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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Just now, D.A.F.C said:

As apposed to being locked down or tiers until 2022 or beyond?

A fraction of the cost. Every successful country has been on top of the virus with ttt. Its this short sighted approach that you mention that wrecked the economy and killed 100,000 people.

Testing pays for itself many times over.

Not if it causes restrictions to continue longer than necessary, as a result of panic over cases

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3 minutes ago, RH33 said:

I thought shielding had ended? 

Came back with the start of lockdown. Those living or working in a level 4 area should avoid all unnecessary contact and not go to work for as long as "lockdown" is in place.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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Not really been keeping in touch closely with how things are going in the U.K. or this thread for a while.  A question, My 88 year old mother got her initial vaccine in mid January, the expectation was that she would receive the second dose in three weeks. She is now telling me it will be 12 weeks before she gets the second jab. WTF?! If what was promised was three weeks is now twelve weeks, does this mean that there will be a reduction in the efficacy of the vaccine? P.S. she contracted COVID a few months ago and survived. She's a tough old gal.
The UK policy is 12 weeks between doses. Loads of info on efficacy, policy etc if you google it.
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35 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

Exactly this. Think about it logically if there is no furlough there will be no businesses ordered to close. After April any support will be very targeted to specific sectors.

All this hysteria about business closed until summer, unless Sunak decides that's needed it cant and wont happen. Add in an election in May and it's nowhere near as difficult to see through Sturgeons doom and gloom as most seem to be making out.

The events in Holland will be interesting following today's court ruling, this could just be the start of the collapse of Government authority throughout.


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2 minutes ago, Aufc said:


Whilst delighted i am able to pack my sprogs away from next week, i agree that there is no reasons for gyms not to be open if we are opening schools.


Away and boil yer heid.  

If gyms were opened alongside schools you'd find gym usage would be higher than normal.    In certain places hundreds of people from different people panting away in a sweatbox and touching equipment.    

Given that it's now light till 6pm, and the weather will reach 13C by the weekend, everyone can quite easily exercise outdoors.   

Equating the importance of opening schools to gyms is moronic.   

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3 hours ago, djchapsticks said:

My partner has now not traded for 12 weeks aside for 2 weeks before xmas. Despite being a hairdresser, she is not eligible for any type of help due to only becoming self employed in Sept 2020 and we've been told there is no sort of financial assitance going to become avaialble to her any time soon. 

I've tried the local MSP and Business Gateway to try and find some sort of loophole to try and get a bit of support for her and have been told they are 'disappointed' there's nothing forthcoming. 

I'd love to know what sort of incentive she now has to stay closed instead of just going 'f**k it' and working on the downlow. Because to be perfectly honest, that's now where we are as I feel we're having 2 fingers stuck up at us every time we ask to be treated on a par with other businesses in her sector. 



Why take such a gamble when that industry had been hit hard earlier in year? Were you betting on government self employed support being higher than her furlough wage from employer?

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28 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

There’s zero chance of that happening.  Indeed, he’s more likely to get a regulator slot on Sportsound telling everyone how great he is.

Its nice to agree with you on something today. X

17 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

In fairness Leitch is only able to carry out the bidding of The Guys 

I wish the guys would tell him to admit he was wrong. 

15 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

An Independent Scotland wouldn’t have to worry about when someone else was going to end the furlough.

You are absolutely correct, however given the fact the Scottish Government can’t inspire hope in the midst of some of the most amazing medical achievements in modern history I would question their ability to deliver it. 

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It would be interesting to see if legal precedence begins to emerge re "emergency powers". Didn't some Scottish publicans try a legal challenge last year ?

The events in Holland will be interesting following today's court ruling, this could just be the start of the collapse of Government authority throughout.
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Can't wait to pay a higher rate of tax for the rest of my life to pay for the furlough scheme whilst the government persist with building a high speed railway into London no one will use or housing nuclear weapons nobody wants costing billions.
The irony of HS2 being built when everyone is about to start working from home will not be lost on many.
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9 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

As apposed to being locked down or tiers until 2022 or beyond?

A fraction of the cost. Every successful country has been on top of the virus with ttt. Its this short sighted approach that you mention that wrecked the economy and killed 100,000 people.

Testing pays for itself many times over.

Testing had its place. I dont see the need for it when the elderly and vulnerable are vaccinated. Let's be honest, testing people cant go on forever. Are we going to allow people who have been vaccinated twice the option of going for a test, just incase they're worried their vaccine hasnt worked? If so that just screams throwing away money for the sake of it 

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2 hours ago, Detournement said:

She said the best case scenario for this summer is last summer which is absolute shite and a strong sign that we will have another winter lockdown. 

If that’s the case then we need to ditch this, go back to normal, then face whatever consequences come our way. This is not living! 

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12 minutes ago, Aufc said:


Whilst delighted i am able to pack my sprogs away from next week, i agree that there is no reasons for gyms not to be open if we are opening schools.


It's because we're still at a stage where where some restrictions are necessary, and because schools are very much more important to society than gyms.

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1 minute ago, Billy Jean King said:

It would be interesting to see if legal precedence begins to emerge re "emergency powers". Didn't some Scottish publicans try a legal challenge last year ?

Yes, I don't actually recall what happened with that but presumably it was thrown out.

Cutting through all the nonsense, its surely as simple a choice as get people vaccinated and go back to normal while accepting there will still be infections and their will still be deaths but that the NHS will cope, or alternatively live like prisoners for the rest of our life's worrying about "new variants", etc and watch as economies are ruined, standards of living drop hugely and quality of life is close to zero.

Do we want to survive or do we want to live ??

Personally I'm willing to take my chance with Covid rather than live a life like this.

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2 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Ok, quite a lot, meaning that things need prioritised.

Naturally, gyms come way behind schools.

That is a point of view.  If you look at it from a pure epidemiological standpoint where school opening will drive up the R rate more than gym reopening you could argue that opening schools is the last thing society needs.

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19 minutes ago, RH33 said:

Why take such a gamble when that industry had been hit hard earlier in year? Were you betting on government self employed support being higher than her furlough wage from employer?

Not at all. Government support or furlough money had never even came into the rationale. Like many, we had taken that there would be ongoing restrictions perhaps even a second full lockdown but certainly not to the level or length of time currently being seen.

She had been furloughed back in March and her boss from early doors was making all sorts of noises about closing up and potentially not being able to afford staying open. In fact she didn't even receive a wage of any sort from her former employer until the end of May when furlough money finally arrived. My partner has been there for 30 years since the day she left school and came to a stark realisation that her job was in such a precarious situation that her boss could close up and leave her with nothing with only a few weeks notice and she became absolutely despondent at the thought of going back...also the environment that the shop had become was really dragging her down for a long time before covid. So at the point in the summer where this looked to be all over (at least from a lockdown perspective, if not restrictions), she had a bit of lightbulb moment and questioned to me whether she could do on her own two feet, working from a separate facility at our home and I agreed.

Bear in mind that the wheels were set in motion for this in June but due to timber shortages, restrictions etc, it did not get completed until the start of September. Even then, was not a risky move as cases were still low enough to stay under thresholds for the first 13 or 14 weeks of operation. It still isn't a risky move, her business was going quite well in the time she was open and her customers will still be there by the time it reopens but in the weeks and months she is forced to close, she should absolutely be supported.

Edited by djchapsticks
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