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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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9 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Are you surprised? There are bampots in the UK that will go to A&E with a cold. Or phone the police because KFC has no chicken.

For the same reason 20% of people think they have a food allergy (only 5%) do, many people will have been choking for a test to come back positive so they can get 'likes' and "OMG ***" stuff on social media.

Yep, we've also got halfwits spending all day attempting to come up with something that will go viral on social media, it's easy to see why we're so unproductive in a work environment. 

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Unexpected, but utter scumbag behaviour from the likes of Mike Ashley and Daniel Levy. Let's f**k over our minimum wage staff while Ndombele rakes in £200k a week.
I'll be seething if Uncle Roy attempts to abuse the furlough scheme at County.

Yes its disgraceful behaviour, but please don’t lose sight of Ashley’s absolute god like genius in the destruction of sevco.
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The english clubs might well be doing what Celtic have announced I.e. furlough non playing staff, claim the 80% but make up the remaining 20% themselves.

Yes its disgraceful behaviour, but please don’t lose sight of Ashley’s absolute god like genius in the destruction of sevco.
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Have my ears been letting me down in recent days, I've heard the absence rate of 25% being mentioned for NHS England, pretty sure I heard Sturgeon stating our rate was 6%.

Surely there can't be that sort of difference between the 2 countries. 

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Yeah, US intelligence services whining about China's official figures at the same time as their own clown-car government surges their country forward as the epicentre of the pandemic is really not the smoking gun evidence that some people bizarrely think it is. They're pretty much engaging in Old Firm levels of deflection and whataboutery tactics against each other and you're running around with a Jim Traynor press release as your hot take for the day.

Edited by vikingTON
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The english clubs might well be doing what Celtic have announced I.e. furlough non playing staff, claim the 80% but make up the remaining 20% themselves.
Did celtic get away with this without much coverage? Seriously?

Fucking hell.
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1 minute ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Touche i hadnt checked what kind of ticket it was! I thought with doing away of the paper licence that you could pay them all online and licence would be updated automatically.

Should be.

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7 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

Correct the halfwits that believe everything on social media and want tested for that Corona hing.

My practice was overran by morons who were asymptomatic demanding a test for it.

Incidentally despite being in the good old Covid assessment centre we're still not testing  for it.

Special mention to the smelly c**t who came to the practice today on his bike screaming to be tested for it as he has that CPOD.

Not a bad effort to be able to cycle, shout and rant like a fanny despite being breathless.  Bolt ya steamer and its COPD ya flange.

Another wee  mention to the fannies walking around Tesco looking like they've just went into a  nuclear reactor in Chernobyl.  Interesting attire.  I saw one local cretin claim on social media that she was visibly shaking coming out the shop as there was people near her.  Just f**k off.

Anyway I'm away for my tea.  



I think that people who are stuck at home seem to be losing it more. There is a definite divide in my mates between those who are staying home versus those still working.

It's also worth remembering that a decent proportion of the population have mental health issues whether it's the type you can see from 20 yards away or more low key. That's just part of society now.

Regardless any reasonable assessment of risk is out the collective window.


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Speaking of clown-car governments, it's worth looking at how the myth of plucky, Blitz Britain actually stands up to comparison with other countries right now.


It's truly something for the UK to have had only around 40% of the confirmed cases in Germany (because they can't be bothered testing anybody) while still having nearly three times as many total fatalities. Meanwhile the 'let's keep the schools open for a laugh' and other shan measures are certainly paying dividends in Scotland - 2310 infected and 76 dead - while the equivalent figures for Slovakia - a country with the same number of people, that closed down schools and public places immediately - are just 400 and 1 (yes, one) respectively.

No matter how many pointy-headed boffins and bullshit 5pm statements the government wants to make, the facts show that they are not doing a very good job of handling this. 'At least we're not Italy' is about all they've got right now. 

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2 minutes ago, virginton said:

Speaking of clown-car governments, it's worth looking at how the myth of plucky, Blitz Britain actually stands up to comparison with other countries right now.


It's truly something for the UK to have had only around 40% of the confirmed cases in Germany (because they can't be bothered testing anybody) while still having nearly three times as many total fatalities. Meanwhile the 'let's keep the schools open for a laugh' and other shan measures are certainly paying dividends in Scotland - 2310 infected and 76 dead - while the equivalent figures for Slovakia - a country with the same number of people, that closed down schools and public places immediately - are just 400 and 1 (yes, one) respectively.

No matter how many pointy-headed boffins and bullshit 5pm statements the government wants to make, the facts show that they are not doing a very good job of handling this. 'At least we're not Italy' is about all they've got right now. 

We are Italy as far as deaths are concerned. 

