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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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42 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

I’ve read a few people have been saying that they believe Coronavirus has been on the go here for much longer than the authorities are reporting. They also said they had an unusual cold/flu type thing around about Christmas that they’ve never experienced before. I had that and it lingered on and off until mid Feb. Anyone in the same boat?

They may have had a coronavirus last year but they certainly didn't have Covid-19.


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There's been about 200 posts since the announcement so it's probably been said but how are fines going to be imposed here as long as people are allowed to leave for exercise? Even the pond life who will be out "cuz al dae what a like" will surely have the sense to say "I'm out walking for some exercise" if they're stopped.

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55 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

I’ve read a few people have been saying that they believe Coronavirus has been on the go here for much longer than the authorities are reporting. They also said they had an unusual cold/flu type thing around about Christmas that they’ve never experienced before. I had that and it lingered on and off until mid Feb. Anyone in the same boat?

My mum had that flu around the time you say and thinks it could have been coronavirus. With her having been treated for cancer in the not too distant past that revelation was quite a scary one.

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Guest JTS98
14 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

There's been about 200 posts since the announcement so it's probably been said but how are fines going to be imposed here as long as people are allowed to leave for exercise? Even the pond life who will be out "cuz al dae what a like" will surely have the sense to say "I'm out walking for some exercise" if they're stopped.

See. That's the problem.

The UK government seems determined to learn nothing from the experience of other countries. It's quite bizarre.

As for the idea of places like Sports Direct trying to claim they are essential businesses, that just shows how much of a fucking mare the UK government has had in dealing with this. It's absolute insanity.

The message in other countries is stay at home and that's clearly the most sensible thing to do.

Some tips based on my days in so far.

1) You can still do decent exercise in the house. I've been doing interval training running on the sport, star jumps, squats, press-ups, stretching. I'm actually feeling in pretty good shape. Fifteen minutes, three times a day. Gives the day some shape.

2) Make yourself a daily list of stuff to do. Ticking it off feels good. Even include stuff like 'Have a shower'. 'Read a chapter of Book X'. Again, gives your day shape and a sense of stuff done.

3) If you're working from home, as I am, try to stick to your chosen work hours, whatever they are, but, just as importantly, try to choose one place in your home for work and do all of it there. Keep the rest of your home work-free.

4) Skype your pals. I'm rationing calls to 2 per day to allow me to spend a good amount of time with each person I talk to, but also to spread people out to keep something fun for each day. In a sense it's an opportunity, I've spoken to some people I'd let things slip with for years.

5) Watch what you're eating. Remember that you're not going to be out and about as much, so you don't need to stuff your face. I'm down to a decent brunch and a healthy dinner every day.

6) Personally, I'd advise staying off the bevvy. It's good to wake up fresh in a situation like this, and especially if you're around other people, alcohol can always lead to misunderstandings, arguments, saying stupid stuff etc, and nobody needs that just now.

Good luck to all.

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17 hours ago, Tight John McVeigh is a tit said:


Really poor show by yourself!

You write that but don’t say which brand! Clearly not Red Horse of Gold Eagle if you are the only one drinking it. San Mig Extra dry?


San Mig Light.  Red Horse is the back up plan - I can see my neighbour's sari sari store stock from my upstairs window - I bought all the SM Light but there is still 4 or 5 cases of Red Horse there so no need to panic yet.  Once it gets down to 1 case I'll need to make a decision!

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There's been about 200 posts since the announcement so it's probably been said but how are fines going to be imposed here as long as people are allowed to leave for exercise? Even the pond life who will be out "cuz al dae what a like" will surely have the sense to say "I'm out walking for some exercise" if they're stopped.


My guess is that it's not really about police going round enforcing these rules. The government knows that there will never be 100% compliance, nor enough police. But deep down most people are decent and understand the problem, and will attempt to comply as far as possible, so the number of people roaming around spreading the virus will reduce.


Someone going out on his own for a jog isn't going to be stopped to check that it is his first jog of the day, and someone carrying a shopping bag won't have his bag searched to check it contains essential food items. But a group of bams gathering in a park will get broken up, I would imagine.


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16 minutes ago, Snafu said:

Will it be possible that online shops and marketplaces would be unaffected by the lockdown?

They'll probably see an upturn in sales. 

What's to happen to business' that are told they're non essential opening by appointment? 

I've already seen one shop saying due to the announcement they have to close but if you know what you're wanting to buy they can let you in by appointment. They sell clothes. Surely if you know what you want to buy you'd just order it online? 

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7 hours ago, Shandon Par said:

I can see you're going to be P&B's resident Father Noel Furlong during the lockdown.

f**k knows why, he's been actively celebrating a grown man getting away with sexually assaulting women purely because of which political party he once represented. 

He's an absolute wrong 'un. 

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12 minutes ago, Dele said:

Surely if you know what you want to buy you'd just order it online? 

I think all delivery drivers are being diverted to delivering food though? 

I know DPD drivers are delivering food packages for Morrisons in Perth. 

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18 hours ago, SlipperyP said:

I knew that would be a reply, yes people do get injured at the home, however folk also get injured while outside, try taking some of that off the stats by not leaving the house.


If more accidents happen at home than any other place, surely the best advice would be to stay outside , or maybe swap houses with your neighbour? 

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Sorry to repeat myself, but this is from the BBC website a few minutes ago.



I wonder who applied pressure on the government to come up with this nonsense.  Whoever thinks you can practice social distancing at all time and on all tasks on a building site is kidding themselves.


Edited by Granny Danger
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5 hours ago, Thereisalight.. said:

I’d agree with this. It was the first good weekend of weather we’ve been had all year after 3 storms. It was mother’s day and young kids were out with their parents enjoying the sun. From the beach pics I saw from Ayr it looked like 99% were observing the 2 metre “rule”. It’s alright for the high and mighty on social media calling them selfish and “killers” etc, maybe they should try being indoors on a sunny day with a few young kids going stir crazy 

Tried it mate. Did it. It was fine. 

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15 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Sorry to repeat myself, but this is from the BBC website a few minutes ago.



I wonder who applied pressure on the government to come up with this nonsense.  Whoever thinks you can practice social distancing at all time and on all tasks on a building site is kidding themselves.


Nicola Sturgeon announced yesterday afternoon that building sites should close, chaps on the site next to my work downed tools immediately, secured the site and fucked off home. Glad they did too as it's been months of extremely noisy hammering, banging and drilling. Was rather hoping that would be that for a while, who knows if they will be back today or not.

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I work as a builder and just got a text from my boss saying no work as the quarry is shut so we can't get any concrete mix to pour the foundation of the extension we're doing. 

If it wasn't for that we would definitely still be working. His rationale being its only 2 of us so 'we'll be fine.' 

As long as he fucking pays me i can stay in bed all day now. 


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7 hours ago, Forest_Fifer said:
9 hours ago, Ya Bezzer! said:
Death/Recovery stats in different countries are all over the place.
Iceland 51 recovered 1 death
France 2,200 recovered 860 deaths
UK 135 recovered 335 deaths
Italy 7,432 recovered 6,077 deaths
Germany 422 recovered 118 deaths
Netherlands 2 recovered 213 deaths

We've tested so few people, there are probably a load who've had it and recovered who aren't part of the stats.

The government reckon infections  1000 per death and 400-500 infections per confirmed case of Covid-19.

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