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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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The biggest issue for me about giving advisors so much airtime, is that the general public forget that these people have a very tunnel visioned approach in what they want to achieve.

Devi Sridhar is obviously not wrong to say that "Zero Covid" is ideal, but it's up to the rest of the advisors, and the SG, to come together and deduce firstly whether or not this is possible, then what the associated costs of pursuing such an approach may be, the chance of such an approach being successful and sustainable, and finally, whether or not it is the correct approach.

I don't believe having that conversation in the public domain, particularly when the focus is on one side of it, is the best approach.

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2 hours ago, welshbairn said:

If this is what people are talking about, the tone might be a bit gloomy but given what clinicians have been saying about the new strain, and given we've all just been put in lockdown, I don't think a cheery message would have gone down any better on here.



Did he specify what "severe restrcitions" would entail? Personally I'm missing travelling to other local authorities. As pathetic as it may sound things like going to Glasgow or Edinburgh for a day out or going into East Ayrshire or Dumfries and Galloway for some great walks were things that really helped lift my mood at times when I struggled. To think that by "law" I couldnt travel outwith South Ayrshire for months really is a depressing thought  

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1 hour ago, Frankie S said:

I realise this wasn’t aimed at me, but I’ll tell you a few things that are different for me.

I run four businesses - a provincial nightclub / live music venue, a live music promotions company, a live music venue / bar / restaurant in Edinburgh and an events services company. The first two have been shut since March and will be shut until at least next March, and prob late 2021 if the drivel Leitch is spouting ATM turns out to have any substance /  the vaccine rollout takes longer than it should / SG continues to adhere to Devi Sridhar’s pie in the sky elimination strategy rather than move forward on the basis that once the most vulnerable sectors of society have been vaccinated we can all get back to something like normal. 28 members of staff furloughed for the nightclub in an area of comparative economic deprivation with little prospect of picking up alternative employment for many of them. Despite not attracting government support from various over-subscribed funds (GMV / COVRF etc.) we’ve retained all staff and topped up all management’s / full-timers wages to 100% throughout, at our own expense. With no end in sight and no clear exit strategy, despite vaccines coming onstream, it’s just a matter of sitting tight and burning through reserves in the hope that we’ll get the green light to trade again before the business exhausts its reserves.

The live music promotions company has had no support other than furlough, despite being closed for business for 9 months and counting, with summer 2021 looking like the earliest we’ll be allowed to trade again. Live music promoters haven’t even been eligible for Strategic Framework grants for businesses that have been forced to close or otherwise restricted by government restrictions, although I believe this loophole (one of many egregious funding gaps) will be closed in January.

My third business (the live music venue / bar / restaurant) was allowed to open briefly in Aug / Sept at greatly reduced capacity due to social distancing, and despite spending a ton of cash on perspex screens and other mitigations has been closed since all hospitality was shut down in central Scotland at the start of October. We declined to take the opportunity to open up again when Edinburgh was moved into Tier 3, as opening until 6.00pm serving food to people at a time almost no-one wants to eat, while not being allowed to serve alcohol even with a meal (neither of these restrictions applied in the second highest tier in England where bars / restaurants can serve alcohol with a meal and stay open until 11.00pm), and being forbidden from playing background music, thus sucking any atmosphere out of the place (a ridiculous restriction that applied only in Scotland and took 4 months to overturn) would have meant losing far more money than staying shut. Another 40-odd staff on furlough since March (bar the 2 month period we were allowed to open), and while we have received some significant grant funding here, with sky high Edinburgh city centre rent asphyxiating hospitality throughout the city and SG scapegoating the entire industry, the prospects for the future, and the medium to long term job security of the staff, are fairly grim, unless SG rolls out the vaccine pronto.

My fourth business, an events services company, has traded at approximately 20% of previous levels since March, since there are precious few events left to service. We’ve lost almost all of our turnover, and attracted a derisory 10k in grant funding from SG to date.

