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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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45 minutes ago, virginton said:

If you close the schools at the beginning of an outbreak then the snotty kids only have the common cold and not the coronavirus though. The respective UK governments will close the schools eventually and by that point the chances of infection are much higher.

The reality is that the UK governments don't want the issue of finding childcare to be on their political agenda right now as well as weighing down the economy as a whole. So instead we're keeping them open and pretending that having every adult work from home and postponing a few Montrose games is a legit delaying strategy.


When would you have closed the schools? Seems to have emerged in Hunan in November, nobody was being tested here till much later, and in low numbers. Most people shake it off not too differently from bad flu, so it could have been in the general population at an early stage. I really doubt the Government strategy is about hiding their failure to invest in childcare, and am not sure who you suggest should be doing it.

Edited by welshbairn
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5 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

When would you have closed the schools? Seems to have emerged in Hunan in November, nobody was being tested here till much later, and in low numbers. Most people shake it off not too differently from bad flu, so it could have been in the general population at an early stage.

A: When evidence of sustained local transmission of the virus in the UK emerged, which was weeks ago. The Czech Republic and many other countries have already shut their schools for this very reason, while having a fraction of the UK's case total. If you want to shut down transmission of an airborne epidemic, you close the schools first. This is really straightforward stuff.


I really doubt the Government strategy is about hiding their failure to invest in childcare, and am not sure who you suggest should be doing it.

I didn't refer to investment in childcare at all. The issue is that parents will be pissed off at the inconvenience of getting their children looked after and this will have an additional hit on the economy. If the UK governments were following best public health practice though, they'd have closed the schools regardless.

What's actually happening here is that the 'top medical experts' that every government in the Western world claims to be listening to simply produce a laundry list of policy measures that could limit the spread of the virus: some being obviously more useful than others. Then each government picks and chooses the ones that it thinks are both economically tolerable and will fly with its electorate. This is why the responses of governments across Europe and the US have been contradicting each other at every single turn, based on similar 'expert advice'.

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46 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Why do we have US interns in Holyrood?

It saves the CIA buying more microphones

6 minutes ago, ThatBoyRonaldo said:

Why do we have US interns in Holyrood?It's a nonsense scheme the parliament does in conjunction with Edinburgh Uni whereby a bunch of Politics masters students from the states get to study abroad here for a year and part of the deal is they get assigned to MSPs or parties as interns. So free labour for the MSPs, 'experience' for the Americans and it must make the uni more attractive in drawing exchange students. Presumably someone in the parliament management also views it as good potential 'soft power' for Scotland as well.


Or possibly that.

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Just want to apologise for the crass comments earlier in this thread.
Basically I know if either of my parents gets this then its extremely likely that's it.
I read about the italian situation and went a bit hysterical that the uk wasnt stopping people going to work.
Obviously if people could afford to they wouldn't go, it's not their fault and having a go was out of order.
It was just utter nonsense from me and I was panicking and looking for someone to blame for everything.
I hope everyone on here gets through this and that their loved ones are all ok.
Dropped of some messages for them tonight and thought that could be the last time I see them.
Just wish there was some way of helping but it seems a bit like an inevitability that cases will increase.

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7 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Looks like the organiser is totally fucked.


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The numbers are pretty terrifying. The experts in the press conference understandably didn't want to give a headline number of how many will die, but some basic calculations gives you their number going by their own figures.

UK population 66 million. They agreed with Merkel's statement that 70% will get infected, and that their upper estimate was actually more like 80%. And they were very confident that the death rate is 1%.

So 46 million will be infected if we go with the more conservative 70% figure, 1% of that is 462,000 deaths.

That's not factoring people who may die from the knock-on effect of other healthcare services being affected. Plus the significant economic impacts. Then apply similar figures to other countries around the world.

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1 minute ago, Diamonds are Forever said:

The numbers are pretty terrifying. The experts in the press conference understandably didn't want to give a headline number of how many will die, but some basic calculations gives you their number going by their own figures.

UK population 66 million. They agreed with Merkel's statement that 70% will get infected, and that their upper estimate was actually more like 80%. And they were very confident that the death rate is 1%.

So 46 million will be infected if we go with the more conservative 70% figure, 1% of that is 462,000 deaths.

That's not factoring people who may die from the knock-on effect of other healthcare services being affected. Plus the significant economic impacts. Then apply similar figures to other countries around the world.

No wonder we won the war when ze Germans give up like that.

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52 minutes ago, charon said:

You can pass it to a dug, said dug cannot pass it to you.


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9 minutes ago, Diamonds are Forever said:

The numbers are pretty terrifying. The experts in the press conference understandably didn't want to give a headline number of how many will die, but some basic calculations gives you their number going by their own figures.

UK population 66 million. They agreed with Merkel's statement that 70% will get infected, and that their upper estimate was actually more like 80%. And they were very confident that the death rate is 1%.

So 46 million will be infected if we go with the more conservative 70% figure, 1% of that is 462,000 deaths.

That's not factoring people who may die from the knock-on effect of other healthcare services being affected. Plus the significant economic impacts. Then apply similar figures to other countries around the world.

Except that wasn’t what was said.

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