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Some of your posts astound me.  
However well intentioned this old guy is his actions don’t help, they provide a distraction and a deflection from the issue of NHS funding.
Don't be so fucking ridiculous.

Of course the effectiveness of the money will depend on exactly how he donated it (locally, or with clear stipulations).

Then there's the very important point that a lot of people want (and actually need) a sign of positivity on the news just to break up the constant stream of graphs and death figures.

The idea that this hinders things is tinfoil hat stuff. I suppose he's part of some big tory conspiracy.
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42 minutes ago, bendan said:

Scotland's tinpot death reporting continues:

9 Apr - 81

10 Apr - 48

11 Apr - 47

12 Apr - 24

13 Apr - 9

14 Apr - 40

15 Apr - 84

Does any other country compare?

It doesn't matter too much in itself, but if we are to relax the lockdown, we'll need a serious number of people doing testing, tracing and (managing) isolating. No indication at all that we have the capability to do that.

What has happened here? Is that 84 yesterday the actual number from the previous 24 hours, plus a backlog from the holiday weekend?

If that is the case either 84 is a very good sign, or there must still be some to be added on.

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12 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

This is a really petty point to make.
Tl, dr

'I don't know what or who by, but something must be done'

The old boy mentioned in the quote at the top has decided to do something proactive but a lot of us prefer to sit and have a pop at everything and everyone on the internet.

That's great and nobody should be sneering at him , however that's not really the point.

The point is that It's a national bloody disgrace that our Health service has and is seen as an inconvenience by many and the whole point is that a country such as the UK should NOT need to rely on an old bloke pushing 100 to try and raise money for a state owned and run institution.

Let's be clear, we're spending upwards of £100 Billion (potentially up to £200 Billion) on a ridiculous rail link that isn't required and which will only serve a very small percentage of the country, which ironically, is already the best served area of the country.

The country is a joke.

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1 minute ago, pandarilla said:

Don't be so fucking ridiculous.

Of course the effectiveness of the money will depend on exactly how he donated it (locally, or with clear stipulations).

Then there's the very important point that a lot of people want (and actually need) a sign of positivity on the news just to break up the constant stream of graphs and death figures.

The idea that this hinders things is tinfoil hat stuff. I suppose he's part of some big tory conspiracy.

It’s not a Tory conspiracy but it’s a headline on every media outlet when the real headlines should be about NHS underfunding and how the Tories and DUP voted against a pay rise for nurses in 2017.

I sometimes think blissful naivety is the worst enemy of progress.

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17 hours ago, Herman Hessian said:

yeah - don't you think it'd be better if the electorate had a choice of two viable potential governments rather than feeling coerced in to voting for one party against their collective conscience simply because the other are so limited ?

utopian maybe, but bi-partisanship works for everyone's benefit if there's a sensible opposition in place to challenge the incumbents, rather than allowing them to coast along unchallenged and pretty much do as they please on a whim, safe in the knowledge that they'll be returned again at the next election

anyway - politics forum for this pish - apologies for going off piste...

Are you a little Englander?

You cannae think of another option?


And you’re the numpty who posted this in the virus forum


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13 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

What has happened here? Is that 84 yesterday the actual number from the previous 24 hours, plus a backlog from the holiday weekend?

If that is the case either 84 is a very good sign, or there must still be some to be added on.

I don't think the numbers have ever been the actual number of deaths in the last 24 hours. Like confirmed cases (where test results can take days to come through) it seems to be about the point at which they are counted, which is subject to the staffing levels and working hours of those doing the counting. There was also a big drop in test results confirmed (fell to a low of 699) over the weekend, and in fact we are generally not testing any more than we did  two weeks ago (about 1100 to 1200 a day).

I think the only thing we can know from the figures is that Scotland does not, even in a national emergency, have the capability to test and report in a timely and accurate manner.

Edit to add: Best stats seem to be coming from the ambulance service - number of covid-suspected patients taken to hospital by ambulance is down to about 260 on Apr 14 from a peak of over 400.

