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I see BBC saying the 19 July announcement will not include schools measures, the traffic lights system or isolation so those may all still be in place post 19 July. Also suggesting that "organisations" will be given powers to retain mandatory mask wearing if they choose to do so. I suppose we will get a better idea come 5pm

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13 minutes ago, killiepiemuncher said:

An absolute farce.

At least you got to all the best vantage points.

Best vantage points, no queue for a pee and no queue at the burger van was definitely an advantage tbf.

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14 minutes ago, Ron Aldo said:
27 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:

People can say what the like about Richard Madeley but he seems to be one of the few journalists/presenters who asks the type of questions people want answers to.

He's been a pretty good presenter on GMB, asks the questions without it seeming like he's on the attack all the time.

I also watched Dan Walker on the beeb have a go at one of the Tory MPs as she wouldn't say what she would do about masks and continually said she'll follow the policy...Dan Walker kept telling her that was a daft answer if the policy is to do what you think was right...she just would not answer. Same route they all seem to be taking apart from that housing minister.

Edited by EdinburghPar1975
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Guest TheJTS98
20 minutes ago, Ron Aldo said:
33 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:

People can say what the like about Richard Madeley but he seems to be one of the few journalists/presenters who asks the type of questions people want answers to.

Is it a good question though?

Would you expect him to ask a capitalist scientist if their views on individual liberty were clouding their scientific judgement?

Can't say I've heard that asked. It's an extremely loaded question, and far from evidence of impartial journalism, whatever you think of the rights and wrongs of her views.

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16 minutes ago, TheJTS98 said:

Is it a good question though?

Would you expect him to ask a capitalist scientist if their views on individual liberty were clouding their scientific judgement?

Can't say I've heard that asked. It's an extremely loaded question, and far from evidence of impartial journalism, whatever you think of the rights and wrongs of her views.

Of course it’s a good question, any scientist letting their political views interfere with their job should be thoroughly questioned on that - particularly when these people are trying to stoke up fear in the media. 

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21 minutes ago, anotherchance said:

Looks like the obsession with cases (without any attempt at context) is continuing, based on social media today.

Aberdeenshire Council are sending out various vehicles to find as many asymptomatic cases as possible it would seem.


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22 minutes ago, EdinburghPar1975 said:

He's been a pretty good presenter on GMB, asks the questions without it seeming like he's on the attack all the time.

I also watched Dan Walker on the beeb have a go at one of the Tory MPs as she wouldn't say what she would do about masks and continually said she'll follow the policy...Dan Walker kept telling her that was a daft answer if the policy is to do what you think was right...she just would not answer. Same route they all seem to be taking apart from that housing minister.

Tif, I think she was holding back because Boris is outlining the policy at 5pm.

I would imagine it will need to be outlined to Parliament at the same time or slightly before as the Speaker was scathing to the Tories on the last occasion they bypassed Parliament, correctly so.

Mind you, where is the SG on all this? 

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50 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Dont know, most of the doctors i know accept its largely safety theatre in most settings and not really stopping much unless its ffp3. 

I mean id happily see fags banned too, nothing worse than having to walk through a mist of woodbine going past a pub etc. Agree though on the masks. 

Yeah, I hate fags as well, but if others like that kind of thing they can bash on.

38 minutes ago, Michael W said:

Didn't realise you could vaccinate your car against wear and tear. 

These types of people need help.

21 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:


Genuinely no idea how gimps like him get such social media followings. Absolute worst c**ts.

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Guest TheJTS98
1 minute ago, No_Problemo said:

Of course it’s a good question, any scientist letting their political views interfere with their job should be thoroughly questioned on that - particularly when these people are trying to stoke up fear in the media. 

So, when any capitalist guests go on the show and speak in favour of loosening restrictions, the presenter should adopt a faux-concerned tone and undermine their views to the audience by implying they are completely ideologically informed by their prioritising the rights of the individual over all else?

Because it's the same thing.

Do you think the station should just begin each interview by questioning each guest on their view of the works of John Stuart Mill?

That question is McCarthy-era bullshit.

Just because you disagree with the guest, you don't need to defend appalling public discourse.

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On a serious note, those tweets on car safety have really pissed me off. They are a huge false equivalence and are misleading. You can forgive some random bloke on twitter (who happens to support the Green party), even if what he's saying is wrong, but David Schneider has over half a million followers and his words carry weight. Admittedly they do so within a certain twitter demographic/bubble, but it's substantial. 

We have vaccines against coronavirus. The UK's case figures show that these vaccines are effective; they do not stop the virus entirely, but they reduce cases amongst the vaccinated cohorts, they reduce the liklihood of severe disease and death. 

We do not have vaccines that prevent car crashes, or lessen the impact of them. Hence, seatbelts are required and we have speed limits in place as well as a multitude of other things in place like airbags and crumple zones to mitigate the consequences of car crashes. 

To draw a parallel between car crashes and covid is therefore a false comparison. There is no rational basis of comparison here and the comparison is insulting. Not only is it misleading, but it also ignores the impact that vaccines have on the virus. Now, David Schneider is not an anti-vaxxer, and I've no reason to believe that the bloke whose tweet I posted is either. But their words are downplaying the impact vaccination has had, in order to score points about mask wearing. I don't know why people continue to ignore them or pretend they aren't having an impact when it's abundantly clear for all to see. 

Nine months ago, I accepted (much as they were annoying) masks and the rest of it because we didn't have vaccines to reduce the spread of the virus or mitigate its impacts. We do now - we have moved on and the measures we had previously have been superceded. The vaccines protect the vaccinated person, but, crucially, they also protect the wider public too by reducing prevalence of the virus. Therefore, those that do not want to wear a mask are not exactly the selfish, horrible lepers that some make them out to be. 

They might well argue that vaccines don't stop people getting the virus and they would be right. Guess what? Neither does social distancing or mask wearing. 

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There's a universally accepted lanyard to prove exemption so no need for anyone genuinely exempt to be challenged. Yet to see the store mask police down here challenge anyone wearing the exemption lanyard.
Our local Asda has been a free-for-all throughout this regards face masks. Never seen anyone challenged even without a lanyard.
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You need to recover the username first (even if you have one on your letter). Then recover the password using that username. 
It can take a day or so after your first dose for your record to be activated and accessible. 

I’ve tried that, I don’t have any letters as the vaccine was arranged through work (Ninewells). It’s not recognising my details at all so kinda stuck.
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If people want to use motoring analogies, then if car crashes are the virus, MOTs, traffic lights, road markings, speed limits and seatbelts are the vaccine.

They don’t stop crashes (catching the virus) or crash-related (virus-related) deaths, but they reduce them to such a low level that we’re prepared to accept them as a consequence of driving (living our lives) being legal. 

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2 minutes ago, TheJTS98 said:

So, when any capitalist guests go on the show and speak in favour of loosening restrictions, the presenter should adopt a faux-concerned tone and undermine their views to the audience by implying they are completely ideologically informed by their prioritising the rights of the individual over all else?

Because it's the same thing.

Do you think the station should just begin each interview by questioning each guest on their view of the works of John Stuart Mill?

That question is McCarthy-era bullshit.

Just because you disagree with the guest, you don't need to defend appalling public discourse.

Given that the new Health minister is a massive fan of Ayn Rand who valued the individual over society at all costs, it's a fair question.

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