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27 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

It's fine to ignore the rules, but it's the things you can't control that are fucking folk.

I've not been able to get a doctors appointment for 2 weeks, and if I do it'll be an over the phone appointment despite it being something a doctor needs to see.

I'm not anticipating it being anything serious, but there's absolutely plenty of folk with major issues who aren't getting seen in time because of this.

'The rules' are not preventing GPs from seeing patients. 

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38 minutes ago, Jan Vojáček said:

That 10 weeks chat has had two impacts on me. Firstly it's put the lingering feeling of misery that followed me about for most of the past year back into the back of my mind. The feeling of dread waiting on an update from the Government on what you can't do now. And that's exhausting.

This is me exactly.

My mental (and physical) health has taken an absolute shoeing over the past year. I'm now double-jagged, most of my mates are now jagged at least once (and will be double-jagged over the next few weeks). I was looking forward to being able to go to the football and spontaneously decide to go for a game of pool or a few pints.

Another ten weeks? Over summer? I don't think I can take much more.

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8 minutes ago, Abdul_Latif said:

Linda Bauld saying on the radio this morning that 10 weeks and the fear pushing is not what Jason Leitch really meant…

Seems like he may be getting reined in a wee bit by others at the trough.

Clownshoes should have been taken off the PR role months ago.

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Anyone kidding on they are listening to these advisors and living to their rules  is either doing it for politically motivated reasons or is a fanny. As I said yesterday I was in a boozer for the game with no one following any guidlines except probably washing their hands after a pish, place was well over capacity, no polis chapping the door or Helen Lovejoy types protesting outside. The govt have to protect their own back so they have to take a doom and gloom approach with their messaging but they know adhering to the rules has been pretty much binned by the public outside of wearing a mask on transport or in shops. I feel for businesses who are getting it tight but kidding on we are in lockdown or under some sort of forced restrictions is on the individual not the general public now. 
You clearly were not in Glasgow city centre pre match or last night. Everywhere following the table service and capacity rules. Queues outside a lot of places because of it. Then BTP on the last train confiscating booze and enforcing masks !!!

Only slight positive is that the mask police at Hampden were universally getting told to GTF and they then reverted to 5 minute interval tannoy announcements which were roundly ignored too thankfully.
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1 hour ago, dirty dingus said:

Anyone kidding on they are listening to these advisors and living to their rules  is either doing it for politically motivated reasons or is a fanny. As I said yesterday I was in a boozer for the game with no one following any guidlines except probably washing their hands after a pish, place was well over capacity, no polis chapping the door or Helen Lovejoy types protesting outside. The govt have to protect their own back so they have to take a doom and gloom approach with their messaging but they know adhering to the rules has been pretty much binned by the public outside of wearing a mask on transport or in shops. I feel for businesses who are getting it tight but kidding on we are in lockdown or under some sort of forced restrictions is on the individual not the general public now. 

You're right.  Capacity crown in Hampden and at the fan-zone yesterday.

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18 minutes ago, Forest_Fifer said:
12 hours ago, Dawson Park Boy said:
Just heard Prof Sikora make exactly that point on GB News.
He reckons we should take to the streets and do our own thing.

Why am I not surprised that you watch GB News...

Well, it’s the only station that takes the line as outlined by nearly every poster on this thread.

Put your prejudices aside and give it a go.

If not, enjoy your Guardian.

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1 hour ago, virginton said:

'The rules' are not preventing GPs from seeing patients. 

Can only speak from my own experience, but mines is making everyone do telephone appointments, and if there's something that needs visually checked then you've to email them a photo first. After the GP has looked at the photo and phoned you, will you then be able to book an appointment to go in.

Whole process between me first phoning the GP for an appointment, and actually seeing a GP, will be over 2 weeks.

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9 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

First game of the season v Killie. I wonder how many fans  will be allowed in come 31st July

1000 is the most we’d get I’d expect.

Edit: When I say we I mean football fans. Don’t think Ayr will have any fans at that game.

Edited by Honest_Man#1
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22 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Well, it’s the only station that takes the line as outlined by nearly every poster on this thread.

Put your prejudices aside and give it a go.

If not, enjoy your Guardian.

can anyone tell me how lockdown vs light/no rules or mask vs no mask has become a right wing against left wing argument, to a fitbaw forum numpty like me it sounds like these things should have f**k all to do with politcal viewpoints 

material face coverings don't make any difference to the spread of microscopic virus particles in enclosed environments , except perhaps to work as a visual reminder so people don't let their guard down, should not be compulsory 

you can't tell a country like the uk to use their common sense when it comes to preventative measures so without some form of emergency laws as many people would simply have had large house party's the whole way through this . however what they did do , by bringing in restrictions, then having a list of exceptions as long as your arm & having very light , if any enforcement of those said restrictions , basically allowed people to use common sense to live their life for most of the pandemic whilst most of the highest risk activities were off limits  .  other European nations had the storm troopers fining people who dared to go for a walk by themselves, for exercising more than 3km from your house or not wearing a mask whilst out in a wide open space by yourself.  which is pointless

none of that is a left or right wing ideology,

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1 hour ago, virginton said:

'The rules' are not preventing GPs from seeing patients. 

