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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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46 minutes ago, Duszek said:

Well f**k it, I’ll have a crack:

This isn’t racist, but in Madagascar, as soon as you hit puberty the village headman ties you to a...

Hold on, will start again:

This isn’t racist, but instead of toilets, your average Goan shits in a...

Christ. Tougher than it looks.

This isn’t racist, but some posts are.

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Guest Moomintroll
Corner shops are the key here lads. Not things like Spar but shops like Keystore, Best One, Alldays etc. 
Premier & Londis as well min.
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2 hours ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

The issue isn't 'wet markets', these are found around the world and are good actually.

The issue is the (unregulated and often illegal) introduction of exotic wildlife into some of these markets.

you probably think the dog meat festivals good too

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in the city of Bergamo, there were 108 more deaths in the first 15 days of March this year compared to 2019 (164 deaths in 2020 vs. 56 deaths in 2019) according to the mayor of the city Giorgio Gori. During this period, 31 deaths were attributed to the coronavirus (less than 30% of the additional deaths this year) 

"There are significant numbers of people who have died but whose death hasn't been attributed to the coronavirus because they died at home or in a nursing home and so they weren't swabbed," said the mayor

Fun news (possibly already posted, apologies if so) from Italy.
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On the barbers being open theme.
I've long since lost my flowing locks (I'm in my avatar)so just pop in for the 2 minute zero shearing.
In all my visits over the years to numerous establishments I dont think I've ever been sheared with clean cutters.
Should barbers and hairdressers be cleaning and sterilising there kit between punters ?
Bought a set of clippers last week. Gave myself first haircut last night. Not too bad, will just shave it every couple of weeks now. £20 from argos, had over ten different guards.
Feel sorry for all the lads with preened haircuts, they'll be freaking out.
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2 hours ago, oaksoft said:

Right in the middle of the worst health crisis the country has seen in 100 years and with the country on the verge of economic collapse, you want the unions to pile in and start asking for massive pay increases?

Honestly, what goes through your head when you post stuff like this?

I really don't know where to start with this.

Do you think it's ok / fine / fair for the poorest paid in society to be the ones bearing the brunt of said crisis, putting their life and their families life on the line for tuppence happeny ?

Would you put yourself on the line for 17 grand a year ? but then again, I'd bet you're happy to accept the Government "handout" of up to £35k for doing nothing, you're type always are. 

You see, people like you rely on the "market forces" argument in order to justify why a CEO should be paid £5 million p/a or an investment banker being paid £2 miilion p/a but when the tables are turned you suddenly don't believe in it ?

Surprise sur fuckin prise !!

I'm sorry, but it's attitudes like yours makes people like me only the more determined to ensure we get some sort of change in this country and that change is socialist and fair so that EVERYONE in society can be treated fairly as opposed to only the rich and powerful benefiting at the expense of the rest.

Typical disgusting Tory.

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Well, well. Apparently car sales and service IS seen as essential as an “extension of home” so I will be working at least part of the week.
I’m happy with that as, early in recovery and prone to depression, this is a positive for me. [emoji106]

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2 minutes ago, BawWatchin said:

Well that's me convinced.


I don't know what that is hiding behind the wine, it looks dodgy, but Fosters is bland as f*ck. Carlsberg Export is down there with one of the worst beers out there, disgusting stuff.

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