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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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59 minutes ago, Hillonearth said:

Not to exculpate Western governments - especially ours and that of the US - but had China been that bit more transparent initially about their true casualty figures and the actual level of transmission of the virus a lot of lives might have been saved worldwide...it took it hitting an open transparent society like Italy before there was any sense of just how bad things could get.

Even worse, what's emanated from China in the last month or so has been frankly unbelievable...it seems to be a characteristic that they're so used to being believed at home that they either are under the impression they'll get the same level of credence abroad or simply don't care if they do or not.

So we've had claims of new infections/deaths down to zero countrywide, then the only new cases being pesky foreigners who probably started it anyway, and meanwhile in Wuhan they're ordering thousands upon thousands of funeral urns for absolutely no reason. No reason at all.

Stop fucking eating bats.

China definitely needs to be held to account for the lack of transparency and honesty early on, but a lot of what you're saying doesn't make sense. How could China give 'true casualty figures and the actual level of transmission' when we still don't know those things in our country, despite the fact we've had months to prepare testing materials? China's official CFR ('death rate') from Hubei province was over 4%. The reality is that this virus will probably only kill about 1% or less of those who get it, so China actually made it look like this was *more serious* than it really is. This is what's so bizarre about the Trump/Hillonearth narrative.

You say recent news from China is unbelievable, but there are tens of thousands of foreigners (including journalists and diplomats) there right now - why wouldn't they be reporting overrun hospitals and the elderly dropping like flies if China hadn't managed to contain, or at least suppress things? There's every reason to be sceptical about stories put out by China, but it's not possible for them to be orders of magnitude away from reality in any of the major population centres.

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1 minute ago, Mon_The_Fife said:


PM’d you...

Also, you mean the video of the vic that had this reaction


And the Vic hospital in Kirkcaldy was a disgrace loads of public gathering taking photos videos of the police with the lights on and not one policeman done a thing it was more like a gala parade a disgrace


I saw that the original video got taken down shortly after it went up cos no one was social distancing.  ^^ that was taken from the BBCs facebook feed on the video they put up.

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Does anyone else think the review date of the 7th May hasn't been chosen by coincidence ?

The 8th of May is of course VE day and the Bank holiday was even moved to entertain it, as such I wouldn't be surprised at all if this is one huge PR publicity stunt in order to announce the easing of the lockdown, especially knowing how this Government operates where they channel the "bulldog british spirit" at every opportunity in order to appeal to the braindead masses. Also, don't be surprised if Vera Lynn is wheeled out to much media furore.

I don't imagine the lockdown restrictions will be completely lifted but I do expect to see certain "non essential businesses" returning to work and maybe even the freedom of travel restrictions being eased but with the caveat that social distancing must be adhered to at all times.

I could be completely wrong but let's just wait and see.


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6 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

Does anyone else think the review date of the 7th May hasn't been chosen by coincidence ?

The 8th of May is of course VE day and the Bank holiday was even moved to entertain it, as such I wouldn't be surprised at all if this is one huge PR publicity stunt in order to announce the easing of the lockdown, especially knowing how this Government operates where they channel the "bulldog british spirit" at every opportunity in order to appeal to the braindead masses. Also, don't be surprised if Vera Lynn is wheeled out to much media furore.

I don't imagine the lockdown restrictions will be completely lifted but I do expect to see certain "non essential businesses" returning to work and maybe even the freedom of travel restrictions being eased but with the caveat that social distancing must be adhered to at all times.

I could be completely wrong but let's just wait and see.


It struck me as fishy that it ran to the bank holiday. There will be a reason for it. 

The lockdown came in on the Monday, not quite sure they waited to yesterday to announce another three weeks. 

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Does anyone else think the review date of the 7th May hasn't been chosen by coincidence ?
The 8th of May is of course VE day and the Bank holiday was even moved to entertain it, as such I wouldn't be surprised at all if this is one huge PR publicity stunt in order to announce the easing of the lockdown, especially knowing how this Government operates where they channel the "bulldog british spirit" at every opportunity in order to appeal to the braindead masses. Also, don't be surprised if Vera Lynn is wheeled out to much media furoré.

