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You come across (to me) as being confrontational for the sake of it and as someone who just can’t wait to dismissively pick fault in a view that is contrary to your own. I may be wrong in that of course. Even if that is the case that’s fine given it’s a forum for discussion but it can become tiresome.

For what it’s worth I agree with a great deal of what you post but I disagree with some aspects of it. Hopefully you can see some merit in both sides of that equation.

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10 hours ago, Paco said:

It should be noted that 12 million people in England, predominantly in the North, are currently living in Tier 3 restrictions with many workplaces told to close down. Local leaders, notably Andy Burnham, relentlessly asked for 80% furlough to be reinstated. It was refused, they were told there was no way it would happen.

Wales asked for the 80% furlough to be extended for their firebreak, and for extra business support. It was refused.

Scotland rushed their circuit break to get in before furlough ended, and has asked persistently for the scheme to be extended since summer. It was refused.

But now the south of England is being locked down? Predictably it’s no hassle at all.

I have a real sense the UK is collapsing in on itself, and not just Scotland anymore. This crisis has exposed that devolution doesn’t truly work for anyone, and I include the UK Government in that.

It was barely a week ago they were refusing to support Greater Manchester with another £5m! But now the south is going through the same thing, money is apparently no object.

Very hard for Johnson to hide from the reality of his actions. I can only hope he’s finally seen for the gutless, pathetic coward that he is.

Yup. Amazing that some of the harshest critique of Scottish folk who want independence comes from folk in the North of England. 'We should give you it, we're tired of subsidising you' they'll say without a shred of self awareness. 

Irony is, we have far more in common with each other than either of us do with people in the South of England. And so many of them in the North can't see that. 

The difference is with the North of England, in the event of a broken up UK what can they do really as they are essentially stuck? They will always be under the rule of Westminster. A broken UK would leave Scotland and Wales in a position to do their own things but it would also leave a very broken and divided country in England with no real way out and those north of Watford being an afterthought forever more. 

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1 hour ago, djchapsticks said:

A broken UK would leave Scotland and Wales in a position to do their own things but it would also leave a very broken and divided country in England with no real way out and those north of Watford being an afterthought forever more. 

A crying shame.

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1 hour ago, djchapsticks said:

Yup. Amazing that some of the harshest critique of Scottish folk who want independence comes from folk in the North of England. 'We should give you it, we're tired of subsidising you' they'll say without a shred of self awareness. 

Irony is, we have far more in common with each other than either of us do with people in the South of England. And so many of them in the North can't see that. 

The difference is with the North of England, in the event of a broken up UK what can they do really as they are essentially stuck? They will always be under the rule of Westminster. A broken UK would leave Scotland and Wales in a position to do their own things but it would also leave a very broken and divided country in England with no real way out and those north of Watford being an afterthought forever more. 

It looks like Scottish independence and a United Ireland are going to follow Brexit. That is when the people outside the SE corner will finally realise their problems aren't caused by subsidising Scots and Irish or by EU red tape or immigrants, but by an economic system that is entirely based on aiding the financial services sector in London. Despite Scotland economically outperforming the North of England the impression from Westminster is Scotland is too wee too poor, but the North is a 'Powerhouse'. The first part to stop Scotland leaving the second to make the North think they're getting something from the system. 

I'm half Scots half Yorkshire and in an ideal case I for me would be  a truly Federal UK  with central government moved away from the financial centre.But this just won't happen. So against my internationalist leanings I have become a Scottish nationalist.

Sorry for going off topic.

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1 minute ago, Mr. Alli said:

Oh f**k off. 

Charming stuff. Dropped on your head by Geoff Boycott when you were a bairn?

Have to say that the ongoing bewilderment and disbelief that there appears to be in certain quareters that Scotland and Wales both can and would want to do their own thing shows that even after a generation of devolution the UK has not adjusted to the reality of no longer being unitary and centralised. Tam Dayell may yet prove to have been correct in his analysis of where things would be heading.

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Just now, thisal said:

What's your problem with someone being English?

I have no problem with people being English. I have a problem with people dividing themselves up as different nationalities as if it makes the blindest bit of difference. Where were you born, out of interest? 

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A small detail perhaps, but something absolutely incensing me just now is the use of language around educational establishments.

