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56 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Todays health update.... Most symptoms subsiding although did wake up with a pretty sore head.

Sense of smell and taste still almost totally away. This is becoming a serious cause for concern.

Made worse by Falkirk Council's refuse collection debacle.

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Good to note that both Sky and BBC now have reporters in position at the gates of Balmoral.

Presumably they are regarded as essential key workers, who have to be stationed at these gates, in the unlikely event of someone coming out to update them on Chucky's condition.

Meanwhile the nation awaits, simply agog at this exciting/devastating news.




Edited by ICTJohnboy
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4 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Caught the tail end of a bit on 5 Live this morning where an ‘expert’ guest was suggesting the 80% wage subsidy is not universal but would only be available for employees who would otherwise have been made redundant.

That wasn’t my interpretation nor do I think it is the wider interpretation of employers.

Is this why so many companies have kept open, as they believed the 80% subsidy was for every worker? That would be ridiculous if an employer believed that was the case.

It's to allow companies to close / reduce the number of staff actively working and retain staff by not having to pay their salaries out of their own cash reserves, whilst ensuring the employee has a job to come back to once restrictions are lifted.

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2 minutes ago, G_Man1985 said:

Unsure if being serious again regarding rationing deliveries.
We keep some deliveries back and are cleared by 8am .
Having to put barriers up etc to stop humans being c***s.
We are meant to be on lockdown...

Loads of the people getting deliveries will be young, healthy and quite able to do their own shopping. A Tesco guy said that delivering groceries to the house was the most inefficient way of distributing them, it's beyond their capacity to do it for more than 10% of their customers. That's what I mean about rationing, that 10% should be the people who need it most. 

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sakes. Furious on your & your missus behalf

Piece on bbc news about the russian and indian response, every cop and doctor/nurse in ppe including masks. Anyway, both still working like f**k. I hate the ‘lets have a meeting about having a meeting’ pish that happens in UK public sector, just get stuff done. In times like these the lets discuss everything to the nth degree has to at a certain extent get pushed aside and leaders make decisions based on the best evidence at the time.
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14 minutes ago, G_Man1985 said:

First bit I agree about.
Second bit regarding click n collect we are struggling like f**k staff wise and have brought in more people who arent trained yet. We will probably expand again.
However the general public are still assholes.
Dont come into the store for just a meal deal and a paper and head back home. Make yourself a sandwich in house m save some pennies


12 minutes ago, G_Man1985 said:

Unsure if being serious again regarding rationing deliveries.
We keep some deliveries back and are cleared by 8am .
Having to put barriers up etc to stop humans being c***s.
We are meant to be on lockdown...

 Further confirmation that if the day ends in a ‘y’ then retail staff will be blaming their customers rather than their useless management or crap business model for making a royal c**t of it again.

 The craven company loyalty is strong in this sector.

Edited by vikingTON
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38 minutes ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

Do proper off-licences still exist anywhere? I don't think there's been one in Inverness since Haddows and Victoria Wine bit the dust.

Yes. There are at least two within 4 miles of our house.

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5 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:

Good to note that both Sky and BBC now have reporters in position at the gates of Balmoral.

Presumably they are regarded as essential key workers, who have to be stationed at these gates, in the unlikely event of someone coming out to update them on Chucky's condition.

Meanwhile the nation awaits, simply agog at this exciting/devastating news.




I did wonder the other night if there was any need for the amount of reporters out on the streets. There was one of them standing in a shop car park going up to customers asking them if what they were getting from the shop was essential. I was hoping one of them would ask in return if her approaching members of the public to ask those sorts of questions was regarded as “essential”. Sadly no one had the baws to say it.

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34 minutes ago, superbigal said:

Just to clarify how useless online supermarket shopping currently is.

I am aware Tesco has zero slots for delivery or uplift in next 3 weeks fine.

However having booked a slot 2 weeks ago for a delivery last night. A sensible list mind. No arseholeness. Tesco turns up with less than a 3rd of the items ordered. Now considering every item on the list would have been in stock in the last day or 2 it shows the shambles.

Clearly anyone with a 10pm delivery booked (mine was earlier) will get their shopping packed at 8pm that night when fuckall is in stock.

Not sure what the motto of the story is but in theory now I have had a home delivery I would rather have cancelled.



Ps fuckk knows what divet decides mould cleaner is a substitute for sausages



Donald Trump

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Supermarket management should have know after the beast from the east and xmas rush that people are selfish morons and panic buying will happen.
Unfortunately they are set up to run like theres no problems and run like clockwork with just in time delivery. The fuckwits buying a months worth of stuff have ruined it.

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36 minutes ago, Jack Burton said:
39 minutes ago, G_Man1985 said:
Yup so this is something we spoke about. We have people on the front door who will speak to customers and advise etc.
So some scenarios like you said are unavoidable.
Next step is how many people in store at a time

Asda in Cumbernauld are only letting so many in at a time, was a queue to get in. Only letting one in when another shopper had left.

Goodness help anybody waiting on my wife coming out. 

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50 minutes ago, Jack Burton said:
1 hour ago, BingMcCrosby said:
That's a fair question.
And I dont direct this all at you.
The point I'm trying to make is that merely criticising the hygiene and actions of groups of Chinese people does not make you a racist. There are people from many countries being criticised on here.
There are many news articles like the ones I quoted previously doing just that. 
I was hoping the people calling me a racist would have the balls to comment on the articles. They haven't because the know they are wrong.
To call someone a racist and then run off when asked to prove their point is the behaviour of very low class people. To use the word racist as a weapon is disgusting.
Everything that is said on here is stored and so can be read back and quoted. I have asked a few time for me to be quoted being a racist. And yet there has been no quotes.
So just to finalise, I am in fact not a racist.
This is an anonymous forum so if I wanted to say racist things what would be stopping me?
I have said nothing racist, if you think I have please prove your point.
And finally Marshmallo specificly is a scum bag.

The wet markets are abhorrent, criticising them isn't racist. Instead you were advocating boycotting anything Chinese and declaring every single Chinese person as being filthy, tucking into bat and anything else they get their hands on.

This is where things get muddled and interpretation becomes fact.

Please quote me where I have said that, as I asked for. Do not just invent something you think I said.

First part, you actually agree with me

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41 minutes ago, Daydream said:

the relative importance the country as a whole places on our fishing communities.

speak for yourself, dude. I say f**k 'em. I'd like to see them sail out en masse to the middle of the North Sea, scuttle their craft, and sink forever from human history.

this'll win me no friends among the League One community, I suspect.

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Prince Charles and Camilla will be following governmental advice and isolating separately. It's not a huge house but certainly big enough to isolate yourself within it.

Like in relation to what ??

Your average 2 or 3 bedroom semi ??

Honestly, this country really is pathetic.

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