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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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As bad as this situation is, blaming the government or any other political party is pointless and naive.

They are making f**k all up as they go along, and in reality not making any of their own decisions, which is why the snp and other parties are on board with the way it's being handled.  The plan for dealing with a flu type pandemic has been in place for years and they are simply following that, and being guided by the stats and projections from scientists and health professionals as the situation unfolds.

Whether it turns out to be the best course of action who knows?  It's a new virus, the characteristics of which we have very little idea about.  But folk on Facebook ranting about the strategy and lack of info or forwarding the latest makey uppy stuff about how gargling your own pish gives you immunity or something, yet they can't even be arsed looking up the plan/ the latest guidance or info is incredible.



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1 minute ago, Snafu said:

Its now take away or take away in McDonalds as they close off seating areas to combat the coronavirus.


Poor guys. Those germ harbouring self service touch screens (that were designed to cut staff numbers) now no use and turnover will be down (I guess) 60% or so. 


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1 hour ago, NotThePars said:

What’s your dystopian/ pandemic movie of choice? I’m thinking Children of Men

The day the earth caught fire.

It's got Michael Caine in it in a cameo and there's not a lot of people know that.

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11 minutes ago, ThatBoyRonaldo said:

I quite liked Passengers - thought it could have been a great film had it not decided halfway through to stop being a drama and start being a thriller.

I really like it. Agree it isn’t perfect, but at the crux of it, if he hadn’t taken the decision to wake her up, she, and everyone on board, would have died, as it took two people to fix the problems crippling the ship. One of those movies I have watched multiple times, and still enjoy it. Fluff, but well made fluff with enough about it to make you ponder his actions, and what you would have done in his shoes. Anywayyy.... if we do suffer an imposed lockdown, I might start watching the entire box set of ‘Lost’ again, to see if I still think it was utter shite after the first series. If anyone is looking for a good series to watch in case of a lockdown, and hasn’t seen this one yet - can highly recommend ‘The Newsroom’ with Jeff Bridges.

Edited by pozbaird
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1 hour ago, Todd_is_God said:

I don't think a few weeks, but if in 6 weeks or so there has been no noticeable benefit I imagine this may be the case.

Isolation over an extended period is completely unsustainable

I'm in the high risk group so I'm going to be careful though there's no way I'm staying in for months. 

Hit the shops every few weeks to stock up and when I'm bored go out for a drive. 

I talked the threat down to my 19 year old Son but this looks like a potential shit storm approaching. 

I need to be sensible with my heart and breathing problems. 

If I get the virus there's a fair chance I'm fecked. 

( stop cheering folks you demean yourselfs )

Edited by sureiknow
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2 hours ago, virginton said:

They were also truncheoning people in the face for breaking quarantine; while practically every old boomer over here is already stating that they’re fine, they’re fitter than everyone else and won’t self isolate when they are eventually told to do so.

We’re going to need more truncheons coffins IMO.



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1 minute ago, oaksoft said:

A close member of my family is in that age bracket and is undergoing cancer treatment so you can f**k right off with that comment.

So is he going down the pub giving it large to f**k off the namby pamby millennials?

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Do you mean "you" as in 3rd person?
I ask because I made no mention of drinking in pubs.
Not you, just think theres too many people close together in city pubs. Just try to be sensible. Go somewhere quiet or maybe get a carry out. Not saying live like a monk just be considerate. NHS workers have to treat people without protection. Is it worth it?
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25 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Under 65 - commute and workplace is main source of infection.

Over 65 - pubs, restaurants etc.

They really need to order the closure of everything not selling essentials.

What we need is a bit of common sense.  Minimise social contact, more so the age groups that are most vulnerable.

My sister, who is in her early 70s, called my missus earlier to arrange to go for a coffee on Friday, something they do regularly. She was miffed when my missus said know and further miffed when she explained why.

Despite her age my sister still works part-time as a cleaner at Ninewells, I’m astounded that she has not been told to stay away and would probably be pissed off if she was.  She’s probably more chance of coming into contact with an infected person than most of us.



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I watched Passengers last week and it's even bleaker than what we're facing right now. Guy in suspended animation on a ship in space wakes up by accident. Spends a year alone and decides to wake up Jennifer Lawrence because he's lonely. She forgives him because he's attractive and because he saves them. It made me very uncomfortable.

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