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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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5 minutes ago, 101 said:

Rest assured should you be photographed wearing it; at a rally against something that stopped happening the day before the rally, you will be branded as a VL and rightly so imo.

Going to wear it away at Cove the night.

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Forgive me if I’ve misunderstood but is the argument being made that as we are in summer the drop in deaths is not due to vaccines, it’s due to seasonality? And the rise in cases is due to increased testing. The inference being that when we hit winter deaths will rise and we will find the vaccines have actually been ineffective?

This supposes that the drops in cases, hospitalisations and deaths earlier this year were due to lockdown rather than vaccines. But those drops were far sharper in the groups that were vaccinated earliest - how does that tie in to this narrative? The current wave has seen people in hospital of a different profile in the less vaccinated populations. If vaccines don’t work why are we seeing this?

Edit: This also assumes that we had a huge infection wave last summer that didn’t result in deaths, hospitalisation or positive test results. It doesn’t seem likely to me.

Edited edit: Testing also isn’t ten times higher than it was last summer, it was about three or four times higher.

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5 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Forgive me if I’ve misunderstood but is the argument being made that as we are in summer the drop in deaths is not due to vaccines, it’s due to seasonality? And the rise in cases is due to increased testing. The inference being that when we hit winter deaths will rise and we will find the vaccines have actually been ineffective?

This supposes that the drops in cases, hospitalisations and deaths earlier this year were due to lockdown rather than vaccines. But those drops were far sharper in the groups that were vaccinated earliest - how does that tie in to this narrative? The current wave has seen people in hospital of a different profile in the less vaccinated populations. If vaccines don’t work why are we seeing this?

Edit: This also assumes that we had a huge infection wave last summer that didn’t result in deaths, hospitalisation or positive test results. It doesn’t seem likely to me.

Edited edit: Testing also isn’t ten times higher than it was last summer, it was about three or four times higher.

It's just Detourement talking absolute mince/attention seeking/trolling as usual.

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Now we've got some c**t saying we shouldn't be following the science but following common sense [emoji23]
Where was this genius a few months ago?

Why did we bother putting millions into those brilliant vaccines when we could have saved ourselves the bother and just relied on common sense instead.
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Where was this genius a few months ago?

Why did we bother putting millions into those brilliant vaccines when we could have saved ourselves the bother and just relied on common sense instead.
Tbf if we relied on common sense the death toll would be phenomenal with the amount of morons kicking about
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1 hour ago, SANTAN said:

I wish everyone would stop switching sides and suddenly riding for their opps it's making my petty dotting decisions harder to make each time. I don't know who is who anymore. 

They should change username along with their viewpoints to avoid confusion. 


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The Dow Jones appears to continue to shit itself and American has put us in their Level 4 "do not travel" list bad news for any hope of getting school holiday makers over there this summer.

Hopefully see furlough extended for the travel sector which looks a long long way off normality which is a real shame.

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2 hours ago, Detournement said:

We don't have like for like data about transmission in summer because of Delta Vs Alpha

Hold on.

Are you seriously suggesting that there was only one variant (alpha) kicking about last year? Behave.

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I have to say that although I agree with having to open up and start getting back to normality; however in my work there are numerous youngsters (previously fit and healthy) in the COVID HDU/ICU in Ninewells absolutely floored by COVID, some single jabbed and some no jabbed. It’s an utterly bizarre virus, because even some people who catch it and aren’t vaccinated barely get ill but others who are either jabbed or not jabbed get seriously ill from it. I don’t know how the country at large can deal with this in a long term way because it seems to be making people ill in a random manner with no clear demographic pattern (aside from the really elderly).

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15 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Hold on.

Are you seriously suggesting that there was only one variant (alpha) kicking about last year? Behave.

The present dominant variant is constantly described as being far more transmittable than previous variants here. 

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Just now, Detournement said:

The present dominant variant is constantly described as being far more transmittable than previous variants here. 

The South African variant was constantly described as being "70% more transmissible" before turning out to be pish.

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3 hours ago, Mark Connolly said:

I don't think she knows the meaning of any of those words.

My thoughts exactly. Even "leading".

Also, the lad who looked absolutely devastated at losing his Facebook account for using obvious trigger words? At first I just thought "what a clown", but then I felt sad because there are so, so many like him out there. It won't be the virus that finishes humankind - it'll be narcissistic stupidity. 

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11 minutes ago, SweeperDee said:

I have to say that although I agree with having to open up and start getting back to normality; however in my work there are numerous youngsters (previously fit and healthy) in the COVID HDU/ICU in Ninewells absolutely floored by COVID, some single jabbed and some no jabbed. It’s an utterly bizarre virus, because even some people who catch it and aren’t vaccinated barely get ill but others who are either jabbed or not jabbed get seriously ill from it. I don’t know how the country at large can deal with this in a long term way because it seems to be making people ill in a random manner with no clear demographic pattern (aside from the really elderly).

We will move on at large as the numbers of these people being "floored" by the virus aren't enough to overwhelm the NHS, which is why we've been doing this shit in the first place. We really can't be basing how to move forward on your work place or any other work place, we should be watching the data and acting accordingly but we're even struggling with that right now. There could be anything wrong with these guys in your work without you knowing about it previously, the ones saying they've had a vaccine could be lying too for fear of being called all the c***s. All of the data shows HUGE reductions in death and serious illness yet folk still seem to think we'll need to lockdown again. I've said about every 6 months through the pandemic but it's still true - we've lost sight of what we're doing here, it's become a political "I care more than you" game rather than based on giving people their freedom or livelihoods back. 

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