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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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3 hours ago, Burnieman said:

Don't you consider the possibility that we understand so much more about the virus than 12 months ago and therefore the advice/opinion given then may have changed completely from the advice we're given now?


2 hours ago, Burnieman said:

That's my point.  People change opinion, scientists change advice.  You could probably highlight comments from every politician, scientist and advisor from 12 months ago re Covid and call them out for it based on what we know now.


What is this revisionist nonsense? The textbooks have not had to be rewritten in the past twelve months regarding how respiratory viruses spread. Joe Public was more than aware that mass indoor gatherings is probably number one on the list of things that will increase spread. I think the bar is set slightly higher for 'medical professionals' to know better.

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Posted at 15:36

A third of UK adults will continue to avoid crowds after Covid - ONS

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More than a third of adults will continue to avoid crowded places once the Covid-19 pandemic is over, new Office for National Statistics (ONS) data suggests.

Of more than 4,500 adults surveyed across the UK this month, some 38% told the ONS they were more likely to avoid crowds in the future than they were before the pandemic began.

Three in 10 people (33%) said they would continue to shop online more frequently for non-grocery items.

A further 23% said they were more likely to avoid public transport, and almost three in 10 working adults (29%) said they would continue to do their jobs from home more often.

Excellent. Weeds out the weirdos and leaves the rest of us to get on with things.

Edited by Elixir
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What is this revisionist nonsense? The textbooks have not had to be rewritten in the past twelve months regarding how respiratory viruses spread. Joe Public was more than aware that mass indoor gatherings is probably number one on the list of things that will increase spread. I think the bar is set slightly higher for 'medical professionals' to know better.

It's a fairly simple point to comprehend. Advice over the last 12 months from politicians to scientists has evolved as they better understand the virus.
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2 hours ago, scottsdad said:

Genuine question. I've listened to Jason Leitch on Off The Ball for most of the pandemic and thought that if anything he was an excellent communicator. Compare him to Vallance and Whitty down south, who can barely string a sentence together. 

So...why are folk here so against him?

Try listening to the content of his message and the comparing it to the facts. Indeed if you had just followed the opposite of Clownshoes Leitch's various pronouncements then you wouldn't end up far from the current guidelines.

2 hours ago, Rob1885 said:
2 hours ago, scottsdad said:


Supports Airdrie.

That certainly doesn't help. 

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27 minutes ago, Elixir said:



What is this revisionist nonsense? The textbooks have not had to be rewritten in the past twelve months regarding how respiratory viruses spread. Joe Public was more than aware that mass indoor gatherings is probably number one on the list of things that will increase spread. I think the bar is set slightly higher for 'medical professionals' to know better.

Let's not forget about the first nine months when the government and media were poring over any tiny study that 'proved' that "the weans cannae get it!!11!!'" to open up their infection factories. Only for this respiratory virus to act like, erm, every other respiratory virus under the sun and have its spread in the community hypercharged by the school system. Which then forced the government into an utterly humiliating climbdown. An entirely avoidable decision that cost literally thousands of lives, made months after the initial outbreak.

But aye the science definitely evolved on us there.


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14 minutes ago, Burnieman said:

It's a fairly simple point to comprehend. Advice over the last 12 months from politicians to scientists has evolved as they better understand the virus.


Except none of this will stand up to scrutiny at the coming public inquiry. Pretending we didn't know how to mitigate a pandemic or how a respiratory virus spreads prior to Covid-19 is simply wrong. We may have learned more specifics about the virus itself, but pretending we just didn't know in early March 2020 that things like mass public gatherings would make little difference to the course of an epidemic is pure fantasy land pish.

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Except none of this will stand up to scrutiny at the coming public inquiry. Pretending we didn't know how to mitigate a pandemic or how a respiratory virus spreads prior to Covid-19 is simply wrong. We may have learned more specifics about the virus itself, but pretending we just didn't know in early March 2020 that things like mass public gatherings would make little difference to the course of an epidemic is pure fantasy land pish.

Amazing that you knew so much more than anyone else on this. Maybe you should have stepped in at the time and offered your advice and we would all have been in a much better place.

The pontificating from the usual heads gone mob on here continues to be the gift that keeps on giving, I say that as no fan of Leitch, sorry "clownshoes" [emoji85]
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Of all the tropes from the Simps, one of the worst is them getting absolutely schooled in their attempted defences of Clownshoes and squealing "AD LIKE TAE SEE YOU DAE A BETTER JOB!" at a bunch of non-entity VLs on The Pie and Bovril Forum, as if this is a valid argument in favour of The National Clinical Director of the Scottish Government.

The saddest part is I reckon the vast majority of The Main Players could have done a better job!

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Of all the tropes from the Simps, one of the worst is them getting absolutely schooled in their attempted defences of Clownshoes and squealing "AD LIKE TAE SEE YOU DAE A BETTER JOB!" at a bunch of non-entity VLs on The Pie and Bovril Forum, as if this is a valid argument in favour of The National Clinical Director of the Scottish Government.
The saddest part is I reckon the vast majority of The Main Players could have done a better job!
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3 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

Of all the tropes from the Simps, one of the worst is them getting absolutely schooled in their attempted defences of Clownshoes and squealing "AD LIKE TAE SEE YOU DAE A BETTER JOB!" at a bunch of non-entity VLs on The Pie and Bovril Forum, as if this is a valid argument in favour of The National Clinical Director of the Scottish Government.

The saddest part is I reckon the vast majority of The Main Players could have done a better job!



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Yet again some scientists seem desperate to completely disregard the fact that we have multiple vaccines which are currently working far better than expected. Add in that our vaccination program is the only thing we've done well while Europe are fucking theirs up on a massive scale.
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Yet again some scientists seem desperate to completely disregard the fact that we have multiple vaccines which are currently working far better than expected. Add in that our vaccination program is the only thing we've done well while Europe are fucking theirs up on a massive scale.
I think its quite possible despite our vaccination program, to have a third wave. If many of the restrictions are removed while between a third and half the population remains unvaccinated, there will be another spike in cases.

The big difference is those cases shouldn't yield much in the way of serious illness so we shouldn't be too worried about it.
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4 hours ago, Burnieman said:

That's my point.  People change opinion, scientists change advice.  You could probably highlight comments from every politician, scientist and advisor from 12 months ago re Covid and call them out for it based on what we know now.

Even posters on here change their opinion and/or get it wrong...

On 25/10/2020 at 09:00, Jacksgranda said:

I came round to that conclusion a wee while ago. Those that need to (e.g: me, my wife and our daughter) continue to shield as best as possible with very limited contact with others, and those that don't need to shield carry on (with continued social distancing, hand washing, mask wearing etc). 


On 25/10/2020 at 08:42, Jacksgranda said:

The vaccine won't be ready this time next year, never mind for Christmas 2020.


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