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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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6 minutes ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

No it did, that's a mistake and they will try to perpetuate it. Flattening the curve was a technique to try to achieve herd immunity but in a managed way. Realistically nobody would just let it go and do nothing as it would cause the health service to be overwhlemed, the economy collapse and societal breakdown. Flattening the curve is a choice to allow it to pass through your population but in a managed way.

The other approach, taken by countries like NZ, is suppression. To suppress the virus and eventually eliminate it from society then gain immunity through vaccination. That's why the disparity in deaths is so big. I think people here, because our media won't tell them, don't realise how bad a job our government have done. If we have the same rate of deaths as NZ we'd have about 350. Instead we have over a hundred thousand and are tripling NZ's per capita figure almost every day.


yes but what I said (probably not very well) is that the term came to be used to cover a number of measures that were being deployed rather than the true meaning. "flattening the curve" was still being used in Westminster press briefings in May when herd immunity was not the measure that was being employed. 

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Just now, KingRocketman II said:

yes but what I said (probably not very well) is that the term came to be used to cover a number of measures that were being deployed rather than the true meaning. "flattening the curve" was still being used in Westminster press briefings in May when herd immunity was not the measure that was being employed. 

I don't think you're understanding, flattening the curve and herd immunity are the same thing.  Flattening the curve is a technique to achieve herd immunity in a managed way.  What you want to do is eliminate altogether so there is no curve to flatten, but we didn't take the route of suppression.

Its worth repeating again for posterity, everybody should be aware of this.

If you extrapolate NZ's death figure to a population the size of the UK we would have about 350 deaths, total, throughout the entire pandemic,  If our govt had done as good a job as NZ's. We are more than tripling that figure every single day.  Its breathtaking.  

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I joined P&B in August 2003. In that time there have been plenty of folk I've utterly disagreed with, especially on this thread when tensions can run high, but I've never had the need to mute or block anyone. 

Until this morning. 

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1 minute ago, PWL said:

I joined P&B in August 2003. In that time there have been plenty of folk I've utterly disagreed with, especially on this thread when tensions can run high, but I've never had the need to mute or block anyone. 

Until this morning. 

You can’t leave it there....

ETA wondering if he can see this!

Edited by Granny Danger
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19 minutes ago, PWL said:

I joined P&B in August 2003. In that time there have been plenty of folk I've utterly disagreed with, especially on this thread when tensions can run high, but I've never had the need to mute or block anyone. 

Until this morning. 


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Per capita you fucking moron.
I didn't think anybody would be stupid enough to require that explained to them, but you have taken stupidity to new levels.
Well we have significantly more than half of Englands death per million people, so perhaps you are unqualified to speak on this?
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6 hours ago, TheJTS98 said:

Malaysian equivalent of this is the private hospitals' obsession with MRI scans. Obviously, the most expensive thing they can offer on a daily basis.

Go in with a sore head. They'll try to bully you into an immediate MRI. Sore Knee? MRI. A cough? MRI. Obviously broken toe (as I had last year)? MRI.

I actually couldn't avoid a laugh last time I was in (for the broken toe). I'd shown him my foot, he'd done the x-ray, he'd shown me the break, and he'd told me basically just to rest as there's nothing to be done. Then, just as I'm standing up to leave, "If you'd like more peace of mind, we can offer you an MRI...". I told him I wondered what had taken so long. The joys of private health.

I dread to think what it would have cost me these last few years since I was diagnosed with COPD (never mind the prostate cancer).

Umpteen chest x-rays. A couple/three consultations with a chest specialist.

A consultation with a prostate specialist. Prostate biopsy. MRI scan. Bowel scan. (Another scan which I can't remember what it was for - bone scan perhaps.) Consultation with an oncologist. 4 implants to date.*

Plus umpteen courses of antibiotics for my chest and repeat inhalers every month.

Thank God for the Beveridge report and those who implemented it.

*ETA: These are £400.00 a pop. apparently.


Edited by Jacksgranda
Update and Sllepnig
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2 hours ago, Steven W said:

Saw this last night and meant to post, but was busy with other stuff (Morton v Dunfermline!).

Virologist says it's a one-off, but find myself thinking "Really?"

Would answer a lot of it's being harboured on foodstuff

Millions more would have caught it if that were the case, surely?

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I assume he's confused the current death rates with the overall death rates.

To be fair to him, I was reading it as “since the summer”, which is closer to the truth.

I can’t believe that I’m trying to be fair to him though.
Either way, having such a statistic so wrong can certainly be taken as confirmation that he is an arsehole, spamming the thread with nonsense given that the last two days has been mainly him challenging peoples right to have a discussion based on their qualifications, or lack thereof.

Craig rinsing him really should have been an end to it tbf.
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18 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

Millions more would have caught it if that were the case, surely?


Ultimately I don't know, and I'm no epidemiologist. Just speculating really.  But I can't believe the ice cream thing is just a one-off. Couple this with Scotland's infection rate seemingly rock solid at the circa 1800 a day mark with just about everything closed and no travel, I just begin to wonder is there something else at play? Just a thought more than anything else.

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Has anyone heard of this publicised in the UK ?

Some care homes are using the extra dose contained in every vial of Pfizer vaccine to vaccinate the relatives of residents, according to the head of one home network.

Since the vaccine was first rolled out, it has been known that a vial of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, the first to be approved in the EU, contains six and sometimes even seven doses, instead of the five doses intended.

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7 minutes ago, superbigal said:

Has anyone heard of this publicised in the UK ?

Some care homes are using the extra dose contained in every vial of Pfizer vaccine to vaccinate the relatives of residents, according to the head of one home network.

Since the vaccine was first rolled out, it has been known that a vial of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, the first to be approved in the EU, contains six and sometimes even seven doses, instead of the five doses intended.

The Angel's Share of vaccines?

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