Vera Lynn and Capt. Tom will be reunited in front of Buck Palace for a good ‘ol Cockney knees up, followed by a Zimmer frame aided knee-trembler (snapper ?) for old times sake.
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3 minutes ago, Florentine_Pogen said:

Vera Lynn and Capt. Tom will be reunited in front of Buck Palace for a good ‘ol Cockney knees up, followed by a Zimmer frame aided knee-trembler (snapper ?) for old times sake.

I think we'll just stick to our Nurses !!

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You'd think Ferry Captains and any other boat carrying passengers on The Thames would have learned that you don't fūck about with these things. What's next a pilot doing a loop the loop on the 16.00 London City to Glasgow flight?
I live nearby and saw it. Was pretty bizarre, it ferries vehicles across the Thames. It's been blowing its horn every week at 8pm but last night night started doing donuts.

The name of the vessel? "Dame Vera Lynn" [emoji847]
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1 hour ago, ayrmad said:

I've been told that the QE in Glasgow is full of middle aged men struggling, not exactly the auld yins and folk at deaths door already. 

It's still in general the more elderly and those with existing health conditions that die, but it has been reported that it's middle aged men (between 50-70) that are most likely to be in intensive care (https://www.icnarc.org/About/Latest-News/2020/04/10/Report-On-3883-Patients-Critically-Ill-With-Covid-19 ). This may be down to the fact that more of the elderly are already in hospitals or care homes and don't even get moved to ICU, don't think anyone knows why its more men than women though. The figures given don't include Scotland, but it's likely to be the same here. 

Edit: was going to link to the BBC report on these figures but if you can be bothered to look through them, the actual figures themselves give you a clearer picture. It's funny the way the media chooses to portray things. Take the recent Office of National Statistics figures (for Eng & Wales). The same set of figures has been headlined quite differently.

Same set of ONS figures, two different angles from the media.

BBC: Nine in 10 dying have existing illness. "In 91% of cases the individuals had other health problems. The most common was heart disease, followed by dementia and respiratory illness."

The Guardian: Headlines on more men than women dying & it also mentions this 91%, but different focus - "For the first time in England and Wales, the figures also show that most people who had coronavirus at the time of their death died because of the disease rather than with it being a contributory condition. Of the 3,912 registered deaths involving coronavirus in March, Covid-19 was found to be the underlying cause of death in 86%."


38 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

Does anyone else think the review date of the 7th May hasn't been chosen by coincidence ?

The 8th of May is of course VE day and the Bank holiday was even moved to entertain it, as such I wouldn't be surprised at all if this is one huge PR publicity stunt in order to announce the easing of the lockdown, especially knowing how this Government operates where they channel the "bulldog british spirit" at every opportunity in order to appeal to the braindead masses. Also, don't be surprised if Vera Lynn is wheeled out to much media furore.


Nothing would surprise you with this Government (UK). No wait.... it would be more of a surprise if they didn't do something like this.

Edited by s_dog
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31 minutes ago, Jeff Venom said:

I live nearby and saw it. Was pretty bizarre, it ferries vehicles across the Thames. It's been blowing its horn every week at 8pm but last night night started doing donuts.

The name of the vessel? "Dame Vera Lynn" emoji847.png

Beat me to it but I thought it was the "Dame Vera Fucking Lynn"


(I know, someone would pay good money etc.)

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21 minutes ago, s_dog said:

It's still in general the more elderly and those with existing health conditions that die, but it has been reported that it's middle aged men (between 50-70) that are most likely to be in intensive care (https://www.icnarc.org/About/Latest-News/2020/04/10/Report-On-3883-Patients-Critically-Ill-With-Covid-19 ). This may be down to the fact that more of the elderly are already in hospitals or care homes and don't even get moved to ICU, don't think anyone knows why its more men than women though. The figures given don't include Scotland, but it's likely to be the same here. 

Edit: was going to link to the BBC report on these figures but if you can be bothered to look through them, the actual figures themselves give you a clearer picture. It's funny the way the media chooses to portray things. Take the recent Office of National Statistics figures (for Eng & Wales). The same set of figures has been headlined quite differently.

Same set of ONS figures, two different angles from the media.

BBC: Nine in 10 dying have existing illness. "In 91% of cases the individuals had other health problems. The most common was heart disease, followed by dementia and respiratory illness."