I’m glad things were ‘close to normality’ for you, as they sure weren’t for me and the circa 80 people I employ.

This is fair enough and I feel for you, however my post was in the context of things being completely different / far from normal in the summer and all we can do is give our personal thoughts( which in fairness is what both of us have done), neither is right or wrong it's just a different experience for both of us.

I was also noting that the SG hadn't done anything / much different from the rest of Europe and in the case of nightclubs and major events it would have been the same issue for someone in your position in Spain / Italy / England / France / Germany etc.

I've been made redundant myself on 3 separate occasions through no fault of my own, it wasn't covid related but it was failure of senior Management and in fact corruption / Fraud involved yet there were no prosecutions and I'm sure many here have been in similar positions, we didn't have furlough either or any sort of help from Government but you just need to accept it and get on with it.

Incidentally, I can fully understand why you're annoyed and feeling bitter as there's no doubt whatsoever that I would be also if in your current position.

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1 hour ago, D.A.F.C said:

You've got to be kidding me. Holiday adverts based on a vaccine that nobody has any idea if it works long term.
Jab and go.

Desperate stuff.20201227_171626.jpeg

I saw that advert yesterday and thought for a second that it was a parody show 😑

1 hour ago, Juanhourjoe said:

Sympathize with all the guys who couldn't have there business going through this, and everyone working for them. A lot has been badly handled for you guys. 

I disagree with the criticism of Devi though. I think she's had a much better outlook on this than Jason leitch. And the government as a whole.

This is going to go on a while yet. So there could be time to do things better if the will was there.

A much better outlook? Yeah telling people with mental health issues to basically suck it up as "we're all in this shit soup together" really is a great mindset for someone in her position to have. Also her bending NS ear into believing zero covid was actually achievable. Her and Leitch are out to make a name for themselves 

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7 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

This is fair enough and I feel for you, however my post was in the context of things being completely different / far from normal in the summer and all we can do is give our personal thoughts( which in fairness is what both of us have done), neither is right or wrong it's just a different experience for both of us.

If you're a moron who is incapable of grasping the complete absence of 'normality' for lots of other people in your own society, sure. You don't need to personally suffer famine or war to know that yeah that might be a bit of a problem for others.

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Not directing this at anyone here, we all have our thoughts. This thread has left me fucking baffled of late though. I probably give P&B a bit too much credit for being a cross section of society but seeing some of the stuff posted and knowing that the govt enjoy huge support on this, I just cant get it.

I'm bordering on actually contacting my MP, which iv long considered a moon howler option. Theres two key dates coming up. One is 3 weeks from yesterday, and the other is whenever AZ is approved. The AZ one in particular needs to see a marked shift in scotgov rhetoric for me otherwise am going on a seething campaign, for whatever that is worth. It will be cathartic for me anyway.

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27 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

Ive been made redundant myself on 3 separate occasions through no fault of my own, it wasn't covid related but it was failure of senior Management and in fact corruption / Fraud involved yet there were no prosecutions and I'm sure many here have been in similar positions, we didn't have furlough either or any sort of help from Government but you just need to accept it and get on with it.


Amazing. Truly amazing. 

Without a hint of irony or self-awareness either. Astounding stuff. 

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1 hour ago, Tynierose said:

Yeh mate if you believe in unicorns, and pots of gold at the end of a rainbow she's had a stormer.

Not so much if you have mental health issues and were told basically tough shit  get on with it.

Lose your business, don't worry a wee walk in the rain will solve everything as long as you make your own sunshine.

And as for her obsession with eradication of covid in the summer, yeh that worked well.


Not making the actual policy. You can blame governments for that. But the science was sound. Worked well enough on the other side of the world.

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45 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

This is fair enough and I feel for you, however my post was in the context of things being completely different / far from normal in the summer and all we can do is give our personal thoughts( which in fairness is what both of us have done), neither is right or wrong it's just a different experience for both of us.