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A longish read but interesting.  https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2020-03-29/coronavirus-pandemic-puts-moral-philosophy-to-the-test


Is there a case for letting COVID-19 take it’s toll if the economic impact will have a worse effect on the populous?

Should older people be willing to let themselves be sacrificed for the wider good?


This moral philosophy looks pretty heavy stuff, I thing I’ll stick to making forecasts!

Edited by Granny Danger
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April 1, 2020

On the situation in Italy

Italian doctors reported that they had already observed severe cases of pneumonia in northern Italy at the end of last year. However, genetic analyses now show that the Covid19 virus only appeared in Italy in January of this year. „The severe pneumonia diagnosed in Italy in November and December must therefore be due to a different pathogen,“ a virologist noted. This once again raises the question what role the Covid19 virus, or other factors, actually play in the Italian situation.

On March 30, we mentioned the list of Italian doctors who died „during the Corona crisis“, many of whom were up to 90 years old and didn’t actively participate in the crisis at all. Today, all years of birth on the list have been removed (see however the last archive version). A strange procedure.

We have also received the following message from an observer in Italy, who gives further details about the dramatic situation there, which is obviously due to far more than a virus:

„In recent weeks, most of the Eastern European nurses who worked 24 hours a day, 7 days a week supporting people in need of care in Italy have left the country in a hurry. This is not least because of the panic-mongering and the curfews and border closures threatened by the „emergency governments“. As a result, old people in need of care and disabled people, some without relatives, were left helpless by their carers.

Many of these abandoned people then ended up after a few days in the hospitals, which had been permanently overloaded for years, because they were dehydrated, among other things. Unfortunately, the hospitals lacked the personnel who had to look after the children locked up in their apartments because schools and kindergartens had been closed. This then led to the complete collapse of the care for the disabled and the elderly, especially in those areas where even harder „measures“ were ordered, and to chaotic conditions.

The nursing emergency, which was caused by the panic, temporarily led to many deaths among those in need of care and increasingly among younger patients in the hospitals. These fatalities then served to cause even more panic among those in charge and the media, who reported, for example, „another 475 fatalities“, „The dead are being removed from hospitals by the army“, accompanied by pictures of coffins and army trucks lined up.

However, this was the result of the funeral directors‘ fear of the „killer virus“, who therefore refused their services. Moreover, on the one hand there were too many deaths at once and on the other hand the government passed a law that the corpses carrying the coronavirus had to be cremated. In Catholic Italy, few cremations had been carried out in the past. Therefore there were only a few small crematoria, which very quickly reached their limits. Therefore the deceased had to be laid out in different churches.

In principle, this development is the same in all countries. However, the quality of the health system has a considerable influence on the effects. Therefore, there are fewer problems in Germany, Austria or Switzerland than in Italy, Spain or the USA. However, as can be seen in the official figures, there is no significant increase in the mortality rate. Just a small mountain that came from this tragedy.“

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Dr. John Lee, professor emeritus of pathology, is writing about the highly misleading definition and communication of „corona deaths“ in the British Spectator.

The latest data from Norway, evaluated by a PhD in environmental toxicology, again show that the rate of test-positives does not increase – as would be expected in the case of an epidemic – but fluctuates in the normal range for coronaviruses between 2 and 10%. The average age of the test-positive deceased is 84 years, the causes of death are not publicly reported, and there is no excess mortality.

Sweden, which has so far managed without radical measures and has not reported increased mortality (similar to Asian countries such as Japan or South Korea), is remarkably put under pressurefrom the international media to change its strategy.

Data from New York State show that the hospitalization rate of test-positive individuals could be more than twenty times lower than originally assumed.

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Correct the halfwits that believe everything on social media and want tested for that Corona hing.
My practice was overran by morons who were asymptomatic demanding a test for it.
Incidentally despite being in the good old Covid assessment centre we're still not testing  for it.
Special mention to the smelly c**t who came to the practice today on his bike screaming to be tested for it as he has that CPOD.
Not a bad effort to be able to cycle, shout and rant like a fanny despite being breathless.  Bolt ya steamer and its COPD ya flange.
Another wee  mention to the fannies walking around Tesco looking like they've just went into a  nuclear reactor in Chernobyl.  Interesting attire.  I saw one local cretin claim on social media that she was visibly shaking coming out the shop as there was people near her.  Just f**k off.
Anyway I'm away for my tea.  
So just checked latest uk bigalsstats
Or at least what they should be

Tested 152,979
Positive 29,474
Deaths 2,352
Negative 43
Halfwits you do the maths
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12 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

We are Italy as far as deaths are concerned. 

Italian authorities estimate that around 12% of deaths were specifically caused by the coronavirus, ie around 1,500.

A bad flu season can cause over 50,000 excess deaths in Italy. 

The collapse of their healthcare system caused by the panic has caused far more deaths. 

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