My dad has had some serious symptoms recently that have had him worried sick. All he could get was phone appointments with a nurse (who sent him for a covid test, which came back negative, and antibiotics which made no difference). More phone calls, and eventually it took for my mum to get belligerent - which she never does - to get a phone appointment with a GP, who sent him to a nurse practitioner. 

He's had blood tests, and others, and is awaiting an appointment for an X-ray. But all of this - when the government has adverts on TV saying that if you have these exact symptoms, contact your GP - has taken ages and caused a lot of worry. 2 months for someone (not a GP, a nurse practitioner) to even listen to his chest.

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1 hour ago, SweeperDee said:

That’s me pfizered out my tits for the 2nd time. Arm is already hurting and the nurse said side effects might be more pronounced this time around. Work will be fun.

I've got my 2nd this evening and for the first time I'm really not looking forward to going.  Thankfully for society I'm not an utter shitebag.

Eta: I'd imagine that there will be a significant number of folk who'll be put off by the first one and not bother with the second, telling themselves that one should be sufficient.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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2 hours ago, Snafu said:

Who ever is buying up the bonds to cover the national deficit is in charge.

Frustration that every article I see to find out who they are the article always fails to mention who it is. Plenty of eyecatching headlines like WHO DOES THE GOVERNMENT BORROW MONEY FROM? But then goes on to dazzle you with the amount, graphs on spending and borrowing, how the covid is affecting businesses. I'm aware that the Bank of England is one uptaker of the bonds, no mention who the others are. World Bank? USA?, A Nigerian Prince? Dodgy Dave form Dagenham? Amazon?, Microsoft?, Aliens?, Manchester Utd?.

Blind spots, distractions and deflections all over the place.

The Bank of England buy a lot of the bonds through their QE program. They could buy them all if they had to. 

It's very much a reciprocal relationship. If the government cut spending or stopped QE the economy would crash and asset prices would plunge so the idea of the markets disclipining the government is now outdated.

It's also worth remembering that the government spends the money months before they sell the bonds. So in a macro sense they are just borrowing back money they have all ready created out of thin air. 

And finally the national debt only goes in one direction. None of the initial capital will ever be repaid. It will be rolled over for as long as the UK state is borrowing.

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44 minutes ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

can anyone tell me how lockdown vs light/no rules or mask vs no mask has become a right wing against left wing argument, to a fitbaw forum numpty like me it sounds like these things should have f**k all to do with politcal viewpoints 

material face coverings don't make any difference to the spread of microscopic virus particles in enclosed environments , except perhaps to work as a visual reminder so people don't let their guard down, should not be compulsory 

you can't tell a country like the uk to use their common sense when it comes to preventative measures so without some form of emergency laws as many people would simply have had large house party's the whole way through this . however what they did do , by bringing in restrictions, then having a list of exceptions as long as your arm & having very light , if any enforcement of those said restrictions , basically allowed people to use common sense to live their life for most of the pandemic whilst most of the highest risk activities were off limits  .  other European nations had the storm troopers fining people who dared to go for a walk by themselves, for exercising more than 3km from your house or not wearing a mask whilst out in a wide open space by yourself.  which is pointless

none of that is a left or right wing ideology,


44 minutes ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

can anyone tell me how lockdown vs light/no rules or mask vs no mask has become a right wing against left wing argument, to a fitbaw forum numpty like me it sounds like these things should have f**k all to do with politcal viewpoints 

material face coverings don't make any difference to the spread of microscopic virus particles in enclosed environments , except perhaps to work as a visual reminder so people don't let their guard down, should not be compulsory 

you can't tell a country like the uk to use their common sense when it comes to preventative measures so without some form of emergency laws as many people would simply have had large house party's the whole way through this . however what they did do , by bringing in restrictions, then having a list of exceptions as long as your arm & having very light , if any enforcement of those said restrictions , basically allowed people to use common sense to live their life for most of the pandemic whilst most of the highest risk activities were off limits  .  other European nations had the storm troopers fining people who dared to go for a walk by themselves, for exercising more than 3km from your house or not wearing a mask whilst out in a wide open space by yourself.  which is pointless

none of that is a left or right wing ideology,

Thanks for that.

Didnt realise there were, at least, a few sensible people on here.

Your take on this pandemic is spot on.

I have and will continue to do my own thing as much as possible.

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The mixed messaging needs binned as do these so called "scientists". As I said yesterday- why is one death with covid enough to lock the country down, yet no fcks are given about flu/cancer/car crashes/heart attack deaths? Young people who havent had one or two doses of the vaccine are at no risk of death, spinning that as a reason to keep restrictions for weeks is BS that should be called out 


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