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26 minutes ago, AL-FFC said:

I don't for one second believe that the likes of China and Iran have had only in the region of 3000 deaths with this virus

That’s probably because you’ve fallen for the current tears and snotters meltdown of the UK and US media, as China records literally zero daily deaths while their own governments contrive to make a roaring c**t of it on a daily basis.

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1 hour ago, AL-FFC said:

I don't for one second believe that the likes of China and Iran have had only in the region of 3000 deaths with this virus

I don't think anybody with half a brain believes those numbers.

26 minutes ago, virginton said:

That’s probably because you’ve fallen for the current tears and snotters meltdown of the UK and US media, as China records literally zero daily deaths while their own governments contrive to make a roaring c**t of it on a daily basis.

Case in point.

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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

I really hope these projections are wrong.

Almost 3,000 deaths per day at peak.  66,000 dead by August.  More dead than France, Italy and Germany combined.

Scary stuff.

In the context of what is happening / has happened everywhere else, these projections (again) seem to be absolutely wild.

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Just when you think there can’t be anything more corrupt.  Trump facilitating private businesses to profiteer from this disaster.

This isn't even Trump; he isn't helping anything, but the system was set up for that, he's merely exploiting it. The big lad in the video is the Governor of Illinois and he's doing a better job than I'd ever have thought possible, having seen his predecessor.
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Guest JTS98
5 hours ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

I don’t particularly like the guy but he’s at least stepped up.
More billionaires should be doing this.

Alternatively, billionaires shouldn't exist and this money should already be available to society as a whole.

The fact that we're relying on billionaires dishing out charity and discussing wage cuts for high earners tells you that the system of distribution of money in our society is completely wrong and stops us looking after ourselves.

Allowing people to hoard money is like toilet roll hoarding except much more dangerous. Society needs that money, as we are seeing now.

We're hearing a lot just now about concerns over what will happen in India as their health infrastructure is in no way suited to coping with this. Yet there are plenty of Indians with Craig Whyte-style off-the-radar wealth. That imbalance and resultant lack of investment in healthcare for a country of a billion people is going to cost lots of lives. Actual people's lives.

And we've not even touched on sub-Saharan Africa.

This becomes the rich world's problem when the rich world contains the virus and the poor world sends it back to us because they don't have the resources to contain it.

Edited by JTS98
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