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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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8 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

So if they extend the lockdown again, which is probably the most likely action - what should the govt do to try and tighten it?

Stop the carnival on Westminster Bridge for a start...

Deaths are falling in Scotland. We should maintain the status quo here.

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2 hours ago, TheScarf said:

When's the next review, Thursday the 7th? What do we reckon lads? Another few weeks off? 

I reckon another three weeks, get end May bank holiday past with nominal idiots trying go away for the weekend.

However if Arnold Clark could reopen so the finance company can start fighting with them to get my car fixed that would be welcome! 

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55 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

Too early to say as we're only 10 or 20% down the road with this virus, we don't even know what % of the afflicted in each country are actually allowed access to ICU and ventilators, certainly looks like certain regions in UK have screened to avoid ICU being overrun, I've no doubt, our ICU would have been totally overrun in most areas if our lockdown had been delayed a fortnight, no amount of screening would have prevented that IMO. 

There's no point in anyone comparing Sweden to their neighbours at the moment,that's just failing to appreciate what Sweden' strategy is, if a vaccine was discovered and rolled out in the next few months then their approach would look poor, they might be sitting with a similar or lower death rate per head in 18 months time with more of a normal life lived over that time,we certainly can't live like we are for another 12/18 months. 

A comma does not perform the function of a full stop.

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Coronavirus deaths: Norway 201, Denmark 401, Finland 186, Sweden 2192.

Even with Sweden bumping the numbers up massively, the region seems to have coped better than just about anywhere else. Which isn't really a surprise, these place - along with others who have handled this well like New Zealand- seem to top every index of running a successful country. They have reputations for good public services and generally healthy lifestyles, which have to be a benefit in situations like this.

You can't look at the difference between Sweden and its neighbours and just assign their rate of deaths as what you get with herd immunity. If the UK had stayed on that path, it would have been (even more of) a disaster.

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2 minutes ago, Alan Stubbs said:

You can't look at the difference between Sweden and its neighbours and just assign their rate of deaths as what you get with herd immunity. If the UK had stayed on that path, it would have been (even more of) a disaster.

I don't agree. The UK's approach made no effort to protect the most vulnerable.

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You can see quite clearly those under 45 are at extremely low risk.

It makes no sense to continue to keep these people in their homes etc for the forseeable. You can put things in place to protect the vulnerable, without applying them to absolutely everyone and shutting the country down.

I do wish that 45-64 was split into two different brackets, much like age ranges above it.


Edited by Todd_is_God
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You can see quite clearly those under 45 are at extremely low risk.
It makes no sense to continue to keep these people in their homes etc for the forseeable. You can put things in place to protect the vulnerable, without applying them to absolutely everyone and shutting the country down.
I do wish that 45-64 was split into two different brackets, much like age ranges above it.
Let the weemin oot!
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So the millions of working over 45s who are currently not working just wither and die while the U45s set about carrying and infecting the general population willy nilly ? It appears even yet some folk dont / dont want to understand how this works. It's not the danger to the U45s that's the issue.

You can see quite clearly those under 45 are at extremely low risk.
It makes no sense to continue to keep these people in their homes etc for the forseeable. You can put things in place to protect the vulnerable, without applying them to absolutely everyone and shutting the country down.
I do wish that 45-64 was split into two different brackets, much like age ranges above it.
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3 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

This is next level patter.

These sorta people remind me of Frank Reynolds in Always Sunny when he says "I didn't go to Vietnam just to have pansies like you take my freedom away" and Dee replies "you went to Vietnam in 1993 to open up a sweatshop."

3 hours ago, jagfox99 said:

I first read it in Hannibal. 

I haven't seen any Hannibal although a gay fella I know tells me the TV show is great.

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9 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

So the millions of working over 45s who are currently not working just wither and die while the U45s set about carrying and infecting the general population willy nilly?

That's an odd take.

We are paying 80% of everyone furloughed's wages atm, therefore we can afford to continue to do so for those over 45 for much longer should those extremely unlikely to die get back to work.

Those vulnerable would continue to be shielded similar to what they are doing just now.

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22 minutes ago, Snafu said:

This is a football forum not a literary contest.

Fair enough, but there’s posts I’ll skip if they’re one paragraph 400 words long.

I assume when people post they want others to read their posts.

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