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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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At the risk of sound sycophantic I think their hearts are in the right place.  I genuinely think Sturgeon is motivated by what is best for the people of Scotland as a whole, whereas Johnson is still looking at what is best for interest groups.
Sadly most of the major powers to deal with this are still vested in the UK government rather that the devolved ones.

I hope youre right GD. I know im about to get an absolute using for the next few months work wise and im happy to get stuck in about it, but what I cant be doing with is the stress of work along with no clarity on childcare. If they make provision for emergency services great, i can focus on work but ive no one to help me and an expectation i’ll be at work so im annoyed at the absence of any info as to whats going on.
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4 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:

How many grandparents watch their grandkids regularly as it is though? I expect quite a lot. The idea of shutting the school is surely to minimise the chance of kids carrying it and passing it on to people like their vulnerable grandparents.

There's pros and cons about this decision.

The crucial error here is that they didn't do it when there were a handful of cases and so almost no infected kids to pass it onto grandparents or any other carer. They should have been punted into their house and out of sight two weeks ago: which is what any competent government in Europe did. UK politicians were too busy wringing their hands about how costly and unpopular it would be to require parents to look after their sprogs for the foreseeable future, made up specious nonsense about listening to 'expert medical advice' on the matter and so here we are.

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Okaaaay.  I finally caught up.  Mrs Spaceman and I went out for a walk earlier, with our signed and dated documents, just in case. Walked along the farm tracks where we normally meet no one.  Met 6 folk and 3 cars and a dug. Nae gendarmes tho. Lovely weather 18 degrees.  Sorry but that's why I left Bonnie S.  We had intended to go back for a couple of weeks in April but now it looks like it will be September.  Your winter time. Bugger.

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3 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

See above.

We were already way below capacity. Hyperinflation is only really a risk if we overshoot the amount of money needed to replace lost real income. It is possible and a risk, but so is a full on collapse of the economy. 

Fortunately, we elect clever people with impeccable judgement to make these difficult calls on our behalf 

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3 minutes ago, virginton said:

The crucial error here is that they didn't do it when there were a handful of cases and so almost no infected kids to pass it onto grandparents or any other carer. They should have been punted into their house and out of sight two weeks ago: which is what any competent government in Europe did. UK politicians were too busy wringing their hands about how costly and unpopular it would be to require parents to look after their sprogs for the foreseeable future, made up specious nonsense about listening to 'expert medical advice' on the matter and so here we are.

Agree with your sentiment but the French and Spanish only did it at the weekend past.  BJ and his crew certainly dithered tho. I wonder how much input Cummings had. We'll never know of course as he's unaccountable.

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46 minutes ago, PauloPerth said:

There have been detailed predictions of a flu pandemic at anytime in the near-future by medical and science experts around the world for a while.  It was stated that this could begin in any part of the world, including here. It could be transferred from animal to animal/ animal to human etc.

Would you be feel the same way if the rest of the world ceased trading with us if a pandemic originated here? So we could learn our lesson like.

We've all got a bit of responsibility not to spread reactionary shite, the way things snowball with social media these days. It's a bit trump-like, so you should have a wee think before havering such pish.


It's nothing to do with learning a lesson, it's to do with keeping people safe.

If there was a global virus to originate for here I would argue it's the first time it's happened. And we can stop it happening again. How many viruses which have spread overseas have originated in China?

Also I'm happy to hear your opinion

42 minutes ago, Ross. said:

In your situation they have already lost their economy. Shutting them off would only mean they reciprocate and probably see them weaponise it in order to do economic damage elsewhere.

This is absolutely a bizzare racist statment. 

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6 minutes ago, BingMcCrosby said:


This is absolutely a bizzare racist statment. 

Don't see the racism. It could apply to any nation put in the situation your suggestions wouid engender. You are proposing an ultra extreme and unattainable 'solution'. There would always be someone who would want to trade.

Edited by cyderspaceman
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3 hours ago, bernardblack said:

If we go into lockdown and we are only allowed to the supermarkets to buy essentials....who gets to define essentials?

As I will be needing beer

Don't think anyone has responded to this, but I seen today that a local bar (The Spinnaker in Gourock) is trying to expand its new takeaway function to alcohol as well. It'd probably be £4 for a bottle of Fyne Ales from there but if local authorities give the go ahead then pubs will be running a dial-a-bevvy service near all of us in the near future.

1 hour ago, oaksoft said:

Right now, the self-righteous twattery is coming from you.

You are in no place to judge anyone at a time like this.

Hope that the government waives lockdown restrictions for the day that your business collapses m8.



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22 minutes ago, oaksoft said:


I can console myself knowing my mortgage is paid off though. :lol:

How are you two doing on that score?

Always surprises me that so many people with wildly successful lives feel the need to spend the majority of their time trolling an anonymous football forum, tbh.

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24 minutes ago, doulikefish said:

Old people need to banned from the shops!!!
Its them thats doing all the panic buying

My local Sainsbury is open 8 to 9 am for over 60's and people with vulnerable health conditions. 

That's me twice but I'm still not going.

Did stock up a bit but not madly.

16 toilet rolls ....

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31 minutes ago, doulikefish said:

Old people need to banned from the shops!!!
Its them thats doing all the panic buying

I’d imagine many old folk are struggling to buy a wee bit extra let alone panic buy.

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6 minutes ago, Highland Capital said:

Apologise if this has been posted already (this thread seems to expand at a rate of knots!), but Graham Spiers has a rather odd idea...


All well and good keeping kids off School but does it not defeat the purpose to let them run about? 

And there will be a lot of teenagers just will not stay at home.

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