, and anyway we have a lovely butcher we can go to when we run out

Me: What if you can't go to the butcher

Mum: Who's going to stop me going to the butcher?


f**k me I'm engraving 'don't say I didn't warn you' on their grave stones.

I've said before, in less trying circumstances.

Old people become more irritating with every passing day. It's nature's way of preparing you for the inevitable.

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2 hours ago, cyderspaceman said:

I see your point. IF it's ONLY going to kill a small % then there could be an argument for just letting it carry on unabated. Not very caring tho, I'm over 65 and might be a statistic. People want their govs to look after them.

However, at the start no-one knew the stats. Now we have more info. The thing is very contagious  so if it spread uncontrolled, we would have millions off work and hospitals overwhelmed.  As it is, normal life is being curtailed. It would be far worse with a full blown pandemic.      Mibbes.

Disclaimer.    I am not an epidemiologist.

Don't worry, doesn't stop everyone else putting in their tuppence worth.

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Michael Bloomberg, what a guy................Praise the Lord for billionaires.......


Bloomberg Philanthropies, the multibillionaire Michael Bloomberg’s charitable foundation, has announced it is to fund a $40m global initiative to fight the spread of coronavirus in low- and middle-income countries.

Announcing the plan, Bloomberg, who recently spent about 26 times that amount in an abortive bid for the Democrat presidential nomination, said:

Millions of lives depend on getting the coronavirus response right – and so does the economic and social health of communities around the world. We need to slow transmission of the virus and minimize the impact of the outbreak in all countries.

As we launch the Coronavirus Local Response Initiative this week here in the U.S., we also are creating a new effort to prevent its spread globally, particularly in Africa. I know from my experience as mayor of New York City that giving public health professionals the tools to protect the public is vital to saving lives – and to help mitigate the kind of economic and social damage that could make this crisis even more debilitating for families and communities.

It comes after Bloomberg spent about $558m in three months in his punt to run for the US presidency.   😝

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Looks like I’ll be coming back to the homeland, guys. A mixture of part-time projection work at Cineworld and irregular music-related stuff has proved not to be the most ideal combination. Would have been nice for Cineworld to inform its employees before the news did.

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