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3 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

Tbf at this stage of the vaccination process they should have a date in mind for lifting all restrictions.

This "Level 0" pish is embarrassing. 

Agreed. Even governments around the world that made a bigger c**t of it seem to have plans of how this ends when we don’t.

The Ontario Government in Canada for example have said restrictions reduce as higher percentages get vaccinated.

If we came out and said as soon as 80% of the population is vaccinated you can get out and finger random birds in nightclubs again the younger age group would be rocketed through.

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Agreed. Even governments around the world that made a bigger c**t of it seem to have plans of how this ends when we don’t.
The Ontario Government in Canada for example have said restrictions reduce as higher percentages get vaccinated.
If we came out and said as soon as 80% of the population is vaccinated you can get out and finger random birds in nightclubs again the younger age group would be rocketed through.

Is there any evidence of "the younger age group" being reluctant to get vaccinated? The issue is supply, not people refusing.
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1 hour ago, Wee Bully said:

He’s doing a fantastic job of that, isn’t he?  So yes, i am surprised.  

One government has consistently over promised and then completely failed to deliver.  

.  I don’t recall anyone on here saying Boris is or has done a fantastic job but you absolutely refuse to acknowledge that he had a plan to end this. The day after he wanted to announce the end Sturgeon still hasn’t said where we need to be to end it or what life will be like after it’s ended.  I’m pissed off at Johnson for shitting the bed yesterday which has more immediate impact on me than Sturgeons dithering and fear.

You’re so blinkered in the Sturgeon can do no wrong and Johnson can do no right camp it’s pointless even engaging with you any further.

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7 minutes ago, Left Back said:

.  I don’t recall anyone on here saying Boris is or has done a fantastic job but you absolutely refuse to acknowledge that he had a plan to end this. The day after he wanted to announce the end Sturgeon still hasn’t said where we need to be to end it or what life will be like after it’s ended.  I’m pissed off at Johnson for shitting the bed yesterday which has more immediate impact on me than Sturgeons dithering and fear.

You’re so blinkered in the Sturgeon can do no wrong and Johnson can do no right camp it’s pointless even engaging with you any further.

As far as hot takes go, that’s got to be the hottest.

He did have a plan. Didn’t come off (again) but let’s applaud him anyway.  

If you can point out where i said Sturgeon can do no wrong, i would appreciate it.  Just point to the post.

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There's already vaccines that are mandatory for healthcare workers. If you're a healthcare worker and don't get vaccinated then why are you working in healthcare?

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6 minutes ago, Snafu said:

Not everyone that doesn't want vaccinated an anti vaxer.

Anti vaxers don't want anyone to have the jag, some of those that don't want the vaccine might have personal reasons.

C’mon now, let’s not be silly.   Nearly every single refuser is anti-vax.   Very occasionally there’s heath reasons(much fewer with mRNA than traditional vaccines).   I honestly can’t think of another reason apart  from believing ant-vax bullshit.

I’d be interested if you have one.  

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30 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Minter Island.


Rightly so. Why bother wasting your time with a Government doing its utmost to bankrupt the industry with ridiculous testing for the fully vaccinated and quarantine policies in place for just about every country on the olanst.

Put the planes where they can fly rather than wait for the Government to stop pishing its pants over non-existent variants as an excuse to effectively bar most its population from travelling. 

We can't be far off being the worst impacted in Europe again... 

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The vaccine is still in a trial phase so that will surely be an argument against it becoming mandatory. 
All vaccines that successfully pass stage 3 clinical trials undergo a stage 4 surveillance phase.

Suggesting its still experimental or hasn't been through the usual trials is more antivax pish.
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4 minutes ago, Aladdin said:

All vaccines that successfully pass stage 3 clinical trials undergo a stage 4 surveillance phase.

Suggesting its still experimental or hasn't been through the usual trials is more antivax pish.

Have any vaccines been made mandatory prior to the trial period ending?

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There’s already soft moves to get NHS staff vaccinated 
Compulsory is sledgehammer to crack a walnut stuff,  but if we’re after anti-vaxers then we could use that sledgehammer to crack their skulls instead.  Their choice.

Yeah, my 2nd jab was basically shoehorned in early because most NHS staff are being told they need the 2nd dose pronto. Didn’t have much say in the matter, even considering my 1st dose wasn’t all that long ago, little over a month.
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Have any vaccines been made mandatory prior to the trial period ending?
Given that the UK hasn't had mandatory vaccinations for years that's irrelevant.

If you want to trawl through every mandatory travel vaccine, cross referencing the date it was approved for use against the date any country required it, on you go.

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