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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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2 minutes ago, Ron Aldo said:
16 minutes ago, Steven W said:
Trucks at Dover barely moving as the testing of the drivers is slow (according to Sky News)
Doesn't instill much confidence for rolling out the Oxford vaccine in a speedy manner

I don't see how the 2 are comparable?

Probably not, but everything the government has implemented has been a balls up.

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Probably not, but everything the government has implemented has been a balls up.
That's very true.

As much as I've been critical of the Scottish Government's approach to handling certain aspects of this pandemic, I have far more faith in them to get the vaccine out than those clowns in Westminster.
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2 minutes ago, Ron Aldo said:

That's very true.

As much as I've been critical of the Scottish Government's approach to handling certain aspects of this pandemic, I have far more faith in them to get the vaccine out than those clowns in Westminster.

Can they get it without Westminster co-operation?

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22 hours ago, Tynierose said:

I'm not sure if they have went with the approach of getting retired nurses etc to give the jabs, if not they should.  They sent emails around my place asking if anyone would go give jabs in care homes or treatment hubs paid at substantive wage level.   The uptake has been pretty low though as a lot of staff are just fucking knackered after this year and the thought of even more hours isn't appealing.  To be fair though to health boards they are spunking some money at it if they're willing to offer band 7's & 8's substantive pay to fire out what can be done by band 3's, so I think they are making the effort.  I just don't think they have the staff.

To be honest training someone to do a jag doesn't take more than a few minutes, and you can get round supervision issues with having a medic on site.  Maybe they should have approached members of the public to train.  After all Naloxone training consists of stabbing an orange and lasts about an hour, maybe think out the box here a wee bit as it's a public health crisis and get willing volunteers in to train.    The big issue again though is regulation and what goes wrong if an untrained member of staff gives a jab and full anaphylaxis kicks in.  A Patient Group Directive document most likely wouldn't cover non staff.   The joy of clinical governance and health and safety concerns would also need to be overcome.  So in essence there are issues but there are also solutions I feel.

Anyway over the the health boards...

I got a ten min blurb from the community nurse on how to epipen my daughter so I don’t suppose much more for issuing a vaccine jab to patient no allergies, with medic on-site if something goes wrong.

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Perception is everything.
Most people don't look beyond how politicians come across on the TV. Nicola is empathetic and confident and when you compare that to the blubbering buffoon in Westminster she could cull pensioners live on BBC One and still be revered by a large proportion of the population.

Very much this, the way the SG have handled the C19 epidemic, performance wise; communication, errors made in hindsight with regards to infection control etc...isn’t so far removed from what’s happened down south. Nicola Sturgeon’s confident, assured approach holds sway however over the bumbling, dithering, haphazard, hopeless, incompetence displayed by Johnson, Hancock, Jenrick, Shapps, Williamson et al. She comes across as everything they are not at the helm of government.
The current health crisis, whilst having tragic consequences for families right across the country; (along with the Brexit fiasco and shit storm about to hit the UK) has undoubtedly strengthened the case for independence from Westminster. How many undecided voters out there must now be thinking, ‘surely we can make a better fist of running things ourselves than this f*cking lot’?
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Very much this, the way the SG have handled the C19 epidemic, performance wise; communication, errors made in hindsight with regards to infection control etc...isn’t so far removed from what’s happened down south. Nicola Sturgeon’s confident, assured approach holds sway however over the bumbling, dithering, haphazard, hopeless, incompetence displayed by Johnson, Hancock, Jenrick, Shapps, Williamson et al. She comes across as everything they are not at the helm of government.
The current health crisis, whilst having tragic consequences for families right across the country; (along with the Brexit fiasco and shit storm about to hit the UK) has undoubtedly strengthened the case for independence from Westminster. How many undecided voters out there must now be thinking, ‘surely we can make a better fist of running things ourselves than this f*cking lot’?
So long as Freeman and Swinney don't keep fucking up.
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26 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Just picking up a few last minute items from the local Asda - absolutely hoaching, no sense of social distancing at all and lots of folk without masks - mainly whole family groups and young ones - didn't see a single maskless badged pensioner - they must have done their shopping weeks ago.

See, this is where my previous idea would bear significant fruit. Had you been armed with a revolver filled with Astra Zeneca darts, we would be well on our way to a covid-free Dundee.



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