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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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20% of Hotels in Cattolica, Italy don't want to open and one of the reasons is if staff catch the virus at work are they could find themselves facing civil and criminal cases.

NHS are going to pay compensation. What about other employers? Has anything been decided yet? The employer has a responsibility to make sure the workplace is safe?

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3 minutes ago, HeartsOfficialMoaner said:

20% of Hotels in Cattolica, Italy don't want to open and one of the reasons is if staff catch the virus at work are they could find themselves facing civil and criminal cases.

NHS are going to pay compensation. What about other employers? Has anything been decided yet? The employer has a responsibility to make sure the workplace is safe?

Employers have a duty to provide safe workplaces at all times.  Some take it more seriously than others and some workplaces are more hazardous than others.

Asking employers to guarantee that employees will not be infected in a work environment would not be realistic imo.  Asking them to take all reasonable measures is fair and employers should be held liable if they don’t.

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On 05/05/2020 at 09:59, Jacksgranda said:


Just listened to a long interview on the Nolan Show about this with a City Airport spokesman (he might have been the airport manager).*

Bottom line - there is no government advice/guidelines re Covid-19 social distancing etc on planes, unlike airports which fall under H&S guidelines.

ETA: Chief Executive

Another big debate on the Nolan Show today.

I'm afraid the CEO (of BCA) didn't come out of it so well this time. Stephen Nolan repeatedly pressed him on whether the airport should be supplying passengers with face masks - probably easier said than done, mind you - and he kept saying it wasn't government advice to wear them "Do you think it would be a good idea?" "It's not government policy." He's had no guidance whether wearing face masks is a good idea or not. Bit disingenuous imho.

The East Belfast MP, Gavin Robinson spoke well, I thought, and Ian Paisley Junior made his usual stellar contribution...

Stephen Nolan now asking whether the Health Minister - who has emergency powers - should issue instructions re face masks, etc on aircraft.

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13 minutes ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:

Scotland's a far better comparison. Ideal almost. Similar population and density. Large population centres in a band across a "belt" of the country with rural and island communities, some fairly isolated, spreading out across the North.

Is it fair then to suggest that a half arsed lockdown and no test and trace approach is no better than merely advising on social distancing in public but allowing the public to look after themselves, yet one approach tanks the economy whilst the other allows it to at least continue?

Yes it appears to be working in terms of suppressing the virus, but in terms of deaths from it, they are falling in Sweden too. Biggest difference is here there is fear from everyone about lifting which measures and when.

Much easier to do so for the Swedes who haven't shut anything down, but allowed people to change their behaviours in a way they feel is appropriate to look after themselves

Edited by Todd_is_God
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23 minutes ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:

The UK has a far higher population density than Sweden as well as a lot more urbanised areas where it will be more likely to spread.

Taking both geography, population, culture and population density into account our easiest comparison would probably be with Germany or Italy

I think the biggest factors determining death rates will turn out to be the overall health of your population in general. Basically smoking, obesity and other morbidities. 

The UK is overall not a healthy country. Certainly not compared to Sweden.

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3 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Is it fair then to suggest that a half arsed lockdown and no test and trace approach is no better than merely advising on social distancing in public but allowing the public to look after themselves, yet one approach tanks the economy whilst the other allows it to at least continue?

Yes it appears to be working in terms of suppressing the virus, but there is fear from everyone about lifting which measures and when.

Much easier to do so for the Swedes who haven't shut anything down, but allowed people to change their behaviours in a way they feel is appropriate to look after themselves

Time will tell on that one. We have 55% of the population so should expect to have 55% of the number of confirmed deaths, with all being equal, and we currently have 57% of the confirmed deaths. So it's all much of a muchness so far. Sweden, however, had its biggest spikes in cases and deaths only last week and our cases are, on average, dropping in that time but still too early for either to say which method has been more effective. And, obviously, there are disparities in figuring out confirmed deaths from place to place and their methodology.

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3 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Employers have a duty to provide safe workplaces at all times.  Some take it more seriously than others and some workplaces are more hazardous than others.

Asking employers to guarantee that employees will not be infected in a work environment would not be realistic imo.  Asking them to take all reasonable measures is fair and employers should be held liable if they don’t.

Employers and employees should be told what reasonable measures is before they go back to work.

We know that it is hard to detect, how contagious the virus is, how quickly it spreads.

Reasonable measure should including testing staff weekly and using thermometers on a daily basis. 

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22 minutes ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:

Time will tell on that one. We have 55% of the population so should expect to have 55% of the number of confirmed deaths, with all being equal, and we currently have 57% of the confirmed deaths. So it's all much of a muchness so far. Sweden, however, had its biggest spikes in cases and deaths only last week and our cases are, on average, dropping in that time


The death charts look fairly similar to me tbh. Pretty much double ours ever step of the way

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25 minutes ago, HeartsOfficialMoaner said:

Employers and employees should be told what reasonable measures is before they go back to work.

We know that it is hard to detect, how contagious the virus is, how quickly it spreads.

Reasonable measure should including testing staff weekly and using thermometers on a daily basis. 

I made the mistake of thinking you wanted a sensible discussion.  Your bit about testing staff weekly shows you don’t.

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I would expect to see a notable difference at some point over a 7 week span it one method was more effective than another.

These are the types of questions that should be asked when it is pronounced we are doing well etc.

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5 minutes ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:

Well the second has a clear drop off from a peak in the week beginning April 21st. The top one has no clear drop off yet as it's too early to see what figures that weekly jump up after the weekend will bring.

The second chart is Sweden. The monday and tuesday figures are there, 90 and 85.

Based on having 53% of their population our figures would be 47 & 45. They were 44 yesterday and the second figure will be announced today...

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21 hours ago, Donathan said:


I believe 90%+ of them had underlying health conditions and of those who didn’t, the vast majority were over 70.

Which is completely different to any other country?

How many deaths has New Zealand had? Do they have any onver-70s and people with underlying health conditions?

The facts is: Britain fckd this up big time and we now have 50000 premature deaths. The Tories need to see the inside of a court on this.

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1 hour ago, Jacksgranda said:

I have no idea, but I'm sure they could be made aware of your circumstances, and pack one accordingly.

As I understand it these foodboxes are basics to tide you over and supplement whatever you're already getting, although if you are totally isolated with no access to an internet (for ordering purposes) and have nobody to get you stuff, I'd say they are a lifeline.

We won't be using all of ours either, one of the step daughters will be getting first dibs on the surplus. (Although she's a bit picky about her food and brands and her youngsters even more so.) But as it's all tins and dried food it won't be going to waste.

Even the bread is long life - something I've never encountered before - it's best before February 2021.

That's my birthday. I've never heard of long life bread - what's the make and where can you get it?

The nearest I have is the part baked baguettes and rolls. They have a use by date of June.



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5 minutes ago, doulikefish said:

The lockdown needs to end now.......just had a note through our door inviting us to play street bingo 

Were the notes distributed by two fat ladies?

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If Nicola Sturgeon wants to promise an "adult conversation" then reasons why we categorically cannot adopt any part of an approach that has produced almost identical results to one which we are told is "working" whilst allowing life to continue should reasonably form part of it.

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Just had the council at the door.  Handing out 20 eggs and a bottle of cooking oil.  There doing this to every house in the village for the next 4 weeks.

Gid c***s, never hear a bad word said about them again.

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