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5 minutes ago, virginton said:

I see that you're now qualified to give out medical prognoses as well. 

As it is, you would be expected to 'muddle around' or use up annual leave to look after your sprogs in this instance as well. Having a child is a care-giving responsibility and if that means not getting your two weeks in Benidorm next year then that's just tough. I'm sure that your Victoria Cross is in the post but no, that does not actually make you in fact a 'key worker'. 

7 minutes ago, virginton said:

I see that you're now qualified to give out medical prognoses as well. 

As it is, you would be expected to 'muddle around' or use up annual leave to look after your sprogs in this instance as well. Having a child is a care-giving responsibility and if that means not getting your two weeks in Benidorm next year then that's just tough. 

I'm sure that your Victoria Cross is in the post but no, that does not actually make you in fact a 'key worker'. 


Good grief

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VT has absolutely lost it. Glorious to see the meltdown.
We are a post away from his default position of questioning why these people had the stupidity of having children in the first place.

A total moron at times who clearly wouldn't know the first thing about trying to balance work with childcare yet professes to be an expert telling all those who know exactly how difficult it can be what to do.
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Boss swung by today to confirm that we'll be on furlough til the 18th, but claims the high head yins have been tipped off that it's likely to be far longer, to the point that they're writing off the rest of the financial year.

Anyone else heard anything like this, or is my boss just being a fanny, as per?

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9 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Most peoples holidays run April-March so taking time off in January isn't an option either 

Shifting the goalposts after wondering why your 'but... December is this year!' clincher failed to hit the mark I see. In any case, your claim is still wrong. Parents can take essential leave in January for childcare in the same way that people take leave for bereavement and other significant personal issues. It does not get put in a holiday book the year in advance, yet for some strange reason they're not at their workplace and don't get the sack! 

If some parents lose out in earnings over the whole of 2021 because some of their total leave ends up unpaid then that's just tough. Others in society are going to be making do with £80 per week next year as a result of the pandemic, so the minor inconvenience of those taking time off work for childcare and losing out financially is really not a top priority. 

Edited by vikingTON
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12 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

We are a post away from his default position of questioning why these people had the stupidity of having children in the first place.

A total moron at times who clearly wouldn't know the first thing about trying to balance work with childcare yet professes to be an expert telling all those who know exactly how difficult it can be what to do.

I haven't given any specific instructions on how parents should balance their work and childcare, I've simply stated the facts that i) a school does not actually exist to act as your glorified creche for eleven years and ii) it is not the task of society in the middle of a pandemic to work its entire public health response around 'ma annual leave!111!!'

The failure to grasp the second point is one of the main reasons why the UK has had spectacularly abysmal performance across the board.

Edited by vikingTON
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I haven't given any specific instructions on how parents should balance their work and childcare, I've simply stated the facts that i) a school does not actually exist to act as your glorified creche for eleven years and ii) it is not the task of society in the middle of a pandemic to work its entire public health response around 'ma annual leave!111!!'
The failure to grasp the second point is one of the main reasons why the UK has had spectacularly abysmal performance across the board.

Here speaketh the failed teacher.
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9 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

It's right and good that person A loses some money because this other person B lost their job is a very common an popular belief in the country, but I have to say seems an odd position to take for someone ostensibly opposed to austerity.

Austerity is completely irrelevant to the economic costs that people will face next year as a result of not having a job, because their sector of the economy has been trashed while having zero impact on curbing the pandemic. It's absolutely telling that the snippy parent brigade are happy to see hundreds of thousands of people in hospitality, live events etc. experience actual poverty next year rather than take a hit to their own standard of living in the potential event of taking additional leave over a calendar year because the schools were shut. 

Those are the choices that are faced. Neither of them are good but one is objectively worse than the other in terms of dealing with the pandemic and therefore trashing the economy as well.

Edited by vikingTON
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18 minutes ago, virginton said:


Shifting the goalposts after wondering why your 'but... December is this year!' clincher failed to hit the mark I see. In any case, your claim is still wrong. Parents can take essential leave in January for childcare in the same way that people take leave for bereavement and other significant personal issues. It does not get put in a holiday book the year in advance, yet for some strange reason they're not at their workplace and don't get the sack! 

If some parents lose out in earnings over the whole of 2021 because some of their total leave ends up unpaid then that's just tough. Others in society are going to be making do with £80 per week next year as a result of the pandemic, so the minor inconvenience of those taking time off work for childcare and losing out financially is really not a top priority. 

You’ll likely ignore this post like the last one I made proving you wrong but in any case, parents cannot take essential leave for childcare purposes. They can take limited time to organise emergency child care, but not to care for the child themselves. 

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Austerity is completely irrelevant to the economic costs that people will face next year as a result of not having a job, because their sector of the economy has been trashed while having zero impact on curbing the pandemic. It's absolutely telling that the snippy parent brigade are happy to see hundreds of thousands of people in hospitality, live events etc. experience actual poverty next year rather than take a hit to their own standard of living in the potential event of taking additional leave over a calendar year because the schools were shut. 
Those are the choices that are faced. Neither of them are good but one is objectively worse than the other in terms of dealing with the pandemic and therefore trashing the economy as well.
It's your ascertain that employers simply allow mass annual leave that is staggering in it's naievity. You know these same employers who your championing to survive.

Go ask your boss tomorrow for annual leave up to 18 January and come back and tell us how it goes. More so when he gets that request times x number of employees with kids.

Climb down from your crumbling ivory tower and live life in the real world just for once.
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