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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Grauniad........Edinburgh Airport will follow IMHO


Gatwick Airport said it has terminated the employment of 200 staff as part of “decisive action to protect the business”, PA reports.

It will also be closed to flights between midnight and 5.30am with immediate effect, except for emergency landings.

The airport’s chief executive Stewart Wingate and his executive team will take a 20% salary cut and waive any bonus for the current financial year.

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51 minutes ago, Fullerene said:

Not sure about that.  I heard they are not that keen about cheese.

So did I but apparently they have now developed a taste for it.

They go to restaurants with names like Golden Cheddar and ask for 'the smelliest cheese you've got!'

That last bit's a lie.

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13 minutes ago, Ross. said:

In other words, if the UK approach turns out not to be a success they are going to blame the populace for being bad judges of their own health, completely removing them from any position of fault.

People with underlying health conditions will be careful. 

Some older folk might choose to go out on their shield but drinking/smoking/eating  yourself to death is already fairly common.

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Didn't know whether to post this, cos there are many others who will be in worse positions than me, but f**k it, I need to get it out there:

I work in Montenegro, which although it has no confirmed cases to date, decided to impose strict measures on Sunday night (bars, restos closed and three people allowed into the bank at any one time), in addition to closure of road borders, which was swiftly followed yesterday by closure of the national airspace.

Was due to fly home for 10 days on Thursday, mainly to see my 91 year-old mother who is very frail, but would also have taken in The Who.at the Hydro and Scotland v Israel.

Not so much concerned about the loss of the concert and the game, but it's important to me to see my mum regularly at this point in her life. Although she's still sound of mind, her body's been slowly packing up this last year. Horrible enough in itself. The uncertainty of when I'll be able to get back home, even although I fully appreciate why it's necessary, is absolutely gut wrenching.

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Premier of Ontario has declared a State of Emergency ;

the following establishments are legally required to close immediately:

All facilities providing indoor recreational programs.

All public libraries.

All private schools as defined in the Education Act.

All licensed child care centres.

All bars and restaurants, except to the extent that such facilities provide takeout food and delivery.

All theatres including those offering live performances of music, dance, and other art forms, as well as cinemas that show movies.

Concert venues.

Meanwhile my work has decided that fixing my and another colleague's access to work from home is not a priority and we are required to come into the office. It is nice actually getting a seat (I could probably have 5 seats to myself) on both subway trains to and from work. Downtown Toronto is eerily quiet at the moment, the ever present line up outside the legal weed dispensary round the corner from my office has not been effected though!   

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Just now, Detournement said:

People with underlying health conditions will be careful. 

Some older folk might choose to go out on their shield but drinking/smoking/eating  yourself to death is already fairly common.

This is going to be the biggest risk to my health for the foreseeable. 

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Guest Moomintroll
People are only panic buying because they believe they won't be able to get things. You don't panic buy bog roll if you know the shops open next week. We have had zero information on what our lock down scenario will be. That's not leadership.
Every major Supermarket in the Country have already put out a joint letter asking people to stop being selfish arseholes as we need time to get stock out the DCs & on to the shelves, but the selfish arseholes won't listen.
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First day working from home today. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm finding it easier said than done; it's too easy to just think that I'm simply at home. I'm actually wishing I had a firm deadline in the near future to help get into the habit of doing actual work in this environment.
I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually, though.

My first day of working from home as well today. I do it two days a week anyway, so not too much of a culture shock. My main concern is if/when the schools shut. I hardly ever work from home when my kids are not well/on holiday as it just ends up completely mental, on calls and having them screaming at each other. Don’t have a clue how it’s going to pan out.
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6 minutes ago, Detournement said:

People with underlying health conditions will be careful. 

Some older folk might choose to go out on their shield but drinking/smoking/eating  yourself to death is already fairly common.

If they die, they die, eh?

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14 minutes ago, Bairn Necessities said:

I don't know.. people are idiots. This is happening worldwide,  not just in the UK. Some people are unfortunately selfish b*****ds, and would rather they had 350 bog rolls just in case,  even if it meant the old woman next door having none.

I struggle to blame the government for panic buying - and its inevitable there will be shortages of some foods over the next while. I don't see how supermarkets can ever promise to keep shelves stocked when there's so much uncertainty just now.

If members of the general public trusted the government a bit more then maybe they wouldn’t panic buy.

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18 minutes ago, The Master said:

First day working from home today. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm finding it easier said than done; it's too easy to just think that I'm simply at home. I'm actually wishing I had a firm deadline in the near future to help get into the habit of doing actual work in this environment.

I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually, though.

I've been doing it for more than two years and it doesn't get any easier.

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2 minutes ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

People are facing losing their livelihoods because of coronavirus but here comes Jock McSporran from Dunfermline complaining about having to work a few extra hours to ship essential goods to people in need.

Humans are the worst.


You do realize all of those amazon workers are facing losing their livelihoods as well yeah?

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29 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Mum latest. Reluctant acceptance it might be worth letting me arrange a food order after I got my brother to deliver the same message. HOWEVER:

  • Only Maris Piper potatoes, maybe some nice salad potatoes if they look nice.
  • Some fish, but only haddock.
  • Only big tomatoes. We don't like the little cherry ones.
  • Pasta, but only if it's nice. Last time we were in the choice was limited and we didn't think much of what they had.

After a childhood of being told I'll eat what's put in front of me it was all I could do not to say as much down the phone.


ETA: too tired to go on the computer and email me a vague list today, aye you have a wee rest it's not like slots are being taken further into April every hour.


Having similar conversations with my mother whos 67, has heart and respiratory problems. My dad is showing symptoms so he's isolated in a room in the house. 

Shes been calling and messaging me non stop as shes "bored in the house" I've come up with suggestions - each one is batted down immediately. I said "why not clean the house up" she says "i don't want to fill my bin up" (which she barely uses)

Her idea is just to "get whatever he has and get it over with"

I said "Yeah but you could die" she says "Yeah but its unlikely"

Making a bad situation 10x worse and have had enough of it already. Why can't people just behave.

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4 minutes ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

People are facing losing their livelihoods because of coronavirus but here comes Jock McSporran from Dunfermline complaining about having to work a few extra hours to ship essential goods to people in need.

Humans are the worst.


Why don't you go and volunteer to do it? 

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