I know it's in an English context, but they kept saying yesterday that schools and universities will "stay" open.  To the untrained eye, this would suggest that both types of institution are offering similar levels of output currently.  That could not be more wrong.

For the vast majority of university students, their place of learning is only open to them right now, in precisely the same way that schools were 'open' in May and June.  

Why is this utterly fallacious idea allowed to be promoted, that suggests universities are offering anything that remotely resembles normal?  The only normal thing most are doing is charging people to live nearby.

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A small detail perhaps, but something absolutely incensing me just now is the use of language around educational establishments.
I know it's in an English context, but they kept saying yesterday that schools and universities will "stay" open.  To the untrained eye, this would suggest that both types of institution are offering similar levels of output currently.  That could not be more wrong.
For the vast majority of university students, their place of learning is only open to them right now, in precisely the same way that schools were 'open' in May and June.  
Why is this utterly fallacious idea allowed to be promoted, that suggests universities are offering anything that remotely resembles normal?  The only normal thing most are doing is charging people to live nearby.

I think that comment was made to prevent uni students flocking home in their tens of thousands this week
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2 minutes ago, Donathan said:



I think that comment was made to prevent uni students flocking home in their tens of thousands this week



I don't see what difference the phrasing would make to that.  

University students already know what they're being offered.  Someone lying about their institution currently being "open", won't alter that knowledge.

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11 minutes ago, Mr. Alli said:

I have no problem with people being English. I have a problem with people dividing themselves up as different nationalities as if it makes the blindest bit of difference. Where were you born, out of interest? 

Re-read my second last paragraph. You're the one that's making an issue of my nationality. Dick.


I was born in Glasgow my brother Leeds, father Scottish mother English.  I've supported Scotland at Hampden and England at Headingly.

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Re-read my second last paragraph. You're the one that's making an issue of my nationality. Dick.
I was born in Glasgow my brother Leeds, father Scottish mother English.  I've supported Scotland at Hampden and England at Headingly.

You don’t need to defend yourself here. For someone to ask “Where you were born” just reeks of blood and soil nationalism and should be condemned.
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16 hours ago, welshbairn said:

I would have locked down earlier, set up track and trace from the start, moved elderly suspected covid cases into the nightingale hospitals rather than care homes, moved to catch up on the non covid waiting list as soon as it was clear the hospitals wouldn't be swamped in the spring and summer,  kept schools and colleges as remote learning for over 15s, and allowed Highland League football to start in September with strict crowd limits. Some of this is probably with the benefit of hindsight.

I'm confused, which country are you referring to?

16 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

You’re going to read the manifestos of all the parties?  That’s impressive bullshit.

My thoughts as well. As far as Scotland is concerned the Tory, Labour and LibDem manifesto sing from the same hymn sheet.

Trident WILL stay in Scottish waters AND Scotland WILL pay a share of expensive English projects AND we will all bow down to our political and class betters.

16 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

You're right. I'll vote blindy for the SNP instead.


Good for you for seeing the light even if ye are blind.

15 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

No. But I suggested that people consider what is most important to them.

I'm an independence supporter. But it's no longer my #1 priority.

But surely everything else follows from Independence.

Afterwards you can vote for a Scottish political party of your choosing and if enough voters (in a population of 5+million) chose the same party then you've got what ye wanted. The alternative is being tied to England in a one-sided union.

I ken which road I will take.

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I have no problem with people being English. I have a problem with people dividing themselves up as different nationalities as if it makes the blindest bit of difference. Where were you born, out of interest? 
What an awful take.

Folk's identities can be very complicated and can change - and 'where you were born' is only one aspect of that.

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21 hours ago, Thereisalight.. said:

I’ve only just read that Leitch won a science award. The man that originally said face masks were basically ineffective and then did a u turn, the condescending p***k we have to listen to on TV/Radio adverts 8 months in telling us to wash our hands and stay 2 metres apart. Holy fck as if 2020 couldn’t get any weirder! The “guys” and those appearances on Off the ball really did work wonders! 

He was sharing WHO advice at the time, their advice changed and so did his. Let's not try and use hindsight to call people out.

His early appearances on OtB were really important as is having a familiar face in a public health campaign love him or loath him, he has done important work, not sure about the science award as he keeps saying he is advising the govt I'm not sure how much research he is doing.

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