The Guardian: Headlines on more men than women dying & it also mentions this 91%, but different focus - "For the first time in England and Wales, the figures also show that most people who had coronavirus at the time of their death died because of the disease rather than with it being a contributory condition. Of the 3,912 registered deaths involving coronavirus in March, Covid-19 was found to be the underlying cause of death in 86%."


Nothing would surprise you with this Government (UK). No wait.... it would be more of a surprise if they didn't do something like this.

It'll be hailed as  'VC' day.                                     Except it won't be.

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1 hour ago, Marshmallo said:

This is the new "poppy day".

not surprised - the pier to pier distance that the thing travels is no more than about 400m so any excuse to brighten up the passage of what's not exactly the most thrilling job on the high seas must seem like a good idea for captain and crew !

wonder if they observe all the same protocols that - for instance - they have to stick to on a cross channel ferry, or if there's just a disinterested bloke in a big comfy chair in that top 'conning tower' bit with pretty much a single stop/go button in front of him who just waits for a gap in the river-traffic and goes for it ?

quite like the idea of the full, protracted "raise the gangplank - secure all hatches - cast off forrard, cast off aft - full steam ahead - three degrees to starboard...." kinda thing, for a frantic twenty second journey, then immediately the same again on reaching the opposite side....

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33 minutes ago, s_dog said:

It's still in general the more elderly and those with existing health conditions that die, but it has been reported that it's middle aged men (between 50-70) that are most likely to be in intensive care (https://www.icnarc.org/About/Latest-News/2020/04/10/Report-On-3883-Patients-Critically-Ill-With-Covid-19 ). This may be down to the fact that more of the elderly are already in hospitals or care homes and don't even get moved to ICU, don't think anyone knows why its more men than women though. The figures given don't include Scotland, but it's likely to be the same here. 

Edit: was going to link to the BBC report on these figures but if you can be bothered to look through them, the actual figures themselves give you a clearer picture. It's funny the way the media chooses to portray things. Take the recent Office of National Statistics figures (for Eng & Wales). The same set of figures has been headlined quite differently.

Same set of ONS figures, two different angles from the media.

BBC: Nine in 10 dying have existing illness. "In 91% of cases the individuals had other health problems. The most common was heart disease, followed by dementia and respiratory illness."

The Guardian: Headlines on more men than women dying & it also mentions this 91%, but different focus - "For the first time in England and Wales, the figures also show that most people who had coronavirus at the time of their death died because of the disease rather than with it being a contributory condition. Of the 3,912 registered deaths involving coronavirus in March, Covid-19 was found to be the underlying cause of death in 86%."


Nothing would surprise you with this Government (UK). No wait.... it would be more of a surprise if they didn't do something like this.

I do look at all the stats, would love to see demographics and outcomes for those on ventilators etc, appears to quite a lot of deaths from outwith ICU and ventilator use. 

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The level of emotional repression on this forum is weird. 

Any public displays of empathy, warmth or fear are jumped on with sneering, mocking, contempt and aggressive hostility. 

I know Scottish people have a reputation like many north west Europeans for being stoic or outright emotionally retrograde, but its on another level here given its the 2020s. For example any time a celebrity or famous person dies the forum is chock full of people mocking people expressing public grief, belittling it and going on about Diana syndrome. There is zero tolerance for any expressing of grief  beyond immediate family members. 

Then there is the inevitable mocking and sneering when there is a public tragedy or terrorist outrage. Again any signs of showing solidarity with the victims is attacked, the threads fill up with mocking "I went to empty the bins it could have been me" type posts. Normal humans (i.e. not you lot) will express their anxieties to each other at something as random as a bus crash to fatal terrorist attack; this will include expressing worries that it could have been them or their feelings of empathy with the victims. The emotional cripples here seem to live with the terror someone will expect them to reciprocate and emotionally bond with them. I guess its in part your insecure masculinity. 

Charity events: someone random gets in the news raising money. Its like they are digging up your grandmothers graves! As soon as there is a public outpouring of emotions for someone doing something the bullies are out and trying too belittle anyone support it is, well its a very sad window into your broken souls. (See the old boy whos walk raised money)

And now the clap for carers. Again any display of public emotion and you all explode into belittle, sneering, bullying and hate. 

