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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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29 minutes ago, VladimirMooc said:

What harm was he inflicting by going for a run whilst maintaining a safe distance from people? Genuine question. 

To reiterate, I’m not criticising the lockdown at all. I’m criticising the preposterous and sanctimonious judgement being expressed on people who are adhering to the government guidelines and going for a safe walk/run/cycle each day. 

Going for a walk whilst maintaining social distance isn’t what is killing people. It is the government’s failure to plan for this scenario (by developing proper testing regimes, for example) and failure to implement the lockdown soon enough (leading to the grotesque spectacle of 250,000 people at Cheltenham festival, for example) which is to blame.

Singling out lone joggers for blame does nothing but get the government off the hook for their abysmal policy response, but feel free to disparage me for going for a 5km run along streets with nobody else on them. 

But I thought everyone was outside, taking their daily exercise (which a lot of them never took before this started)?

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15 minutes ago, greendot said:


More expert analysis from bizarre sources..........


Do you agree that voting for political parties that want to adequately fund the NHS is more important than applauding them?

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I'm not convinced anyone is criticising those genuinely out jogging or running.

It's those looking to pick loopholes to get one up on the system (in their heads) by just hanging around parks etc that are being criticised.

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8 minutes ago, Adders said:

A vaccine may never be found? That's news iv not heard before, what like never ever be found? Wow, that's a big call 

Which other type of coronavirus has a vaccine?

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Guest JTS98
56 minutes ago, eez-eh said:

I went out for a run the other day and kept a wide berth from anyone I passed - often going onto the road or stopping to ensure there was enough room for people to get past. Does that make me scum @JTS98?

My goodness.

Here we go again with the 'I'm special, I'm not like them' brigade of point-missers.

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5 minutes ago, jessmagic said:

Tories encouraging people to blame individuals for the prevalence of Covid-19 instead of investigating further the chronic underfunding of the NHS, the lack of a clear plan, the slowness of the reaction time and the actions of Boris not taking it seriously but sure it is the fault of those who live in a small flat going out for a socially responsible walk. 


Divide and rule the people - 

It's the fault of benefit claimants not the failure to tax corporations efficiently. 

It was the fault of drunken fans not the decrepit stadium and lack of safety procedures. 

It's the fault of scrounging immigrants not the failure to fund schools and the NHS properly. 



It’s possible to lay the blame fo this at the Tories’ door whilst still being critical of the halfwits who are deliberately ignoring the guidelines.

I don’t include anyone exercising within the guidelines, including social distancing, with the halfwits.

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Joggers and walkers keep their distance so there is no chance of catching the virus.
Shoppers are the spreaders. Passing it on by touching food, baskets, trollies etc. 

You do realise the two metres isn’t actually a scientific safeguard, right?
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5 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

But I thought everyone was outside, taking their daily exercise (which a lot of them never took before this started)?

I’m genuinely not sure what your point is here? People taking an hour each day to get out their house does not equate with streets being busy. I live in the centre of Glasgow and the streets are completely dead. 

I’m also not sure that discouraging people who were not previously exercising from exercising in order to cope with this situation is necessarily the approach being advocated by the public health experts, but crack on. 

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8 minutes ago, coprolite said:

There could be coronavirus in the water, nobody knows for sure, so don't drink any or brush your teeth. What if someone you love dies because you brushed your teeth? 

I do hope you have more teeth than brain cells, Common Sense tells me it's probably about even., which also gives me the impression you probably don't change or sanitize after your hourly jog, n for the whole hour ur exercising your aware of contact you've made?? Call it paranoia call it what you want but  we don't know the facts all we can do  is minimise the risks, oh n we can use common sense to decide whether or not its safe to brush our teeth! 

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2 minutes ago, JTS98 said:

My goodness.

Here we go again with the 'I'm special, I'm not like them' brigade of point-missers.

I think the point is most people are doing this. 100% would be great, but 95% is acceptable. Should we shut down (far more dangerous) supermarkets because some people can't stay 2m away from each other?

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3 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

It’s possible to lay the blame fo this at the Tories’ door whilst still being critical of the halfwits who are deliberately ignoring the guidelines.

I don’t include anyone exercising within the guidelines, including social distancing, with the halfwits.

And this is very fair enough. But when folk are essentially criticising anyone outside their home, even when they’re adhering to all guidelines, then it does somewhat reek of sanctimonius shite. 

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Just now, Savage Henry said:

You do realise the two metres isn’t actually a scientific safeguard, right?

It can be 6 metres for a cougher or sneezer but for a talkers the droplets that carry the virus travel about 2 metres.

This is my understanding. I can try to find the link if you want. A South Korean doctor.

Shops are dangerous places for catching the virus. 

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2 minutes ago, VladimirMooc said:

I’m genuinely not sure what your point is here? People taking an hour each day to get out their house does not equate with streets being busy. I live in the centre of Glasgow and the streets are completely dead. 

I’m also not sure that discouraging people who were not previously exercising from exercising in order to cope with this situation is necessarily the approach being advocated by the public health experts, but crack on

I will.

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Guest JTS98
2 minutes ago, bendan said:

I think the point is most people are doing this. 100% would be great, but 95% is acceptable. Should we shut down (far more dangerous) supermarkets because some people can't stay 2m away from each other?

No. Shopping for food is essential. Going for a jog is not.

Also, how do you know 'most' people are doing this? A huge proportion of the UK population is urban. They can't all be going running and not seeing another soul.

We see every weekend that people going out to exercise causes big groups of people to congregate together. It's absolutely bonkers. Also, we've seen that jogging near other people is a comparatively risky thing to do.

But, but, but, but, but, but I'M DIFFERENT!

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3 hours ago, Bob Mahelp said:

How can people ever make informed decisions when the vast majority of mainstream news they receive has already been filtered through a media that has an ideology to support ?

Stop reading them.


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