Edited by bendan
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1 minute ago, Alert Mongoose said:

If this strain had a 100% death rate would the world have been organised enough to build an underground shelter and select some people to be put in there? How would they decide who to send and how many would need to to ensure a wide enough gene pool?



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5 minutes ago, bendan said:

I don't think the numbers have ever been the actual number of deaths in the last 24 hours. Like confirmed cases (where test results can take days to come through) it seems to be about the point at which they are counted, which is subject to the staffing levels and working hours of those doing the counting. There was also a big drop in test results confirmed (fell to a low of 699) over the weekend, and in fact we are generally not testing any more than we did  two weeks ago (about 1100 to 1200 a day).

I think the only thing we can know from the figures is that Scotland does not, even in a national emergency, have the capability to test and report in a timely and accurate manner.

Edit to add: Best stats seem to be coming from the ambulance service - number of covid-suspected patients taken to hospital by ambulance is down to about 260 on Apr 14 from a peak of over 400.

The deaths are reported as they were recorded as opposed to when the person physically stopped breathing and I'd say this is the only way you can report it.

Previously the registry office only opened 5 days, however this has now changed to 7 so the figures should now be more accurate, however there was an Easter holiday which quite obviously skewed the figures, not just here I may add, but throughout both the UK and Europe.

Incidentally, Scotland's reporting appears to me to be streets ahead of England's as we're providing figures for the care home deaths, home deaths and a complete breakdown and explanation of these figures as per the report released yesterday.

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That's great and nobody should be sneering at him , however that's not really the point.
The point is that It's a national bloody disgrace that our Health service has and is seen as an inconvenience by many and the whole point is that a country such as the UK should NOT need to rely on an old bloke pushing 100 to try and raise money for a state owned and run institution.
Let's be clear, we're spending upwards of £100 Billion (potentially up to £200 Billion) on a ridiculous rail link that isn't required and which will only serve a very small percentage of the country, which ironically, is already the best served area of the country.
The country is a joke.
The nhs does not rely on this money, that's just not true.

He started out to raise 1000 quid and it went viral.

The news is covering it because folk need to feel a bit of positivity in amongst the gloom. A lot of folk still get the vast majority of their news from the traditional methods. Now that's not a healthy state of affairs in terms of media ownership in this country but to suggest it's a big plot to distract is just ludicrous. It's a positive human interest story at a time of crisis.

And again you've ended with an empty platitude, the very definition of daily mail thinking - "this country is a joke".

I guarantee you'd be saying exactly the same no matter which country you lived in.

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2 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

You have a soft spot for this keep calm and carry on birthday caird pish so you'll always defend it as lifting the nation's spirits, maybe it does for some. For other's it's no different to stuff like smiling tories or liberal democrats being pictured opening a food bank.

It also plays into a wartime blitz spirit narrative that is very definitely being pushed by the media because it implies rolling your sleeves up and getting stuck in is praiseworthy while criticising shortcomings is a cowardly moral failing. I somehow doubt if this old boy had a beard and wore a shalwar he'd get so many headlines. It appeals to a certain kind of person (you're not one of them) who really needs to have the wider issues about funding and governance thrust under their noses. Too bad they'll just be clicking like on facebook and moving on.

Yes, it's like being asked to donate to the Department of Trade and Industry or the Department of Transport to assist with the construction of HS2. Would people think this is a good cause ?? 

I doubt it, but there's really no difference.

Who knows, maybe the old boy could try that as his next project ??

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It’s not a Tory conspiracy but it’s a headline on every media outlet when the real headlines should be about NHS underfunding and how the Tories and DUP voted against a pay rise for nurses in 2017.
I sometimes think blissful naivety is the worst enemy of progress.
I completely agree with you about the lack of a decent media in this country. The right have always had a firm grip.

But this is undoubtedly a national crisis and sitting back with a 'i told you so' attitude is a pretty shite approach to take. A lot of folk are genuinely worried and struggling and are trying to get used to unprecedented circumstances.