Which brings me to the only emotions you ever allow yourselves to express, hate, anger, desire for violence, vengeance. Where you do express something resembling sympathy for someone, its usually simply as a pretext for anger and hate. So for example you will say something about the homeless then use that as a jump off point for how much you want to hurt\murder or just hate tories\Scottish Labour\English "gammons" or what ever. 

As a group hurtling towards your 50s at a fair rate of knots, you are for the most part, emotionally still about 13 years old. 



Edited by dorlomin
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8 minutes ago, dorlomin said:

The level of emotional repression on this forum is weird. 

Any public displays of empathy, warmth or fear are jumped on with sneering, mocking, contempt and aggressive hostility. 

I know Scottish people have a reputation like many north west Europeans for being stoic or outright emotionally retrograde, but its on another level here given its the 2020s. For example any time a celebrity or famous person dies the forum is chock full of people mocking people expressing public grief, belittling it and going on about Diana syndrome. There is zero tolerance for any expressing of grief  beyond immediate family members. 

Then there is the inevitable mocking and sneering when there is a public tragedy or terrorist outrage. Again any signs of showing solidarity with the victims is attacked, the threads fill up with mocking "I went to empty the bins it could have been me" type posts. Normal humans (i.e. not you lot) will express their anxieties to each other at something as random as a bus crash to fatal terrorist attack; this will include expressing worries that it could have been them or their feelings of empathy with the victims. The emotional cripples here seem to live with the terror someone will expect them to reciprocate and emotionally bond with them. I guess its in part your insecure masculinity. 

Charity events: someone random gets in the news raising money. Its like they are digging up your grandmothers graves! As soon as there is a public outpouring of emotions for someone doing something the bullies are out and trying too belittle anyone support it is, well its a very sad window into your broken souls. (See the old boy whos walk raised money)

And now the clap for carers. Again any display of public emotion and you all explode into belittle, sneering, bullying and hate. 

Which brings me to the only emotions you ever allow yourselves to express, hate, anger, desire for violence, vengeance. Where you do express something resembling sympathy for someone, its usually simply as a pretext for anger and hate. So for example you will say something about the homeless then use that as a jump off point for how much you want to hurt\murder or just hate tories\Scottish Labour\English "gammons" or what ever. 

As a group hurtling towards your 50s at a fair rate of knots, you are for the most part, emotionally still about 13 years old. 



Load of shite. Leave the touchy feely stuff to the Yanks and the continentals. Stiff upper lip chaps. 

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7 minutes ago, dorlomin said:

The level of emotional repression on this forum is weird. 

Any public displays of empathy, warmth or fear are jumped on with sneering, mocking, contempt and aggressive hostility. 

I know Scottish people have a reputation like many north west Europeans for being stoic or outright emotionally retrograde, but its on another level here given its the 2020s. For example any time a celebrity or famous person dies the forum is chock full of people mocking people expressing public grief, belittling it and going on about Diana syndrome. There is zero tolerance for any expressing of grief  beyond immediate family members. 

Then there is the inevitable mocking and sneering when there is a public tragedy or terrorist outrage. Again any signs of showing solidarity with the victims is attacked, the threads fill up with mocking "I went to empty the bins it could have been me" type posts. Normal humans (i.e. not you lot) will express their anxieties to each other at something as random as a bus crash to fatal terrorist attack; this will include expressing worries that it could have been them or their feelings of empathy with the victims. The emotional cripples here seem to live with the terror someone will expect them to reciprocate and emotionally bond with them. I guess its in part your insecure masculinity. 

Charity events: someone random gets in the news raising money. Its like they are digging up your grandmothers graves! As soon as there is a public outpouring of emotions for someone doing something the bullies are out and trying too belittle anyone support it is, well its a very sad window into your broken souls. (See the old boy whos walk raised money)

And now the clap for carers. Again any display of public emotion and you all explode into belittle, sneering, bullying and hate. 

Which brings me to the only emotions you ever allow yourselves to express, hate, anger, desire for violence, vengeance. Where you do express something resembling sympathy for someone, its usually simply as a pretext for anger and hate. So for example you will say something about the homeless then use that as a jump off point for how much you want to hurt\murder or just hate tories\Scottish Labour\English "gammons" or what ever. 

As a group hurtling towards your 50s at a fair rate of knots, you are for the most part, emotionally still about 13 years old. 



Says the guy with the most cringeworthy (and inaccurate) signature on P&B.  :rolleyes:

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