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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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14 hours ago, dirty dingus said:

FFS, Matt Hancock want to give all us carers a wee badge. My life is complete.

Probably sums up the response to this whole tragic affair. 

"Thousands have died, and over 700 people are dying a day. We absolutely and completely forgot to consider our society's most vulnerable people in care homes, and those receiving care at home, to the point where we don't even know how many of them have died.

We didn't ensure, or even regulate, the standard and supply of ppe to staff, or through the care commission, provide guidance on visits from outsiders to care homes, or isolation of people with symptoms. No testing either.

But never mind that shit, we've worked hard all day at drawing them a logo. They didn't even have a logo ffs. We've fixed that issue now. 

So stand on your doorstep and clap please."

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9 hours ago, mizfit said:

That’s the girlfriends granny away. She’d been diagnosed with terminal cancer a year ago and had been confirmed with Coronavirus last week.

Fucking awful.

Sooner this is over the better.

That's tough. When grannies die the grandchildren sometimes take it harder than their parents.

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9 hours ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Some Welsh talking head was on the news saying mass gatherings should/could be banned for a year. He failed to mention how many people constitute a “mass”. 

A priest + one other...

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8 hours ago, Brother Blades said:

My girlfriend is a care worker & had the first death (confirmed) at her care home today.
She spent 3 hours with the unfortunate gentleman last night, she has sat with plenty others when they’ve passed and said this mans last few hours were horrific. fortunately (for her), the resident made it through the night. He received 3 separate visits from NHS nursing staff between 10pm & 6am to administer morphine etc.
He passed away this morning. I’ve always taken this seriously, but when your partner comes home from work after going through that, it does make a difference. One of the NHS nurses commented that the care home staffs PPE was equivalent to what would be expected in a sandwich shop... Stay safe everyone.

Regarding the lack of suitable PPE, it makes me think of Chernobyl and how the brits were quick to shake their heads and tut tut about the army guys and labourers being sent in to sweep up all the radioactive gear that would almost certainly result in serious illness or death.

This is over 30 years on and our own government are effectively sending frontline care workers and NHS workers into a similar situation and similarly ill equipped.

Yes, it's being talked about but that's not good enough, our media and mp's and even the unions need to be doing far more as it's a national disgrace which is quickly becoming a national tragedy by the day.

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What is this let's raise money for the NHS that on BBC this morning, it's really infuriating me.

Taxation should adequately pay for it.

Charities are picking up the tab more often than they should already, due to austerity.

Yeah let's pay twice for NHS, because government can't manage it correctly as theyneed more cash for their pals, second homes, coke and whores 

You really couldn't make this shit up and people are buying into it, morons.

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14 minutes ago, throbber said:

He’ll tear him a new hoop. I will be watching.

Just started watching and noticed on the bottom right of the screen a NHS National Charities Appeal - text CLAP and donate a fiver to NHS.  Now just a advert about it.....wtf is that all about, why is the government not paying for this.  I'm I missing something here, has the UK just one big charity country now run by the handouts, while the Tories, well Tory away.

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9 minutes ago, SlipperyP said:

Just started watching and noticed on the bottom right of the screen a NHS National Charities Appeal - text CLAP and donate a fiver to NHS.  Now just a advert about it.....wtf is that all about, why is the government not paying for this.  I'm I missing something here, has the UK just one big charity country now run by the handouts, while the Tories, well Tory away.

Heading in the same direction as the USA where 'philanthropist' billionaires, who have done their utmost to avoid paying tax, donate to charity and are lauded for it.


Having said that, I'd like a system where I could choose where my tax was spent. Not on the monarchy, nukes, etc.

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The Daily Mail has this:-


An extra 2,600 people a week are dying from non-coronavirus causes as 'disturbed' experts say Britons are struggling to get treatment amid the crisis

On the comments section most folk  seem to be interpreting this as ' too much time, money, resources being spent on a stupid virus'.


Edited by cyderspaceman
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Just now, throbber said:

There is a 99 year old army veteran who’s doing 100 laps of his garden to raise money for the NHS and he’s raised £12 million sheets and counting. The NHS isn’t a charity but if it can guilt trip a few Tory c***s then so be it.

Let's see a scoreboard of Tory c**t donations v the Rest.

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6 minutes ago, throbber said:

There is a 99 year old army veteran who’s doing 100 laps of his garden to raise money for the NHS and he’s raised £12 million sheets and counting. The NHS isn’t a charity but if it can guilt trip a few Tory c***s then so be it.

Yes I was reading about that.  In bold no chance of that happening, this is exactly how they like to play.  The less paid out by the Government and more "good charity work" what is done. Is good for community spirit and all that shite....Tinpot of a country.  6th Richest country in the world DON'T YOU KNOW. 

eta- lost my illegal stream of ITV interview....posting from my jungle mud hut. 

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1 hour ago, PauloPerth said:

Probably sums up the response to this whole tragic affair. 

"Thousands have died, and over 700 people are dying a day. We absolutely and completely forgot to consider our society's most vulnerable people in care homes, and those receiving care at home, to the point where we don't even know how many of them have died.

We didn't ensure, or even regulate, the standard and supply of ppe to staff, or through the care commission, provide guidance on visits from outsiders to care homes, or isolation of people with symptoms. No testing either.

But never mind that shit, we've worked hard all day at drawing them a logo. They didn't even have a logo ffs. We've fixed that issue now. 

So stand on your doorstep and clap please."

My step-son works in a care home. As a severe asthmatic he's on the list for self isolation but his manager told him to come into work or he wouldn't get paid. Management told carers to take off face masks as they were frightening the residents. PPE is kept in a locked stationary cupboard and only issued in extremis - like at the weekend when two elderly women were found wandering the Covid Wards of a nearby hospital. Management said they "must have wandered off" but what actually happened was they were driven by the manager and an assistant (clad head to toe in PPE) to the hospital and dumped at the door, where they were told to "Go and find a nurse".


Every morning this manager phones my stepson and tells him to come to work or he won't get paid. His Union rep says to tell them to f**k off as it's managers working off their own bat, against official guidelines and it's happening all over Glasgow. 


I think the main government failing with regards to care homes was underfunding the sector to the extent that the good managers left for the private sector, leaving some absolute muppets to run the Council homes. 

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