This thread is a mixture of lovely nurses pics, some brilliant articles, some very good posts made by folk who know the detail and keep folk right (see the most recent post by brendan), and posts that just moan about everything or everyone.

It's these last ones that annoy me.
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2 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

The nhs does not rely on this money, that's just not true.

He started out to raise 1000 quid and it went viral.

The news is covering it because folk need to feel a bit of positivity in amongst the gloom. A lot of folk still get the vast majority of their news from the traditional methods. Now that's not a healthy state of affairs in terms of media ownership in this country but to suggest it's a big plot to distract is just ludicrous. It's a positive human interest story at a time of crisis.

And again you've ended with an empty platitude, the very definition of daily mail thinking - "this country is a joke".

I guarantee you'd be saying exactly the same no matter which country you lived in.

I don't know where to start with this being honest, but I'll try.

1. They do, because they're underfunded and staff have insufficient equipment including PPE.

2. Feelgood comic style facebook pish for the moronic masses.

3. It IS a joke, but I say that through years of experience of living through various debacles which could and would be avoided in countries with decent Government, such as Germany as an example.

4. I can't answer that, as I DON'T stay in any other country and you most certainly CAN'T guarantee it.

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23 minutes ago, Alert Mongoose said:

If this strain had a 100% death rate would the world have been organised enough to build an underground shelter and select some people to be put in there? How would they decide who to send and how many would need to to ensure a wide enough gene pool?

i'd like to think that the coordinators would have found this thread and tracked down the majority of the young ladies in your many fine nurse pics for inclusion as a starting point...

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You have a soft spot for this keep calm and carry on birthday caird pish so you'll always defend it as lifting the nation's spirits, maybe it does for some. For other's it's no different to stuff like smiling tories or liberal democrats being pictured opening a food bank.
It also plays into a wartime blitz spirit narrative that is very definitely being pushed by the media because it implies rolling your sleeves up and getting stuck in is praiseworthy while criticising shortcomings is a cowardly moral failing. What is the relevance of him being a medalled war hero? I somehow doubt if this old boy had a beard and wore a shalwar he'd get so many headlines. It appeals to a certain kind of person (you're not one of them) who really needs to have the wider issues about funding and governance thrust under their noses. Too bad they'll just be clicking like on facebook and moving on.
I can't argue with any of this.

My wee boy is 5 and last night he came up after watching the news with his mum and said he wanted to donate some of his money (a literal piggy bank ffs) to this old man. What can you say?

"no son, not until the government commit to ending the long term austerity that has been thrust upon our nation by a media - controlled establishment that want to keep their tax avoidance in place"

I'd seen the story and you're right, it's not my cup of tea, but i think it gives a lot of folk some hope and positivity, and who the f**k am i to have a pop about that? If my wee boy wants to donate the money today I'll do it (I'll take his cash and make the online donation - although i might tell him that I'll double his contribution due to my own guilt).

One of my pals is a techy teacher and i found out yesterday he's making 300 face masks a day using the 3d printer he has in the dept, and he's supplying local folk that need it. It's not a massive deal but he's doing something positive and productive.

You can either get involved and try to make a small difference or you can sit and moan. And don't get me wrong, there are plenty of criticisms to be made, but they have to be tempered appropriately. The tories in charge would love to fix some of these things but there are complex issues preventing them, and anyone suggesting easy fixes needs to be telt.
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I don't know where to start with this being honest, but I'll try.
1. They do, because they're underfunded and staff have insufficient equipment including PPE.
2. Feelgood comic style facebook pish for the moronic masses.
3. It IS a joke, but I say that through years of experience of living through various debacles which could and would be avoided in countries with decent Government, such as Germany as an example.
4. I can't answer that, as I DON'T stay in any other country and you most certainly CAN'T guarantee it.
The ppe issue right now is not one of funding. I don't disagree about years of underfunding and some of those issues had an effect but the current issue is not one about money.
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