I was also noting that the SG hadn't done anything / much different from the rest of Europe and in the case of nightclubs and major events it would have been the same issue for someone in your position in Spain / Italy / England / France / Germany etc.

I've been made redundant myself on 3 separate occasions through no fault of my own, it wasn't covid related but it was failure of senior Management and in fact corruption / Fraud involved yet there were no prosecutions and I'm sure many here have been in similar positions, we didn't have furlough either or any sort of help from Government but you just need to accept it and get on with it.

Incidentally, I can fully understand why you're annoyed and feeling bitter as there's no doubt whatsoever that I would be also if in your current position.

I think I was wrong in my last post of giving you the benefit of the doubt in just being a moron. It seems you are severely lacking in empathy and are in fact a complete and utter c**t.

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16 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Not directing this at anyone here, we all have our thoughts. This thread has left me fucking baffled of late though. I probably give P&B a bit too much credit for being a cross section of society but seeing some of the stuff posted and knowing that the govt enjoy huge support on this, I just cant get it.

I'm bordering on actually contacting my MP, which iv long considered a moon howler option. Theres two key dates coming up. One is 3 weeks from yesterday, and the other is whenever AZ is approved. The AZ one in particular needs to see a marked shift in scotgov rhetoric for me otherwise am going on a seething campaign, for whatever that is worth. It will be cathartic for me anyway.

If you're going to contact your MP they will be able to put pressure on the UKg it would be worth copying in your MSP.

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37 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

much better outlook? Yeah telling people with mental health issues to basically suck it up as "we're all in this shit soup together" really is a great mindset for someone in her position to have. Also her bending NS ear into believing zero covid was actually achievable. Her and Leitch are out to make a name for themselves 

Are we not? And NS hasn't really followed through on that. But a compromise with what England was doing.

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48 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

I was also noting that the SG hadn't done anything / much different from the rest of Europe and in the case of nightclubs and major events it would have been the same issue for someone in your position in Spain / Italy / England / France / Germany etc

Whilst true setting the bar at what the rest of Europe is doing is hardly what we want to do.  If it was my decision I would be offering live music venues the right to opt into being vaccination stations due to the fact they are large open areas in the heart of their communities and help bring some income in but that's just a thought and no idea if that would be anything more than tokenism

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4 minutes ago, 101 said:

Whilst true setting the bar at what the rest of Europe is doing is hardly what we want to do.  If it was my decision I would be offering live music venues the right to opt into being vaccination stations due to the fact they are large open areas in the heart of their communities and help bring some income in but that's just a thought and no idea if that would be anything more than tokenism

A pint, a band and a vaccine, that may catch on.


Unless the band is the vaccines, then that'll be shite because they only have about one good song.

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25 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Not directing this at anyone here, we all have our thoughts. This thread has left me fucking baffled of late though. I probably give P&B a bit too much credit for being a cross section of society but seeing some of the stuff posted and knowing that the govt enjoy huge support on this, I just cant get it.

I'm bordering on actually contacting my MP, which iv long considered a moon howler option. Theres two key dates coming up. One is 3 weeks from yesterday, and the other is whenever AZ is approved. The AZ one in particular needs to see a marked shift in scotgov rhetoric for me otherwise am going on a seething campaign, for whatever that is worth. It will be cathartic for me anyway.

Remember at all times a vast proportion of the electorate are stupid.   See Brexit, see electing Donald Trump in America etc etc

Keep fighting the good fight and don't let idiocy win.

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2 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

Remember at all times a vast proportion of the electorate are stupid.   See Brexit, see electing Donald Trump in America etc etc

Keep fighting the good fight and don't let idiocy win.

I know. But theres a difference between being stupid and letting them off the hook for what will soon, IMO be a colossal overreach into my life and that of people who are being thrown on the health, wealth and happiness scrapheap. 

Anyway iv said enough about it for one day. Back to moretti and the Barclays. 

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