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12 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

In normal times, maybe. Right now? I have never heard (irl), read (online and print) or seen (online and TV) such united disgust at a ruling Party. It started with Cummings, then Johnson, and now ministers are tying themselves to this particular handcart. Honestly, the Tories have managed to find something, maybe the only thing, that can make the scales drop from the GBP's eyes. We cannot afford the defeatist idea of "oh, it's the wrong time in the electoral cycle" any more. We have to take this anger and focus it.

That landslide was in terms of seats. In terms of votes, it was much less impressive.

To paraphrase Wilson, let's make this the longest week in politics these arseholes have ever had.

I think it will have a long term impact but sadly I think the length of time to the next GE and the size of the majority makes Johnson fairly bullet proof.

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4 hours ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

It seems like the Cheltenham Festival and the Liverpool vs Atletico game did cause a spike in cases in those areas.


It’s strange there’s been no mention of the Rangers v Leverkusen game that week as well. Did this cause a “spike” around Glasgow/Inverclyde area 

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6 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Watching the briefing, the Test and Protect strategy is starting this week.  Sounds like a promising development.

Yes, of course it is. In other news, all pigs fuelled, prepped and ready for take off.

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1 minute ago, Granny Danger said:

I think it will have a long term impact but sadly I think the length of time to the next GE and the size of the majority makes Johnson fairly bullet proof.

I think his majority is large but soft.  The last few elections have seen a lot of seats change hands and I can see that continuing in the future. 

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First time I've heard Ms Sturgeon's briefing - very impressed. No "ehmming" and "ahhing" and waving the hands about there, seems to have a command of the subject.

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1 minute ago, Jacksgranda said:

First time I've heard Ms Sturgeon's briefing - very impressed. No "ehmming" and "ahhing" and waving the hands about there, seems to have a command of the subject.

1 bad day, the rest just like today. 

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11 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I think it will have a long term impact but sadly I think the length of time to the next GE and the size of the majority makes Johnson fairly bullet proof.

Not when the bullets are being fired by Opposition parties, the electorate and, increasingly, by his own side. The first and last of those are starting to do their bit, it's down to us to step up - and let the Media know we won't stand for their shite any more. Calling the likes of Kuennssberg out on Twitter to the extent that her acount becomes unusable should be easy enough, as long as she continues to abuse her position that would, imho, be fair game. Use SM creatively - at the very least, start promulgating some pics/memes that aren't far right/poppy wearing/flag waving shite. It may change a few minds. If nothing else, we can let some of the newly-disgusted know about some of the other shite Cummings has got up to over the years.

The door's open a wee crack - let's all get our shoulders to it and heave.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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10 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

First time I've heard Ms Sturgeon's briefing - very impressed. No "ehmming" and "ahhing" and waving the hands about there, seems to have a command of the subject.

She comes across as accomplished, honest, sincere and empathetic due to being well-prepared , not shouldering the burden of having to remember Dom's script and not being an entitled, weaselly, lying shitbag.

Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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I think they're going to ride this out, tbqh, Trump style.

Was talking to our next door neighbour, the one whose cancer has returned. He hasn't had an appointment/consultation/examination since 28th February, despite the fact he's supposed to be seen about every six weeks, which means, by my calculations he's about due for a second appointment never mind his first. He's "examined" over the phone. I can see how that would work with some conditions but not cancer. He also has a foot problem which needs regular dressing - he's doing that himself, with the help of his daughter, who's a nurse.

He's not getting a food parcel as he never got a GP's letter for him to shield.

Meanwhile, entitled f****** swan about the country on 540 round trips for unrequired child care and test drives to beauty spots on their spouse's birthday.


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6 minutes ago, Florentine_Pogen said:

She comes across as accomplished, honest, sincere and empathetic due to being well-prepared , not shouldering the burden of having to remember Dom's script and not being an entitled, weaselly, lying shitbag.

I think that's the important bit there. Even the sisters Grimm come across better than BJ.

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While Cummings was grinding at the contrite salt of the earth da act yesterday, did anyone else notice the mask slip while answering the (I can't recall which) journo who asked him about his wife's Spectator article?
Not long after bemoaning distorted media reporting resulting in the need for the clear the air statement, when asked why bother writing an article at all, he sneered, 'she's a writer'.
Distorted media reporting is okay depending on where it comes from, thanks for confirming that you utter weapon.

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24 minutes ago, Jeff Venom said:

While Cummings was grinding at the contrite salt of the earth da act yesterday, did anyone else notice the mask slip while answering the (I can't recall which) journo who asked him about his wife's Spectator article?
Not long after bemoaning distorted media reporting resulting in the need for the clear the air statement, when asked why bother writing an article at all, he sneered, 'she's a writer'.
Distorted media reporting is okay depending on where it comes from, thanks for confirming that you utter weapon.

Beth Rigby at Sky has just tweeted re. the contradictions between the two Cummings' stories.


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